ios - Cocos2d sprites not working on device -

My game works well in the simulator but there are problems with sprites on the device, so a line will return an error like this:

  img = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName: @ "img.png"];   

then: Failure in - [CCSprite initWithTestructure: rect:], / user / new user / document / uni / lbs / cocos 2d / CCSprist M: 171

Someone suggested that some devices can not handle more than 1024 × 1024 cellsheets, is this true? Because my is 1024x2048, but 2 spritesheets are very hard to make, so I was looking for confirmation of this before?

Thank you.

old devices from 3GS (iPhone 3G, iPod 1 and 2) are limited to 1024 * 1024 textures new Devices can be used up to 2048 * 2048


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