c# - WebBrowser Control update hidden field -
I'm trying to change the value in the hidden field in the webbrowser control.
I can inject a warning box that displays JavaScript. I can show the alert box to the current value of the hidden area. However, I can not get to change the price of the hidden area
I have tried to change the value (TB Webbroser control) by doing this:
HtmlElement head = tb.Document.GetElementsByTagName ("head") [0 ]; HtmlElement script EL = TB Document Crate Element ("script"); IHTMLScriptElement element = (IHTMLScriptElement) scriptEl.DomElement; Element.text = "function doIt () {document.getElementById ('Test Hydfied'). Value = 'Hello World'; Warning ('Update');}"; Head.AppendChild (scriptEl); Tb.Document.InvokeScript ("Chart"); The above warning pops up.
And I have tried to:
tb.Document.Body.InnerHtml = Tb.Document.Body.InnerHtml.Replace ("MyValue", "YourValue "); In the above I see that InHHMM changes during debugging.
However, the value will never change when the page is loading and I am viewing the source.
Also, though I can inject JavaScript and pop up this warning, I am never able to find javascript int.
What's going on? What am i doing
Thank you!
I am doing this document in a compilation event.
I'm not using the viewsto
Another update:
I have a This area added a non-hidden text field this time.
& lt; Input type = "hidden" id = "TestHiddenField" value = "MyValue" name = "TestHiddenField" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "testField" value = "myValue" name = "TestField" /> This is when I do this:
tb.Document.Body.InnerHtml = tb.Document.Body.InnerHtml.Replace (" MyValue "," Your Velocity "); When the webbrowser reads the page in control, the text box displays the text "YourValue", but when I look at the source, the value is still equal to "MyValue" .
What's up with that?
Any thoughts?
Thanks again!
Unless the page is loading after you will have to wait for Document Compiled Event to fire.
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