append - Jquery Multiple "this" -
I have this function and second then the first second There are several rows in this table, so I need to make sure that I do not think there is a function named in jQuery in Change your code: <($ Externallink.length & gt; 0) {// $ (this) .closest ('tr'). Children ('.filter'). ('& Lt; p & gt; Exam & lt; / p & gt;'); $ (This) .clostest ('tr'). .filter ') .andand (' & lt; p & gt; Exam & lt; / p & gt; ';)}}); If you can post the navigation to post the HTML. Can also be valid as a filterer. this before the row is not needed to reference the function First line of:
$ ('externallink'). Each (function () {var $ externallink = $ (this) .html (); if ($ externallink.length & gt; 0) {$ (this) .closest ('tr'). Children ('filter') The app ('& lt; p & gt; Exam & lt; / p & gt;';)}});
(this) refers to .html ()
('externallink'). Each (function () .
(this) .closest ('tr') I also mention the first
('.externallink') Each (task () (), but I think it is talking to
($ externallink.length> 0) which is just above it.
('. Filter') is adding the sections which is the only one that is
.externallink < / Code> In question
& lt; tr & gt; & lt; td style = "width A: 35% "> a class =" filter "href =" # "& gt; March & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td class =" year "Style =" width: 20% "> 2010 & lt; td class =" externallink "style =" display: none "& gt; http: //
is perfectly fine and is referred to .externall ink.
child instead,
children Use
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