git - How to outsource with Github? -
I am working with a company that wants to outsource the development of new features on one of our projects is. We have a githab account and I am thinking that how can I give outsourced limited access to project repos on that account?
Is there a way to limit the command and a specific set of credentials in a specific branch on a repo?
I have heard about the throwing but have never really used it, is it what I am seeing?
Update: After three years of working in the industry, it looks strange again on this question now. I had to learn a lot. Also, people are marking this post as off-topic, but I'm not sure when I originally posted it, then another appropriate stack exchange site was present. . However, as people have said that the outsourced project will work right to handle this situation. They will then make a bridge request, which I will have to review and approve it without giving them full access to our account. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> I think you can fork the repositories, give access to it, and then by changing the changes in your main one - In this case, think of a fork in the form of a private branch.
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