Creating a new rails 3 project over a proxy in windows -

My computer works on a proxy, so I use the following command to install prisons

  gem install -p http // # {proxy-server}: # {port} rails   

If I use the normal gem installed order, Error gets can not get gem . I set up 3.1 rails today and tried to create a new project. Halfway when generating files, the generator executed the run bundle install and ended the same error

  Source index for Receiving / RabbiGemage repository could not be reached Mani 'twist (& gt; = 0, runtime)' could not be found in any gem source listed in your Gemfile.   

The generator is trying to install some gems without proxy. How can I override this existing functionality? I want the generator to use gem install -p http // # {proxy-server}: instead of gem install # {gem} # {port} # {gem} / Code>

Add the given option to your

  gem : -p http // # {Proxy-server}: # {port}   

Under Unix, this file is located under ~ / .gemrc , which I do not know, but should be according to

  # under Windows XP: \ Documents and Settings \ All Users \ Application Data \ gemrc # Windows Vis Ta / Seven C: \ ProgramData \ gemrc for Windows Vista / Seven   

There is no need to create an RC file if not currently.


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