groovy - Integration testing Grails services with injection -

I have a test integrity problem of my Grails service because the service under test is not being injected into my test Answered the advice, where on Stackerverflow, but so far my service injection can not be found. The following classes / & lt; Project_root & gt; / Test / integration / com / example :

  package com.example import grails.test.GrailsUnitTestCase class MyServiceIntegrationTest extends to GroovyTestCase {MyService service; Public Zero Testing Service () {Assign Service! = Null}}   

I have tried to execute both from the command-line ( grails test-app ) and both IDEA results in the same failure This is Grails 1.3.6

Any suggestions on how to do my integration test work? Please for?

Autovoring works the same way, such as the integration test framework in other parts, to ensure that It is necessary that apart from proper encamiliar cas, the property has been named as service.

  class MyServiceIntegrationTest extends GroovyTestCase {def myService}   

An object of your service is MyService.


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