facebook graph api - How to know when a user sends an apprequest to their friends -

I have an "invited friend" with the message of Facebook's FB.ui ({method: 'apprequests' The mechanism is) 'Join me ...'}) Popup dialog I really want to know the statistics of users who have completed the invitation process. Usually I subscribe to Facebook events through this process:

  FB.Event.subscribe ('edge.create', function (targetUrl) {_gaq.push (['_ trackSocial', 'facebook', 'like', targetUrl]);} );   

When I like something and send it to Google Analytics accordingly, then I am subscribing to this event.

I would love to use this mechanism, but there is no Facebook event for the above document webpage. Is there any other way? Is there any such program that I am unaware of? Unlike buttons like

you actually only have one

  FB .ui ({method: 'apprequests', message: 'come messame ...'}, function (data) {if (data) {var sent = data.request_ids split (","); _gaq.push ([ "_trackEvent", "Facebook app request", "request sent, sent + sent", sent ", sent"]);} other {// canceled the dialog}}};  < / Pre> 

This returns the object in which there is an array, request_ids ; in each item in the array, the person's face (For privacy reasons, you should not send real IDs to Google Analytics, but counting them can be useful.)

(For a user who invites 5 apps, this The label will set for "5 transmitted", and its value is 5. Similarly, the total number of invitations sent to you, as well as the ability to understand the distribution of the invitation to be sent, will be both.)


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