deployment - Error when attempting to deploy a WAR to Glassfish 3 using an Ant Build Script -
I'm checking how to use both glassfish and ant build files. I wrote a written script (the first time) that will create a war file of my original Hello World app.
Then I am trying to run this war of glassfish as part of the build script. I got the details of the However, when I run the script I get a message: I have tried to figure out what that means, but can not find any reference to either installDir attribute or asinstall.dir Is the property I have been able to employ the wise file created by the admin of the glassfish webpage, but I can not seem to do this ant script successfully. Any hint or guidance will be most useful. OK after a lightbulb moment I am able to solve it by editing the work in my build script Succeeded, now it's It seems that the ant script is detected It does not matter where the fishfish is installed, it solves the problem and runs the script (and verb) though the next step is to find out how to do the place without hardcoding in the build script. Especially if I want to write a script that can deploy a war file on a remote server. glassfish-deployment work and it was successful in joining the ant-work jar file in the class path.
[glassfish-deploy] The installed directory of the application server is not known. Either specify the installDir attribute or asinstall.dir property
& lt; Glassfish -diet file = "$ {name} .war" installDir = "C: \\ glassfish3 \\ glassfish" force = "true" />
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