
Showing posts from March, 2011

linux - What is the recommended way to perform source-level debugging of system library calls? -

I need to debug some calls in the system library, to understand how the call is different, and why a Or the other will fail. Compromised system libraries and separate debug symbol files for Linux Distros, for example, /lib/libc-2.8. Therefore, symbols have been stripped, leaving information behind a section called .gnu_debuglink that contains information to find a different debug file. Separate debug files are installed through the debug package, and contain the symbolic information required by GDB. It is well described and After installing the debug package and sources, I was hoping that GDB symbols and sources would be available and I would be able to see the listing and take steps in the calls. Instead, GDB tells me "no line number to go for xyz" I've verified that the debug-file-location is correct, and the directory is set to source directories. Is it possible to do what I want to do? Am I going to go wrong about this? Is there an easier way? Did you...

What is happening with this Common Lisp code? -

I have written the following code to simulate the six-sided rolling multiple times to die and how many times each has counted Side landed: (defun dice (num) (let (myList '(0 0))) (progn (format t "~ a" myList) (1 for loop To num (but myRand (random 6)) (setf (nth myRand myList) (+ 1 (nth myRand myList)))) (format t "~ a" myList))) function works great for the first time when I call it, but the variables on the subsequent calls start at the myList value Confirms that began at the end of the last call, all was as I thought instead to revert to zero should be with the Come statement why this happens? This is the result of using a continuous list in the initiator: ((myList '(0 0 0))) Change that line to: (((MyList (list 0 0) 0))) And it will behave according to your expectation. The first line results only once in the allocation (because it is a continuous list), but list code> you force the allocation every time you enter the f...

How do I change a background position with css3 animation? -

Let's say I have a div element, in the background position: 0%; I like the status such as position: 100%; , but with the keyframe on the hover I may not have to use the keyframe properly, it never works and I have all the latest browsers Thank you. If you just want to animate the background position in the background, use the transition instead of the frame animation It is very easy to see this Bella for an example: If you want to make an effort to make it an animation, then you have to set an animation-play state on 'Pause' and it will have to be changed. See Spoken about stopping the editions to 'walk' on the hover: Edit: I was bored, so this is the only thing that uses Cefime Animation: Obviously, the problem in Belal is that when you stop the aviation over the aviation, which is probably not the desired effect.

WCF Service - Load Testing -

I have a WCF service that is hosted as a Windows service and all open methods as OneWay = true Has been defined. Now, I want to test this service to see how the service will respond to more than 100 customers in real-time scenario. What steps can I take to make anybody above? P> Thank you! Try or

xpath or css needed for following html snippet -

The following HTML code produces pop-ups to add to the product that is trying to find the exches or CSS that selenium Which will allow the button to click on "Add" to add the "product" button. I tried to use this xpath // div [18] / div [2] / div / button which only works for a session. When you close the browser and reopen, then XP does not work above. So, how can we write such a xpath, which does not have to give div [number] in this case [18]. & lt; Div style = "height: auto; min-height: 104 pixels, width: auto;" class = "dialogue ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Story & gt; Search & lt; / Narrative & gt; & Lt; Div id = "namoride" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" & gt; Name & lt; Input type = "radio" & gt; Id & lt; / Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Div style = "clear: both; padding-top: 5px; float: right;...

cordova - Android - How to specify photo file name/directory using Phonegap -

How can I specify the name and destination of the photos captured using PhoneGrap? This information was not found anywhere. It just goes to /sdcard/pic.jpg. Even I have so far: function capture photo ( (onSuccess, onfell, {quality: 50, destination type) : Camera.domainType.FOLE_URI}); Success on the Festival (imageURI) {var image = document.getElementById ('myImage'); = 'block'; Image.src = imageURI; } File (message) on function {warning ('failed because:' message); }} Try content: // media / external / images / Media / n where n is the image number that you are trying to call (1,2,3, etc.)

c++ - Bitwise operator to get byte from 32 bits -

I'm interested in writing a function getMyByteChunkFunction which accepts two parameters - a 32 For example, this integer is given: - - For example, the bit integer and a byte offset (0, 1, 2, or 3), then removes bytes related to 32-bit integers. (3) (2) (1) (0) --- byte numbers int word = 10101010 00001001 11001010 00000101 function call getMeByteChunkFunction (word, 2) Returns 00001001 . However, I can use bitwise operators limited in it. Only me & gt; & Gt; , & lt; I am allowed to use a , and exactly one subtraction I know how to do this and using XOR, but I do not know how I use a subtraction here Any thoughts? One idea is as follows: Suppose that you have a four-byte value: aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc dddddddd Suppose you want to get a byte BBBBBBBB out of this if you move right by two bytes If you do, you can ???????? Reciprocity Aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb This value is equal to what you want, except the ???????? Reciprocity Aaaaaaa (...

c# - Multiple Importer/Exporter Methods with Different Parameters -

I have two exporting methods (planning to be more) that essentially take my phantom definition from my phantom manufacturer , And export it in a PNG file and XML file that describes PNG. Right now, I have filled these two methods in my Sprite category for testing, but they are not really there. So I thought that if I have made an interface for exporters and importers, then it would be good if there is a class for every type of importer / exporter, right? The problem now is that my two methods are the same parameter, so I can not use an interface very easily. The first exporter is a "organized" exporter, and it exports the frames in a way that humans can easily follow, no restrictions. It just takes the definition of the phantom, and the file name (with no extension) then produces the pair of files. The second exporter is a better pack exporter and will take the same parameter plus maximum width and height It is not optimal right now, it does not change the size of t...

SSL client certificate needs special contents? -

I have a server with customers having SSL certificates and SLC certificates, all are signed by the same CA, and the CA server And the client was trusted as a root authorization. Although I have tried (no iPhone, Chrome, Explorer) clients will not send any client certificates when the server requests it, even if they all confirm that the server certificate is ok is not. When I look at the certificate certificate in the certificate / profile / store, they all claim that it is verified and legal, and all the certificates verified properly by using openssl etc. We do. An SSL client certificate requires a specific name or other description, so when do the customer browsers know its usage? Like how to specify the correct domain name on a server certificate certificate? The server is an apache2.2 server, but I do not think the server is a problem at the end Customer certificates should have the appropriate key usage and extended key usage extensions set. I certainly do not k... - HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found? -

I am trying to run my application in 2010 but am getting an error? "HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found The requested content script appears and will not be served by the static file handler." How can I fix this? This is working: Run aspnet_regiis -i in C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319

javascript - Focus impromptu input text -

I'm using abruptly to display the dialog box and User Assembled Input But when I see it, I can not get the input text box to focus. I have tried to give input to an id and added it to the Improm. $ ('#intomptu_fname') focus () .; I also tried to add autofocus to input. None of these work. Any ideas? You have to do this in loaded callback: $ Prompt ('Your message goes here.', {// Options are loaded: function () {$ ('# improduct_f_name'). Focus ();}});

android - How do you implement the Honeycomb purple/black gradient PreferencesActivity theme? -

I am using a selector to select topics for my preference: & Lt; Style name = "standard theme selector" origin = "Android: Theme. Holo" & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; The app is run in Aclaire +, but I want to use it in the appropriate topic in Honeycomb. This selector looks like priorities activity Honeycomb dark style instead of gingerbread style, the background behind the gray list view is pure black rather than a purple / black or brown / black shield. I have seen the purple theme in system settings and browser settings. I've seen a gray version in the YouTube app. I have also noticed that the shield is visible for only one moment in the form of AIDS, and the color of the gradient matches the color of the app's activity activity. To get a bitmap background, you have to turn on hardware accelerated drawing for your activity / app. Also, make sure that you set up Android: targetSdkVersion = "11" or later.

javascript - How do I check form elements in HTML before the form has been submitted? -

I am using PHP to validate and run my form, however, I want to see the elements because they are filled Are there. How do I check an element for my current value before submitting the form? Document collection is a collection of forms, elements of form control have DOM properties like , checked , selected and therefore their respective interfaces (e.g.,) can be compared to allowed values ​​and categories. There are so many questions and articles on this topic. Search for form validation, one go, ask questions.

user interface - Java Substance Look & Feel website is not Working? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: हाय जावा पदार्थ वेबसाइट काम नहीं कर रहा है, इसलिए मैं पदार्थ देखो & amp डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं; लगता है। एक त्वरित Google खोज लौट गई:

Question on python text file read write using Win32com -

I am reading a text file a.txt which has several columns and I need data in 5 columns. I received it by reading the data of 5 columns, but my question is how can I import these 5 column data into an Excel file, as if there is only one column in the text file. How to generate an excel file with a dragon file, this is an example. The use of Win32 will be fine, but I like to use the XLVU because the machine does not need to install Excel. .add_sheet ("My Sheet") for the line in xlwt wb = xlwt.Workbook () ws = wb Xrange (10): for colonel in xrange (5): ws. I hope it helps / Html>

c - Selecting a file randomly from a file system -

This question is related. I need to work on files and directories randomly as a file logic, such as rename, write, read etc. What I was planning to do, was to list all the files and directories along with their paths randomly to choose from this list. But, as the files and directories are created and destroyed in the actual file system, the list should also be updated. I am able to update the list and keep it inadequate in this way and it should also be atom so that the operation can not access any file later that was removed from the previous operation. Can you suggest that there is a different way of choosing somehow integrate it with the file system ... but how do we know about the files? Thanks I'm Michael J. Barber's answer has found something particularly interesting, but due to my dragon ignorance I can not follow it completely You do not want to try to keep a list of files, when the file system is ok you should be able to correct it from C. Mo...

how to add android expandable list view to mapview..? -

My program has a map view and I've expanded MapActivity to my class. But now I want to add that program to expandable list view . I'm adding the Adapter Class which extends the BaseExpandableListAdapter as an internal class. ExpandableList without expirableListView extension without programe Can not add setListAdapter (mAdapter); RegisterForContextMenu (getExpandableListView ()); Extensively Extended List View Without In any other possible way ..? I have been successfully done with it explaining how to expand ExpandableListView without explanation list Vis class

oop - Diagram type for visualising threads and synchronization among them -

The other day I was writing on the blackboard, which is really good to see the conversation between different components. Although I realized that we had many different threads that used to interact (synchronize and signaling), and I had no good way to consider it. Do you know a diagram that different threads? I am not seeing a drawing program or anything, just one diagram type that I can remember and use on the blackboard. Have you seen S? They have special syntax to show parallel activities including transmissions and synchronization hth You can use float (or division) to show different threads.

c# - How to get valid file name and extension from remote url to save it.? -

I want to get the actual file extension from the remote URL. Occasionally the extension is not in valid format For example, I'm having trouble from the bottom of the URL 1) / Png? W = 266 2) I want to download / save remotely thanks = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> sends a content type header with a mime type of remote server resource. For example: Content-Type: image / png so that you can check the value of this header and select the appropriate extension for your file Able to For example: WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (""); (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse ()) (stream stream = response. Gateresonsstream ()) {string contentType = response.ContentType; // TODO: Check...

deleting a specific object in a javascript array -

im doing a test on removing objects inside an array ... because it is a test, it is an informal Code is. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; // Start the array and objects var free = new array (); Var z = {test1: "test0", test2: "test2"} fruit.push (z); Var z2 = {test1: "test1", test2: "test2"} fruit.push (z2); Var z3 = {test1: "test2", test2: "test2"} fruit. Push (z3); Var z4 = {test1: "test3", test2: "test2"} fruit.push (z4); Var z5 = {test1: "test4", test2: "test2"} fruit.push (z5); // display array length document. Written ("array length" + fruit length = "& lt; br & gt;"); // Troops array for frame type (var x = 0; x & lt; fruit.length; x ++) to write the Xer object object in array (frame [x] .test1 + ""); // Delete the object in the array where the variable is equal to test1 "test2" (fruit [x] .t...

c# - LinqDataSource Syntax -

I have a lot of complex LinqDataSource which I am trying to setup, I am able to write part of Linq for it, But it is uncertain how to convert it to LINQDataSource syntax or whether it is also possible. It seems like. ConfigDetails.Where (cd => AuthProductOwners. Where (o = & gt; (LO.IDID == @ login id)). Select (o = & gt; o. > I'm not sure that I fully understand your question, but I think you find it hard to move your Linux statement to the data source. Is this correct? / P> If so: easy solution is a simple Linux day Asart is to create and implement the selected event and linqdatasource. More info:

PHP Redirect Loop -

On my index page, I have a link with this code on my login.php page: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ session ['username'])) {echo "and IDE = 'logout'> "; } F {echo " gt; & lt; a href = 'login.php' & gt; login (regular) & lt; / div & gt; ; "; }? & Gt; I have access to the login.php page & lt ;? Include php ('check.php'); $ Ref = getenv ('HTTP_REFERER'); If (isset ($ ref)) {header ("Location:". $ Ref); Go out; } Other {header ("location: index.php"); Go out; }? & Gt; check.php is the code for the login form and it ensures that they can access the page. I was told that I need to add an inquiry to see if there is a referral login. Php, otherwise it will go into an infinite loop and I'm definitely getting "There is a redirect loop in this webpage". However, I have no clue how to do this and how can I get the information about how to fix it. Anyone kno...

android - Failed to fetch URL in Eclipse -

I downloaded the Android SDK and installed Android Development Tool in Eclipse. Now when I try to add Third Party Add-on to Android SDK and AVD Manager I get this: I already set the path for the Android SDK , And tried to disable the firewall, and even i sdk manager from the command prompt did you try Is using http instead of http?

Is there a way to call a function by its oid in postgresql? -

I have a table with two enum columns, in each enum there are approximately 10 possible values ​​in the special combinations of these values On the basis I have to write this function which calls a specific other function for each row of this table. I do not want to create a 10x10 (= 100) "WHEN" and cases, what I want to do to create a table Incorporation and Incorporate Audiences How to call may include I even managed to do it, but now I do not know how to function. Any help would be appreciated. You can not call the function by OID. But you can definitely get the job names from OID, and then create a dynamic SQL statement and can run it with PLL / Pgsql with EXECUTE.

iphone - What is the font size, font color, shadow color & offset in UITableView section header? -

I am reproducing the original UITBlue section header using custom graphics. Font size, font color, shadow color & amp; Offset in UITableView section title? Thank you. UILBL * headerLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectZero]; HeaderLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; HeaderLabel.opaque = NO; HeaderLabel.textColor = [UIColor blackColor]; HeaderLabel.highlightedTextColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; HeaderLabel.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize: 20]; HeaderLabel.frame = CGRectMake (10.0, 0.0, 300.0, 44.0); Hope this will satisfy your needs ...

iphone - iOS Won't Rotate -

I'm trying to add the autoplay to my app, but difficulty is me changing the size of everything (a tableview And some labels), but my window of status bar and the rest (like: a tab bar and navigation controller) remains in the picture. I have three sequence succession from the window, in the top view controller and I have shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation is everything, yes, mer It also has everything, except everything else selected in the summary section is the attributes of the target, but it refuses to move it on the simulator and on an iPhone 4. Both are 4.3 on XCode 4. I have moved Apple Docs to the visual orientation but there is a need to set it somewhere else? My Info.plist , I have the following: & lt; Key & gt; UIS Supported Interface Orientation & lt; / Key & gt; & Lt; Array & gt; & Lt; String & gt; UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; String & gt; UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft ...

jsf - After confirmation, navigate to first tab of wizard -

Too much, everything is said in the subject's title. What I need to achieve is that when I click on the tab of the last (confirmation) wizard and my button, after all, I want to return to the wizard's first tab. Of course, everything in the magician should be reset after that. Well, that's not help. Currently I'm totally confused. I get this exception when I click on the button, but not in the server log, I only get in the browser: An error occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataHelper.decodeFilters ( java.lang on javax on org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTableRenderer.decode ( .NullPointerException. On javax.faces.component.UIData.processDecodes ( on faces.component.UIComponentBase.decode org.primefaces.component.datatable.DataTable.processDecodes ( ( on org.primefaces.component.panel.Panel.processDecodes...

c++ - Counting columns of a space separated file -

I need to use std :: count (or any other appropriate work) in my question Is the column of files different from any location I currently use something like this: std :: ifstream infix ("file"); Int lines = std :: count (std :: istreambuf_iterator & lt; char> (inFile), std :: istreambuf_iterator & lt; char & gt; (), '\ n'); std :: ifstream infix ("file"); Int columns = std :: count (std :: istreambuf_iterator & lt; char> (inFile), std :: istreambuf_iterator & lt; char & gt; ('\ n'), '') + 1; What do I want? Edit: I mean, if the data like "in file" is 1 2 or 1 [many spaces here] 2 , anyway column should be 2 or 2 anyway? No, you will calculate the space, not the column. You have to do your line to Tokunize, eg. By

python - perform multiple for loops simultaneously -

Is it possible to do several loops together in Python? Like (syntax error, of course): for list_of_a, list_of_b: // some work Together , I I mean, they share the same index or cursor during the repetition. What can I think about getting this: Use a shared cursor as a shared cursor Put them in the list of topleples and repeat the list but it is painful to make a list I'm just thinking that to get some underlying work or simple syntax in it. B, in zip (list_of_a, list_of_b): # some work If you are using Python 2.x, are concerned about the performance, and / or use iterators instead of the list, instead consider. In Python 3.x, it replaces itertools.izip ; Use list (zip (..) to get an old (2.x) behavior of zip

openframeworks - How to implement bullet time in Box2d? -

I want to implement some type of bullet time for my box2d app, googling around I found a post That they suggest changing the timestep (something like 1/30 to 1/60) but it was quickly marked as poor practice, whatever slow speed, triggered an original on / off for any ideas is? does not negatively affect simulation to change the time phase, so just a short time Use the step.

Sharing files using WiFi between android devices -

How to enable WiFi and create a list of devices found after searching for WiFi connectivity in Android phones? Android devices are basically able to access the ads immediately without compromising network settings and directly tinkering, Not able to do this without an access point - Hawk Wireless though some new devices support it. (Of course this can be stopped as a duplicate of it, but I thought there was room for more clarification than there was. And there was a more recent question, but I can not find this) If a device supports wifi tethering which can be enabled and others connect it, but then all network traffic from other devices Can go through the medium The data plan (i.e., is OK for two devices of the same owner, there is no good idea for accidental transfers) The "standard" solution will still have to use the WiFi access point, And potentially as an Internet server mediator, there is a favorable advantage of not having equipment on the same networ...

iOs SDK. Shared audio session while playin background audio -

I am facing a very interesting problem and now I am trying to understand how to sort it is. In fact, when it comes in the background, my application plays sound. Everything is fine, but when I run an application like YouTube it does interposition for my audio session. I use audio session delegation methods to capture this moment. My question is how do I reset my audio session in the background after killing YouTube? I have tried to: NSError * err = noErr; [[Avidio Session Shared Instance] Set Active: Yes Error: & amp ;;]; If (err! = NoErr) {NSLog ([err description]); OK, as I understand, to create audio sessions with other applications, Special property will need to be set as: Allow UInt32 = true; Audio sessionsproperty (kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers, sizeof (allows approval), & amp; allowMixing;); And now I can see that my application plays audio in the background, even if I start YouTube. The problem is that it plays audio together :( I...

iphone - How can we add button in custom cell? -

I need to add a button cell have been working in an app and Kstmsel I do not help me for it Could? Thanks in advance Add you use Customcell the following code in a button. First, with the subclass of UITableViewCell and then @interface CustomCell file Customcell.h Add new file: UITableViewCell {UIButton * customButton; } @property (nonatomic, retaining) UIButton * customButton; Customcell.m @implementationCustomCell; @ Custom button synthesis; - initWithStyle (ID): (UITableViewCellStyle) style reuseIdentifier: (NSString *) reuseIdentifier {if ((self = [super initWithStyle: Style reuseIdentifier: reuseIdentifier])) {customButton = [UIButton buttonWithType: UIButtonTypeCustom]; [Custom button set image: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "phonecall.png"] forState: UIControlStateNormal]; } Healthy return; } // Layout set in subview - (zero) layout subviews {[Super layout slideshow]; CGRT ContractRect = Spring. Content view Bounce; CGflat bound x = contentRect.origin.x; CGFloat B...

How to solve this dead lock condition in android edit text -

I have two text controls and I want to update the second editing text value when the text value is edited for the first time or opposite of this . For this, I used the onTextChanged (..) method but the problem is that the value calls update (not input) at the time. The text-replacement (..) method therefore gives the wrong result. . For example: If I put 20 entries in 1 and the result 2 should be in ADITT 2 then 40 (some calculations pre: 1 by multiplying 2). If I should have Edit 2 in 20 and the result should be 1 on 10 (some calculation pre: 2 dissected 2). The problem is: While showing results on Adult 2, the method followed is called at the same time as it changes the input value of Edit 1 ... Anyone Solution? I think you can use it by TextChangedListener and you can keep two Flags Boolean Or int, and changing the value of each flag accordingly may solve your problem .... Best Of Luck

algorithm - Find and Count Words in a String in Delphi? -

I have a string that contains many words for example, "hello- Apple-banana-hello-pears " How do I reveal a specific word? Thank you. You can use Delphi XE. Something like var word: TstringDynArray; Word: string; WordCount: integer; Start Wordcount: = 0; Term: = Split string ('Hello-Sep-Banana-Hello-Peer', '-'); Words start for words if word = 'hello' then ink (wordcount); End;

pagespeed - Loading website Images faster -

Is it possible to improve the website background image to load faster? The background size of my website is 1258X441 and the memory size is 656KB. While reaching my website it is taking too long to load the entire background image. To improve the speed of its loading, anyway whatsoever from the compassing (which is already compressed). Choose : (2. My main solution is, and 3). Compress the image even further, because the image is background, it does not matter as much as the user does on the content, so do not focus on the background. Since the background comes in partially from the material, you can show the background of black (or any other solid color) which is not visible to the back of the material). Will be compressed well, some space will have to be reduced. Save the image to JPG progresive compression as the background image will gradually increase as the image load. Get rid of the background image. (Clear) :) Today's web speed is big, do not change any...

javascript - All option tags that aren't selected -

मुझे सभी & lt; option & gt; टैग ( .just_added select option ) जो कि jQuery के साथ चयनित नहीं हैं। यह वही है जो मैंने अभी तक प्राप्त किया है ... $ ('। Just_added विकल्प का चयन करें: चयनित') ; समस्या यह है कि वह सभी & lt; विकल्प & gt; टैग को चुने गए हैं, लेकिन मुझे सभी & lt; option & gt; टैग जो चयनित नहीं हैं। कोई भी विचार? सलाह में धन्यवाद! आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं: $ (' । समायोजित विकल्प चुनें: नहीं (: चयनित) '); या बिना jQuery छद्म चयनकर्ताओं (विधि का उपयोग करके): $ ('। Just_added select option')। नहीं (फ़ंक्शन () {यह लौटें ।चयनित; });

ios - Build section not found in Xcode4 -

I was working with Xcode3 since I moved to Xcode4, I did not know that in the Settings section Where is build Xcode3 as Xcode3 looks like: Surely, 'build settings' is still present in XCode4, just click on your project and it is there

android - Setting the value in a select dropdown using javascript -

I'm having trouble trying to set the value in a select I see NaN as my result (some In browsers - primarily Android smartphone / tablet default browser) I'm just running the statement and setting the value if the status is correct: (Variable1> = variable2) {$ (select '[title = "title"]'). Val (variable1); } Where a 'typeof' check shows both variables 1 and variable2 if if statement shows them as both numbers. Despite this, the value shown in the selection in the browser is ne'en. I have also tried to wrap the JavaScript number () function around the variables: if (number 1)> number = (variable 2 )) {$ (Select [title = "myTitle"]). Val (number (variable 1)); } But I still get the same result! Note: It works fine in desktop / laptop browsers and works also on Opera Mobile on my Samsung Galaxy S2, working towards making it an app to run on any phone I'm looking forward to complete my error checking. Edit: If...

deployment - Error when attempting to deploy a WAR to Glassfish 3 using an Ant Build Script -

I'm checking how to use both glassfish and ant build files. I wrote a written script (the first time) that will create a war file of my original Hello World app. Then I am trying to run this war of glassfish as part of the build script. I got the details of the glassfish-deployment work and it was successful in joining the ant-work jar file in the class path. However, when I run the script I get a message: [glassfish-deploy] The installed directory of the application server is not known. Either specify the installDir attribute or asinstall.dir property I have tried to figure out what that means, but can not find any reference to either installDir attribute or asinstall.dir Is the property I have been able to employ the wise file created by the admin of the glassfish webpage, but I can not seem to do this ant script successfully. Any hint or guidance will be most useful. OK after a lightbulb moment I am able to solve it by editing the work in my build script Suc...

Django south from MySQL to postgresql -

I had started using MySQL in one of my apps before and now I was thinking of moving from MySQL to PostgreSQL I am I have established South for migration. When I set up a new DB in postgre, then I successfully synced my application and completely stopped in one of my previous migration. & gt; Project: 0056_auto__chg_field_project_project_length Traceback (the most recent call final): File "./", at line 11, in the & lt; Module & gt; Execute_manager (setting) "/Users/ApPeL/.virtualenvs/" file execute_manager utility.execute, line 438, (file) "/Users/ApPeL/.virtualenvs/", line 379, self.fetch_command (subcommand) .run_from_argv (performed manually. argv) file "/Users/ApPeL/.virtualenvs/", line 191,...

c# - Difficulty with simple ASP rewrite rule -

मेरे पास पेज है: ~ / forum / forum_faq.html मेरे लॉग में मैंने 404 अनुरोधों को देखा है: ~ / forum_faq.html किसी कारण से, इसलिए मैं इसे इस नियम के साथ ठीक करने का प्रयास: & lt; url = "~ / forum_faq.html $" to = "~ / handlers / permRedirect.ashx? यूआरएल = फोरम / फोरम_फाफ़ाक" प्रोसेसिंग = "स्टॉप" / & gt; पर्म रीडायरेक्ट फाइल सिर्फ दिए गए स्थान पर एक 301 रीडायरेक्ट करता है। जब यह नियम नहीं है, तो मैं फ़ोरम / फोरम_फाफ़ाक़ा.आइए सिर्फ ठीक से उपयोग कर सकता हूं। जब मैं नियम जोड़ता हूं, तो मुझे एक मिलता है: इस वेब पेज में एक रीडायरेक्ट लूप है, जिस पर वेब पेज में बहुत अधिक रीडायरेक्ट हैं इस साइट के लिए अपनी कुकी साफ़ करना या तृतीय-पक्ष कुकी को अनुमति देने से समस्या ठीक हो सकती है। यदि नहीं, तो संभवत: यह एक सर्वर कॉन्फ़िगरेशन समस्या है और आपके कंप्यूटर में कोई समस्या नहीं है। कोई भी विचार क्या चल रहा है? क्या हो रहा है यह संदेह है फोरम IIS में एक अनुप्रयोग है। आपका ~ / forum_faq.html $ इसलिए पथ /forums/

android - Get 0,0 of scaled canvas -

I have a canvas scaling (and moving) and actual canvas 0 0, 0 is in the left corner of the top spot, only images already painted on the canvas will proceed Check the post:

c++ - Howto Debug CgiCC App -

I develop a Win32 C ++ CGI app for windows and linux and starts with scratches. I use CGC as IDE on Lig and Visual Studio 2010. How can I debug it? When I institute my CGIGC class, I think CGI is waiting for the program for input and is waiting. How can I set up an environment for my CGI input? I have set some environmental variables such as QUERY_STRING. Edit: I'm almost there. During the browsing I captured traffic and wrote that content in a file. Then I redirected stdin to that file: "& lt; input.txt" line arguments in the visual studio as the debug command. I set some enterprise variables under Windows like CONTENT_LENGTH and CONTENT_TYPE Then I can read some material from my input: cgicc :: Cgicc CGI; String u = cgi ("user"); But when I do this, I get an exception (like reading without all the allocated memory and exceptions): vector & lt; Form file, allocate & lt; Formfile & gt; & Gt; Files = cgi....

php - Dynamically Populating Javascript Array Based On CSS Class? -

I am in the process of creating an app that is currently a large number of hidden devices that need to go through cycling. is. Right now, there are only 5 divisions in the cycle, but eventually 20+. What is the method of bringing all their IDs into the array based on their initial class in CSS? There is a class 'show tab' in the default device and the other has the class 'hide tab' I would love to arrange the array with all the IDs of elements in the 'tab' category. I tried Elements by Class, but I do not think I understand how it works - this is just Most pages are coded in PHP, so If ID is a way to use PHP and then it passes to JavaScript, whatever works. P> Any help would be appreciated =) Divs will be found in an array using classified "pure" JavaScript (i.e. out-the-box javascript): var tab = document.getElementsByClassName ('tab'); There may be other categories that apply to the divisions, but if they have a ...

Calling a method in java -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग DialogBox {public static void main (स्ट्रिंग अरग []) {String inputCourseCode; InputCourseCode = this.inputCourseCode (); } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग इनपुटकॉर्ससेड () {स्ट्रिंग इनपुट = जॉप्शनपेन.शोइनपुटडियलोग ("इस कोर्स का कोर्स कोड:"); वापसी इनपुट; }} मुख्य फ़ंक्शन में विधि inputCourseCode कैसे कॉल करें आपको इनपुटकॉर्स कोड विधि कॉल करने के लिए डायलॉग बॉक्स का एक उदाहरण होना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए: सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग अरग []) {स्ट्रिंग इनपुटकॉर्स कोड; डायलॉग बॉक्स बॉक्स = नया डायलॉगबॉक्स (); InputCourseCode = box.inputCourseCode (); } मुख्य एक स्थिर विधि है; फलस्वरूप, इसमें ' यह ' संदर्भ तक पहुंच नहीं है।

c# - Can't bind to model value -

I can not see how to insert a drop down list for values ​​in the model. Assume that my strongly typed model is type fa.domain.text.account . account has a PersonId field, I want to pair it in a select drop down list. When the scene is displayed, I want to reflect the value of @ Model.PersonId . My code is as follows: Select the tag: Javascript: var pps = @ Html.Raw (new JavaScript Serializer). Serialize (FunbigPPPop); Function Object (Personal ID, Name PP) {this.CostCentreId = ko .observable (PersonId); This.NamePP = ko.observable (NamePP);} Function PersonViewModel () {this.selectedPerson = ko.observable ('@ Model.PersonId'); Var Map allPeople = $ .map (PPS, Function (Item) {Return to new person (item.Parsin ID, item. G)}); This.allPeople = ko.observableArray (Map All People);} JQuery (document) .ready (function () {var ViewModel = New PersonViewModel (); Alert (viewModel.selectedPerson ()); // True Value ko.applyBindings; Warning (viewModel.selected...

Track clicks in webview Android -

I have been facing a serious problem since the week! I want to track all the clicks taken on the Android webview. I know, the solution is implementing WebViewClient, but does not track clicks in the frame! Example - When you open a website within Google Translate, click the track in the webviewclient translated page! The second, even when using Android 3.0, when I open, I think that Google shows up immediately, and I can track that URL I'm helpless! If you can help me on this, I would be very grateful. Thanks Neithin If this is your own web content, Javascript should be tracked in. If this is not your web content, then it is possible that you have some general-javascript javascript for it and it's loadUrl ("javascript: ...") and AddJavascriptInterface () , but I do not know the details, as I am a low-level JS + DOM expert. WebViewClient does not handle all the scenarios itself, as you note, and this is the only pure Java solution ...

objective c - Is Cocotron the result of reverse engineering? -

Is it to repeat the behavior of different libraries (hence the call is exactly the same) optimization and new ways to do their stuff Are you In the Room and Clean Room Dirty rooms basically know some ways to disassemble the machine code What this does is and is using the disambeld code to create a new code. The dirty room creates the problem of copyright infringement, you are basically stealing the old system to create new systems directly or indirectly through the direct knowledge of the old system implementation. Including documentation and testing against the system to implement the same API in a clean room. These two techniques can be used in self or different combinations. For example, PC Bios was a reverse engineer using two teams, a dirty-room team, which separated the original BIOS and created a specification and a clean-room team that implemented the new BIOS using the specification. High bets for reverse engineering Typical situations usually include attorneys specia...

background - Lua - fast changing images -

I am not a programmer, even amateur, I just wanted a program that was a PSP screen (whole) Infinite I did something as possible: rdupa = Image.load ("red.png") gdupa = Image.load ("green.png") bdupa = Image.load Blit (0, 0, rdupa, false) Screen: clear () screen: blit (0, 0, gdupa, false) Screen: Clear () screen: ("blue.png") Screen: Blit (0, 0, Bdupa, false) Screen: Clear () end Using Google, however Neither does he do what I did wrong (I have * .png images in the same folder as the script)? Ready script will be seen veeeeeeery well. I am not sure about my environment, but I think this is mainly due to its main window Unable to update or whatever it is, it is essentially trapped to execute the Lua code (unless it is executed in separate thread).

jquery - javascript Stylesheet reload delay affecting DOM? -

फ़ंक्शन स्विचटैम्प्लेट (स्टाइलपाथ) {var ns = $ ('& lt; link & gt;', {href: stylePath, आईडी: 'थीम शैली', प्रकार: 'टेक्स्ट / सीएसएस', rel: 'स्टाइलशीट'}); $ ( '# ThemeStyle') replaceWith (एन एस)। resetPops (); positionElements (); $ ( '# वीडियो ओवरले') शो ()।; } स्टाइलशीट्स ठीक से लोड हो रही हैं, और थोड़ी देर के बाद दिखा रहा है, लेकिन स्थिति एलेमेंट्स फ़ंक्शन (जो ऑफ़सेट () का उपयोग करते हुए वीडियो एलीमेंट पर वीडियो ओवरले का स्थान) सही तरीके से आग लगती नहीं है। मैं अनुमान लगा रहा हूं कि अभी तक नए DOM पदों नहीं हैं? मेरे पास स्थिति है (); खिड़की का आकार बदलने के लिए भी जुड़ा हुआ है और जब मैं स्टाइलशीट स्विचन के बाद सही कहता हूं, तो सबकुछ सही जगह पर जाता है। मुझे लगता है कि मैं टाइमर के विलंब में बना सकता हूं, लेकिन यह विशेष रूप से विश्वसनीय नहीं लगता क्या कोई अन्य घटना है, क्या मैं स्थिति को तय करने के लिए एलेमेंट्स () फ़ंक्शन को टाई सकता हूं? > इस SO प्रश्न का उत्तर दिखाता है कि आप यह कैसे निर्धारित कर सकते हैं कि आपकी ...

php - Getting the RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED in bitly -

Anyone can tell me why I got this error. I'm using to become part of Twitter. Sometimes I'm getting the error {"errorcode": 403, "error message": "RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED", "result": zero, "status code": ""} bit. "" Check out some good practice here to avoid such an error message. How many URLs are you trying to reduce per hour?

jquery - *[id^= Selects all, I'd like to select each same number -

With this code, when you hover anything with id = "trigger *", this id = " For panel 1 "trigger 1, for Trigger 1, For Trigger 2, I like this to show panel 2. Is this possible? This is my code: $ (document) .ready (function () {hovered = false; $ ('* [id = = trigger]'). Bine ('mousecent mouseleave', Function (event) {switch (event.type) {When user enters div $ ('* [id ^ = panel]' {case 'mousecenter': // show ('sharp'); break; Mouseleave ': // addresses set timeout (function () (if (hovered) {$ (' * [id ^ = panel] '). (' Sharp ');}}, 250); break;}}); $ ('* [Id ^ = panel]'). Mouseover (function {hovered = true;}). Mouseout (function () {hovered = false; $ ('* [id = = trigger]') Trigger ("Mouseout");});}); If I understand your needs, then you want to show the nearest panel to the triggers that were triggered .closest () Change this to: $ ('* [id ^ = panel]')...

c++: I want 2, 4, 6 to display... instead I think address numbers are displaying? -

I have to display 2, 4, 6 ... instead, I think the address number is being displayed? What do I need to do to correct and why? Thanks (Objective ... to display the ability to change the array space and still keep the basis of the array) int * line; Line = new int; Line [0] = 2; Line = new int; Line [1] = 4; Line = new int; Line [2] = 6; Line = new int; Printf ("% d% d% d", line [0], line [1], line [2]); Try instead: int * Line; Line = new int [3]; Line [0] = 2; Line [1] = 4; Line [2] = 6; Printf ("% d% d% d", line [0], line [1], line [2]); Remove [] line; Notice points: line = new int [3]; // Here you want to specify the size of your new array ... Delete [] row; // whenever you use the new Alto type [somevalue]; // To free allocated resources, you should remove [] later. See this question in SO too:

sql server - insert table1 of col into table2 -

I have two tables named 'BB' col1 = bid (int autoincremented) col2 = max_amt (decimal) What else do I want with the other table 'BBC' col1 = bidding (int) and col2 = clm (varchar) that my = bbcbd and my BBCCLM is visible next to each other. For example: BBC table: I want to: bid CLM 8 333 I'm getting: Bid CLM 8 333 Question: INSERT [BBC] quote, CLM) SELECT [BB] .bid from [ Bb] where not present (choose from [BBC] WHERE [BBC] .bid = [BB.BED] any advice ??? It seems that you have 2 records in the BBC table - one of these bidding columns has data and Surrey's data is in the CLM column. If you want to show both fields in the same record, you can insert one such way: BBC (bid, CLM) values INSERT (8, '333')

c# - How to open a toolbar menu by Keyboard short-cuts? -

I have a blank toolbar button on my form and I'm adding all its menus and menu items at run-time . I have to add a keyboard shortcut in this toolbar menu How can you do this? You can use the special symbol in the menu item text to mark the "& amp; key on this simple example Take a look: Edit: 1) If there is a text in the drop down button, then it's' & amp; symbol for the menu. Like to drop. Therefore, in this specific case, the "verb" string has been assigned to that point at some point in the code, it must be "more actions". 2) If it Evl image drop down (the text is not visible buttons) Unfortunately '& amp;' The symbol trick does not work, but you can do this, for example, something like that. Pseudocode : Secure Override Zero OnkDown (KeyEver ER) {if (E.Alt & amp; e.KeyCode == Keys.A) {toolStripDropDownButton1 ShowDropDown ();} Base.OnKeyDown (e);} Hope this helps.

Need Advice On Simple CSS Tooltip -

I was thinking that someone could tell me why this is not working. I'm working on a simple CSS tooltip method, but I can not lock it down. On Firefox, tooltips are displayed in different places. On IE, only the first tooltip works. Thank you, and have a great day. & lt; / Html & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; CSS Tooltip Test & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; Body {padding: 0 pixels; Margin: 0 px; Font: 80%; Font-family: sans-serif;} div.container {padding: 10px 10px 10px 25px; } Thead {background-color: # 00f; Color: #fff;} th {text-align: center; Padding: 4px 6px 4px 6px; } Td {text-align: center; Padding: 4px 6px 4px 6px; } A: link {text-decoration: none;} a: hover {text-decoration: none;} a: visited {text-decoration: none;} a.myLink {position: relative; Z-index: 24;} a.myLink: hover {z-index: 25;} a.myLink span.tooltip {display: none;} a.myLink: hover span.tooltip {display: block; Statu...

javascript - Simple form validation in Sencha Touch -

I have seen many instances of form validation in CentCach, but for all what I want to do, all are very complex . I do not need a model or store, because server-side will be handled in the area of ​​the question. Is there any easy way to check whether the field populations have a population before submitting it or not? I have tried if (myForm.getComponent ('fieldet') .getComponent ('myField'). Length == 0) } But whenever the field is empty the situation is not complete. There are no JS errors in the console. You must first get the value of the field. You are probably always failing in the condition, because .length is being evaluated against that component and its text is not, so if the component is defined, its length is always greater than zero Will be. Try it: If (myForm.getComponent ('field'). GetComponent ('myField'). GetValue (.) Length == 0) {// / Do something}

gwt - Disable of date in DatePicker doen't works -

I am trying to disable all dates in the GWT component, here my sample Code: datePicker.addShowRangeHandler (New ShowRangeHandler & lt; date & gt; {ShowRangeEvent event} on public zero {System.out.println ("First date:" + event.getStart ()); System.out.println ("End date:" + event.getEnd ()); System.out.println ("Date date from date picker:" + datePicker. GetFirstDate ()); System.out.println ("Date Picker From Date:" + DatePicker.getLastDate ()); // Displayed by Calendar List Disable all dates; Date & date; DateTime = New URL and date; Date & gt; (); Date Current Date = event.getStart (); While (; currentDate.after (datePicker.getLastDate ())) { Date updateDate = CalendarUserData (current date); dateList.add (updateDate); CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate (current date, 1);} (Date of Date: dateList) {System.out.println ("Date Selected:" + Date ); System.out.println ("Date view capability:" + datePicker.isDateVi...

javascript - Get the difference between a server side time and client side time and display it -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं सर्वर साइड टाइम और क्लाइंट साइड टाइम के बीच अंतर की गणना कैसे कर सकता हूं और फिर इसे मेरे दृश्य में प्रदर्शित कर सकता हूं, जो कि एक PHP पेज है। मुझे इसे थोड़ा साफ़ करने दें। मेरे पास एक विशेष क्रिकेट मैच के लिए समय डाटा है जो डेटाबेस में जमा हो जाता है। अब, मैं इस समय और समय के बीच अपने दृष्टिकोण में क्लाइंट ब्राउज़र में अंतर प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं जो एक PHP पेज है। मैं समझ सकता हूं कि मुझे इसके लिए एक जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ंक्शन लिखना है, लेकिन मैं इस फ़ंक्शन को अपने PHP कोड से कैसे कॉल कर सकता हूं, और फिर मुझे अपने दृष्टिकोण में अंतर प्रदर्शित करना होगा। मैं इसके बारे में उलझन में हूँ। तिथि गणना के लिए बहुत आसान है और कर सकते हैं विभिन्न प्रारूपों में पार्स / डिस्प्ले तिथियाँ।

php mysql concatenate sent and received messages -

प्रयोक्ता संदेशों को प्रदर्शित करने वाले निजी मैसेजिंग सिस्टम। â ?? ¢ उपयोगकर्ताओं को एक साथ समूहीकृत किए गए संदेशों को भेजा और प्राप्त किया गया प्रत्येक संदेश टैब द्वारा प्रेषक / रिसीवर के नाम, संदेश और समय-समय पर कोई भी युक्तियां - जैसे कि अनुक्रमित, आदि को कैसे सुधारें? / P> संदेश तालिका -------------- आईडी प्रेषक रिसीवर टाइम_एसेंट संदेश प्राप्तकर्ता प्राप्तकर्ता भेजें प्रेषक हटाएं उपयोगकर्ता तालिका ----------- आईडी first_name last_name मेरा प्रयास: $ userid = उपयोगकर्ता $ क्वेरी = "चुनें MAX (आईडी), प्रेषक, रिसीवर, MIN (time_sent), संदेश, संदेश से खोला गया जहां (रिसीवर = '$ यूजरआईड' और प्राप्तकर्ता डेलेट = '0') या (प्रेषक = '$ यूजरआईड' और प्रेषक डेलेट = '0') रिसीवर द्वारा ग्रुप, प्रेषक ORDER द्वारा टाइम_एसेंट डीईएससी LIMIT 8 "; RESULT / समस्या: अगर लॉग इन उपयोगकर्ता (आईडी = 3) दो उपयोगकर्ताओं (आईडी = 1, और आईडी = 2) से संदेश प्राप्त करता है, यह क्वेरी उपयोगकर्ताओं 1 और 2 से भेजे गए संदेशों को वापस लौटाएगी दूसरा प्रय...

php - Need help in splitting a string in variable and assign it's parts to an array -

A string from one of my PHP scripts is generated such as: ' Some / test / I want to divide that type of string by keyword / and then assign those parts to preg_match Or something else. The output should look like this: array ('0' = & gt; 'some', '1' = & gt; 'test,' 2 '= & gt; 1 '); & lt ;? Php $ te = "some / test / 1"; $ Ka = explosion ('/', $ te); Print_r ($ ka);

shell - Record command execution time -

There is a lovely way of logging in the initial date / time of all the commands in the Linux console, you have the variable HISTTIMEFORMAT "% F% T "Then you will see something by running the 'history' command: 512 2011-09-02 22:57:41 Export HISTTIMEFORMAT ="% F% T "513 2011-09-02 22: 57: 42 LS 514 2011-09-02 22:57:43 History 515 2011-09-02 22:57:45 History This is very cool and useful. But my dream is to command this log also to have exec execution time. I know that I can run 'time./some_long_read_script', but do not want to manually write time each time. What is a way to save every command execution time? If it is also not distracted, change your signal to display the current date and time You can. If you are using bash, consider something like this: export PS1 = "[\ D {% Y-% m-% d} \ T ] [\ U @ \ h \ w] \ $ " which will look like this: [2011-09-03 03:39:21] [James @ fractal ~] $ echo $ PS1 [\ D %% y-% m-% d} \ T] [...

Collision detection in a game loop? -

I am working on a simple 2D game (bird eye view). I have projectiles, which are circles. There are obstacles around the level of the game, all of which are rectangular (axis alliance). I would like projectiles to bounce the obstacles when they collide. I'm not sure how to implement it in my game loop. It is being speculated that something like this would happen: zero gameplay () {Fenceli P = ..; P.updateLocation (p.getVelocity (), p.getDirection ()); Inner barrier = p.intersects (barriers); If (intersected! = Null) {// we hit an obstacle after going on tick this time // Figure 1 where // reflection should be our refurbished space now off. Point ptNew = intersected.reflect (p.getLastPoint (), P. jetvelocity (), PJet Direction ()); // Our new location after bounced block ptNew.setLocation (ptNew); }} So after we throw the ball, we can check whether we are hitting one of the obstructions (or completely inside), if so, So let us make a calculation to find out that our reflect...

c++ - Continuous Integration with Hudson and Automated Testing QWidgets -

I was playing with Hudson on my development computer and one such issue went where one of the automated unit tests is from QWidget QApplication to test the subclass. Since Hudson is running without X, it fails. Error log reads unknown: X can not connect to server . Is there any way to automate these tests using Hudson or a similar CI system? The library I am using prevents me from distinguishing this code from QWidget under testing. Try to launch something X Server Remember that it needs to display anything physically After that, a VNC server will be sufficient after that, set the $ DISPLAY environment point in your Hudson instance to point to the VNC server.

c++ - How to force all derived classes to implement a virtual method? -

Say that you have a base class Dep for a tree of orbits is a virtual method Dep * Dep :: create () is that I want to implement it by every single leaf class. Is there any way to implement it? Note: The problem here is that to apply this method, make intermediate classes (such as class B: public A: public dep code> A :: Code>) or because they think are those leaf classes, but in fact they are sub-classified. The question ends here. Reference If you are curious why do I need it; I have a class master in which the unknown concrete type of Dep objects are repeated if I master is repeated, then I Dep example mail clone. Even after this, I can not catch it (secondly by crashing so badly), because for unclear reasons, people who have more to say than me, in this project dynamic_cast has been declared unlawful (perhaps it There is a good decision, but still totally different discussions). Curiously using recurring template fun, you can get something sim...

JRuby Rack - How to add a servlet filter? -

To pass the response of JRuby rack (without any success) I am trying to apply the application for a filter - Process it In fact I want to use the ORBAN EX type engine to increase the XHTML output coming from my Rail app. If I use a simple Java servlet instead of JRuby rack, then everything works smoothly Here is the web.xml file: & lt; ! DOCTYPE Web-App Public "- // Sun Microsystems, Inc. /// DDT Web App 2.3 / n" "Http://"> & Lt; Web Apps & gt; & Lt; Context param & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Name & gt; Public.root & lt; / Lastname & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Price & gt; / & Lt; / Super-valued & gt; & Lt; / Reference param & gt; & Lt; Context param & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Name & gt; Rails.env & lt; / Lastname & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Price & gt; Production & lt; / Super-valued & gt; & Lt; / Reference param & gt; & Lt; Context param ...