ruby on rails - If else not working because it contains end within -
I have a helper that has a simple and closed switch I know I have to do this work because it is on other pages However, it will not work on this particular page .. I think because if it is within a I believe this part is working: This part is not so much: You can do this: Or try this: end , then if it is finished otherwise the code is here:
& lt;% if popup == "off"% & gt; & Lt;% content_for: main% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt;
& lt;% if popup == "off"%> & Lt;% end% & gt; & Lt; & Lt; This end should be displayed if popup = closed & lt;% end% & gt;
Lt; % If Popup == "Off"% & gt; & Lt;% = "& lt;% end% & gt; & Gt%; & Lt; & Lt; This end should be displayed if popup = closed & lt;% end% & gt;
& lt;% if popup == "off"%> & Amp; Lt;% end% & amp; Gt; & Lt; & Lt; This end should be displayed if popup = closed & lt;% end% & gt;
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