c# - Flocking and surrounding instead of moving away? -
Is there any instance of a herd where the herd manifests feeds like targets instead of fish and makes a target, Fly away?
I am working on an upper shooter and I want to push the enemies packets to suppress the enemies and attack against the files around it. I am trying to avoid all those places that are in one place and look right when coming, but in the examples of "targeting the target", they have to move on to the goal, then proceed immediately.
As I think, the weighted average of generic flocking is generated by: < Ul>
In relation to calculating these Vectors When ways and behave differently because they are given different weights. There are also different ways to combine weighted-average vector, combined with the current velocity vector.
If I read my question correctly, then you want to take your herd in the circle or move around a central point. To do this, you have created a fourth vector, which is
- a target vector, which is a sign pointing to a particular point of reference.
Now, you can probably see where this is going ... the behavior of your herd is the result of the weight placed on each vector. If the weight you put on the target vector is very less relative than the others, then instead of attacking your herd, attention will be paid. Therefore, suppose I have correctly drawn, and you have programmed things in a proper way, you want to try various combinations of weight unless you have no need that your needs Corresponds to.
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