php - Compression array values from input in database -
I use the new input of jQuery, each row in the table = & gt; Tr, which has many inputs, and I want to add data to Arya in database:
Tr 2: & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Input name = "you []" value = "phone" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "you []" value = "chat" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "you []" value = "business" & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt;
"Value is tr 1": Translate & amp; Search & amp; Email
"Value is Trance": Phone & amp; Chat & amp; Business I have a question:
Q1: How to structure all values in "tr 1" and "tr 2" together with database table row of? Q2: How to select (choose from my_table .... ) Only the first part value ("tr 1 = Code> foreach ) and "TR2 = 'phone' ') I want this output: Translate & amp; Phone
Maybe it will suit your query
< Strong> A1:
// To get data fit in your database, $$ = $ _POST ['you']; // or $ it-> Input - & gt; Post ('you') in CodeIgniter $ you_chunk = array_chunk ($ you, 3); $ $ Datayou = substr ($ datayou); $ Datayou = ""; "$"; $ Datayou = "& amp; $; 0, -1); // Output: Enter the data in the database A2: // Database // $ getyou = translation, search, email and phone, chat, business / parse data capture only first value $ parseyou = explosion ( "& Amp;", $ getyou); Forex currency ($ party $ $ as partyou) {$ firstyou = strstr ($ partyou, ',', true); // PHP 5.3.0 as copy $ firstyou "
"; } Go out;
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