objective c - Get security type of currently connected wifi network for Mac OS X using cocoa -

I need to find the security type of the currently connected network (ex-WPA2, WEP) on Mac. I'm targeting OS 10.3. It seems that this can be done using the SCDynamicStore API. However, I am unable to find my way around it. Apart from this I need to submit an app to the Mac App Store and therefore do not want to go for any private code. Any signal or sample code would be very useful thanks in advance.

  #import & lt; Core WLAN / Core WLH & gt; CW interfaces * WIFI = [[CWY WiFi client shared WiFi client] interface;]; NSString * securityType = [wifi security]; // This is given to you enum (some numbers) and you can do y function which returns the correct string according to this enum   

this ENUM:

  typedef NS_ENUM (NSInteger, CWSecurity) {kCWSecurityNone = 0, kCWSecurityWEP = 1, kCWSecurityWPersonersonal = 2, Keseedblyuesakwaiwupasrnl mixed = 3, Keseedblyuessitiapiapi 2 individual = 4, Keseedblyuesakryunikeshnl parcel = 5, Keseedblyuessiakwayriteedanikavap = 6, 7, kCWSecurityWPAEnterpriseMixed = 8, kCWSecurityWPA2Enterprise = 9, kCWSecurityEnterprise = 10, KCWSecurityUnknown = NSIntegerMax,} NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC (10_7);    


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