delphi - What's the workflow for creating an iOS app -
What is a workflow to create an iOS app using Delphi-XE2
This Actually there is a reference question and I will answer it as soon as it gives me, but I thought it would be good to have the answer here Projects for iOS are not a target platform node in Project Manager; They only target IOS iOS Forms iOS workflow compile and runtime differences
file & gt; New & gt; Other & gt; Delphi projects & gt; Firemoon IOS HD Application File & gt; New & gt; Other & gt; Delphi projects & gt; Firemoon IOS 3D Application
Extra Delphi forms are combined with Windows and Mac OS X as the target platform iOS , And the production execution is created with free Pascal compiler, the declaration is different for form units:
uses SysUtils, type, class, type, FMX_Types, FMX_Controls, FMX_Forms, FMX_Dialogs, FMX_ExtCtrls, FMX_Ani;
Both windows and a Mac have to be developed by firefighters. The first iOS project, you have to set up once on both ends, then for each project, the following sequence develops:
Xcode creates applications with free Pascal compiler to run on free Pascal Serial Library . Some features of Delphi compiler and RTL are not supported by free Pascal
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