c# - Is static variable shared between class instances -
I have the square below _commandLine variable is declared as static whether this variable is between instances of the WkHtml class Will be shared?
p.s It would be good for the device that is VS Will show such information in For example select developer variable and get information about variables, variables to be shared between classes, this thread is secure and etc.
public class WkHtml {personal fixed string _commandLine; Public Zero AddCommandLine (object value) {AddCommandLine ("{0}", value); } Public Zero AddCmdWithCond (String Value, Bull Position, Object Comparison Value) {AddCmdWithCond (value, status, comparison value, ""); } Public Zero AddCmdWithCond (string value, bool condition, objection compareValue, string defaultValue) {if (compareValue = Null & amp;! Amp;! String.IsNullOrEmpty (compareValue.ToString ()) & amp; Helpers.GetBool (CompareValue) = = position) AddCommandLine ("{0}", value); And if (default value = zero) AddCommandLine ("{0}", default value); } Public Zero AddCommandLine DefaultValue (object parameter, object value, object DefaultValue) {if (value == null} string.IsNullOrEmpty (value.ToString ()) {value =; } AddCommandLine (parameter, value); } Public Zero AddCommandLine (object parameter, object value) {return (value == null} string.IsNullOrEmpty (value.ToString ()) return; _commandLine = _commandLine + string.Format (parameter.ToString (), value) + ""; } Public string GetCommandLine {get {return _commandLine; }}} "itemprop =" text "> static variable sharing between all classes Examples are Why do not you see any reason why you should declare it as stable?
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