php - GET[] fails to work when one parameter is missing =value? -

The end of my query string looks:

  tweetpushr.php attachment and id = 20 & Amp; Tweetbody = Wassup% 20David% 20Love% 20you% 20like% 20a% 20brutha & amp; CatID = 6 & amp; Catid2 = 6 & amp; Catid3 = 10 & amp; Dtpub = 0000-00-00% 2000:. 00: 00 & amp; Dtpush = 0000- 00-00% 2000: 00: 00 & amp; Usrpush = & amp; ID = 20 & amp; Tweetbody = Just% 20a% 20little% 20more% 20CSS% 20and% 20some% 20polish% 20man & amp; CatID = 8 & amp; Catid2 = 1 & amp; Catid3 =. 1 & amp; Dtpub = 0000-00-00% 2000: 00: 00 & amp; Dtpush = 0000-00-00% 2000: 00: 00 & amp; Usrpush =   

I get it to reach the variable but it seems that in the attachment modifier, = > Does not and prevents me from being variable

How do I get the value for TTB?

there is no reason missing = to attachment Prevents you from not having any other variables Attachment object will be restored with empty string, and the remaining variables will be parsed normally just & lt ;? Try a script with php var_dump ($ _GET); ? & Gt; Pass the strings above and above and you will see that all the keys / values ​​are displayed as you want.

However, the tweetbody key appears twice in the query string (as is the case with most other keys) - is the reason for this not your expected value?


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