mediawiki - is there a faster alternative to mwdumper to import xmls? -

I'm exploring a faster option to use the mwdumper to import the MediaWiki XML dump. I used wget for downloading XML one by one for big articles and I need a few hundreds to import, importing one time at a time is taking too long

Command java -jar mwdumper.jar --format = sql: 1.5 page 1.xml | Mysql -uUserNameDDBaseName does not work on Windows Command Line.

I have compared several available options maintenance / importDump.php for me It has been a winner:

  • This is part of mediawiki, supported and less chance of discrepancies (which will definitely do if you start to mess with yourself with SQL queries Certainly meet.).
  • This is at least double because some code was based on code from maintenance / editing.php .
  • This can run on the existing MediaWiki setup.
  • It works well.
  • 20.23 revs / sec


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