- Preserving CheckBox's Value in Dynamic GridView TemplateField -
I am trying to create a gridview that has a list of users and permission levels in which they will have access to each line The following areas will be: USER_ID, Username, Permission1, Permission2, ..., PermissionN, where permissions are the values of the field if the user has that permission and "1" (Note that they do not have "0" that are returned by DAL Not allowed to call 1 column Has not, but allow the actual name). I want to represent the data by using the check box, allowing an administrator to quickly provide at once or allow a large number of them to cancel the permission.
Since I do not know the number of first hand permissions, I create dynamic TemplateFields and checkboxes, and it works fine; Gridview shows the current approval level of all users. I encounter a problem when I try to update the permissions on the user's check and uncheck box.
By changing user permissions, I have an "update" button, which certainly causes a postback. Since there is a postback before the OnClick event, as long as I reach OnClick, all the checkboxes are reset to their initial values. Is there a way in which I can grab the value of property checked by checkbox before postback? Is there another (better) way to do this? . Thanks
& lt; ASP: GridView id = "gvUsers" runat = "server" AutoGenerateColumns = "false" EnableModelValidation = "correct" DataKeyNames = "id" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: GridView & gt; & Lt; Asp: ObjectDataSource id = "odsUsers" runat = "server" SelectMethod = "GET_USERS" type name = "ODL" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: ObjectDataSource & gt; & Lt; Asp: button id = "btnUpdate" runat = "server" text = "update permissions" OnClick = "btnUpdate_OnClick" /> Code Back:
Private Static String [] Excluded Coles = {"id", "Username"}; Protected Zero Page_Load (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {if (! IsPostBack) // IsPostBack Detection GridView Refresh bindGridViewWithHiddenID (gvUsers, ((DataView) odsUsers.Select ()) when the update button is clicked. Tables, excludeCols); } Public static bindGridViewWithHiddenID (GridView GV, DataTable DT, string [] excludeCols) {gv.Columns.Clear () bool; Gv.DataBind (); If (live! = Null & amp; dt! = Null & amp; dt.rows.ccount> 0) {DataControlField newField; Foreign currency (DataColumn columns in dt.Column) {If (outside calls.column (column.panname)) {newField = new boundfield (); ((Boundfield newfold) .datafield = column. Column name; } And {newField = new TemplateField (); (TemplateField newfield) .ItemTemplate = New custom template (column.ColumnName); } NewField.HeaderText = column.ColumnName; If (column.ColumnName == "ID" || column.ColumnName.EndsWith ("_ ID")) newField.Visible = false; Gv.Columns.Add (Newfield); } Gv.DataSource = dt; Gv.DataBind (); Back true; } return false; } // At the time of execution, the checkbox is already restored to the protected betaapadet tag (object sender, eventArgse E) {...} custom template class:
public class custom template: ITemplate {Private string binding; Private static calculation = 0; Public Custom Template (string colNameBinding) {binding = colNameBinding; } Public Zero Institution (Control Container) {checkbox chk = new checkbox (); Chk.ID = "chk" + Count ++; Chk.DataBinding + = new event heredollar (this.chk_OnDataBinding); Container.Controls.Add (mortgage); } Public Zero chk_OnDataBinding (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Checkbox chk = (Checkbox) Sender; GridViewRow Naming Resource = (GridViewRow) chk.NamingContainer; DataRowView Detorro = (DataRowView) Naming Container.DataItem; If (Detroor [Binding]. Ostring () == "1") chk.Checked = true; Other chk.Checked = false; }
This behavior is expected and normal is this page on dynamically added controls To do with the life cycle and viewstate tracking. I read you from Scott Mitchell specifically with section titles: View state and dynamically added control
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