python - django 1.3 forms validation using clean method to retrieve getlist -
I have a form with checkboxes, the way the job is working, in my opinion, I request.POST.getlist ( 'List') To get a list of prices.
At the moment, I am trying to make some form validation within clean way and when I try to use myself, then '[List'] I get the final value I can not retrieve the list of items
class SelectList_Form (forms.Form): list = forms.CharField (required) < P> = false) def clean (self): super (SelectList_Form, self). Try clean () cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data: # TODO: List validation if cleaned_data ['list'] .__len __ () is 0: form.ValidationError raise (_ ('at least one of the list below Must be selected '), if cleared_data [' list '] .__ lane (__ ()> 1: try: # here when I print the list it only shows me the last value it values me The list does not show when the box is checked cleaned_data ['list'] except main.DoesNotExist: Exclude forms, increase Http404. ValidityError: Class B Posting_Wizard (FormWizard): def render_template (self, request, form, previous_folds, phase, context = none): If the step == 0: obj = MainI18n.objects.filter (main__ is_active = true, language = request.LANGUAGE_CODE). \ Exclude (main__parent = None) .order_by ('main__parent'). Select_related (Depth = 1) category_choices = dict (['% s,% s'% (i.main.slug, i.main.parent.slug), For '% s -% s'% (i.main.parent, i.label)], I have '' ['categories'] = forms.charfield (widget = forms.RadioSelect (options = category_choices.items) in obj )) Step == 1: category = request.POST.get ('0-Categories') pobj = Main.objects.filter (slug = category.split (',') [1], original = none). Get () cobj = main.objects.filter (slug = category.split (',') [0], gravity = .get () lobj = ListI18n.objects.filter (list__is_active = true language = request. LONGGUAGE_CODE, list__main__slug = category.s Plit (',') [0], list__main__parent = .select_related () list_choices = dict (, i.title) i in lobj) cobj.mainproperties.relation == 'M': # Here I am generating checkboxes form.fields ['list'] = forms.CharField (widget = forms.CheckboxSelectMultiple (choices = list_choices.items ()), label = "select list", label, Otherwise: form.fields ['list'] = forms.CharField (widget = forms.RadioSelect (options = list_choices.items ()), label = "pick up list", return super (posting_wizard, self) .render_template (request, Form, back_fone, phase, refract ('account-registration-wizard-key Returns' get_template (self, phase): returns' listing / post / wizard / wizard_% s.html '(self, request, form_list): Return HTTP Response Redirect In the first step, there are several basic Python errors here I double There is almost never the need to reach endorsor functions - they are internal implementation details. Instead, always use the normal lane () function and, never is not for comparison: it is for identification, so only to be used with those things Those who you know about are identical identities, essentially it means none should read your code: If the LAN (cleared_data [ 'List']) == 0: etc.
Now, secondly, I do not understand why you think there might be more than one element in list . You have defined it as a CharField, which is a single field that has many characters. Your lane is testing the number of characters entered in those fields, not the number of fields, though you think you have defined them.
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