iphone - How can i insert an image inside html code? -

I have to add a background image to a phone number that is contained within an HTML code that I load into UIWebView

  NSString * stringToReplace = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "& lt; a style = \" color: white; Background color: # 707,070; Text-decoration: none write \ "href = \": //% @ \ "& gt;% @   

I have been able to change background color, but instead I would have to put an image in the form of background

I have found out what was the problem


I do not really insult your code , You might want to use it:

  Background: #afdafd url ('path ...'); /*def.color. Back.img. * / & Lt; One style = \ "color: white; background: # 707070 url ('/ images / rounded-corner.png'); text-decoration: none write \" href = \ ": //% @ \" & gt; % @ & Lt; / A & gt;    


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