- ChildGridView column's Data On Binding -

I am using Nested Gridview, at the Rodetabenant event, I have studied the childhood based on some condition of the parentgridview column. In the meantime, I need to know the column value of child Gridviv. How can I do this? I am using this code: -

  Protected Zero Grid View 1_RadataBound (Object Sender, GridViewEventErgus E) {if (E.RO.RowType == Data ControllerType.Datra) { GridView gridviewchild = (GridView) e Row.FindControl ("gridView2"); String custstate = ((DataRowView) e.Row.DataItem) ["Caststate"]. ToString (); If (! String.isnalautoplay (castestate)) {gridViewchild .DataSource = MyDataSource; Gridwitchchild .detind (); // now i need to know the data of the pedestrian watch column ???? }}}}    

You have a few ways to get it:

1- Loop through the lines of the hair grid view

  foreach (GridViewRow line in childGridView.Rows) {//row.Cells PageInense]; }   

2- Use RowDataBound child grid view


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