FBdialog dismisses on Several Android Devices -
I am a developer of 2.2 version and an Android application, it has the implementation of Facebook, which is my device ( LG Optimus ) and with my emulator on all Android versions, but when I run it on Sony Xperia and Motorola Diode X2 , then Facebook FBDialos rejects it Given and did not show up to the login screen. I am using Facebook-SDK from git hub Any solutions ?? Thank you. Is there any Facebook app in Sony Xperia and Motorola Droid X2? Then open Facebook.java and look for this code and comment like this: Hope this will be helpful for you. Because when the Facebook application was installed, it activates a single sign with the Facebook app and your app must register in the app in Facebook. See here for more explicit information.
Public Nulled Authorization (Activity Activity, String [] Permissions, Int Activity Code, Final Dialog Listener Listener) {Boolean Single SignignStarted = false; MAuthDialogListener = Listener; // Prioritize Single Sign-On, where available. / * If (activitycode> = 0) {singleSignOnStarted = startSingleSignOn (activity, mAppId, permissions, activity); } * // // Otherwise come back to the traditional dialogue. If (! Single signon starred) {startDialogAuth (activity, permissions); }}
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