
Showing posts from May, 2010

.net - Is it absolutely necessary to any internal app must be signed? -

I have written a WPF app, which has been used by us for almost a year today to make changes to the app Is needed, and it needs to be republished on our network drive, where it will be picked up by our users. However, I could not publish it because I was getting an error message that this certificate was over. I forgot, but a year ago I would have generated a test certificate which I had linked to the app when I published it initially. Fast forward for today, as I said, I made some changes and tried to publish it again, when I came to know that the problem We do not have to sign the assembly of this app - it is only used internally and will never be used outside of our agency. I went to the properties of the project, opened the signing tab, and decided to clear the checkbox next to "Click Signon Manifest Sign In" on a command. I made it again, published it again (there was no error in this matter) and it was checked to check on the machine whether I can install it, it is...

multithreading - Thread contemporary access to variables and synchronization mechanisms -

मैं समझना चाहता हूं कि निम्नलिखित कोड सही है #include & lt; iostream & gt; #include & lt; boost / thread / thread.hpp & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; vector & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; नेमस्पेस बूस्ट का उपयोग करना; वर्ग पृष्ठभूमि_टास्क {निजी: std :: vector & lt; int & gt; संख्या; सार्वजनिक: पृष्ठभूमि_टास्क () {i = 0; numbers.assign (6000,0); } कुछ कुछ लंबा कंप्यूटशन () शून्य (जबकि (++ i और lt; 200) {// boost :: mutex :: scoped_lock (formutex); // cout & lt; & lt; "अंदर थ्रेड: i =" & lt; & lt; यह- & gt; आई & lt; & lt; endl; (0) = मैं; Cout & lt; & lt; "थ्रेड इन नंबर्स =" & lt; & lt; संख्याएं। (0) & lt; & lt; endl; को बढ़ावा देने :: this_thread :: नींद (को बढ़ावा देने :: posix_time :: मिलीसेकंड (100)); }} Std :: vector & lt; int & gt; और amp; GetNumbers () {रिटर्न नंबर; } Int i; }; पृष्ठभूमि_टास्क एफ; शून्य मान पिकर () {int j = 0; जबकि ((जे ++) & lt; 20)...

touch - ANDROID: How to create an virtual area on screen on top of everything which user can press to perform actions? -

I'm trying to do something like sleeppad, taskask, and tasky where the user swipes / touches Area of ​​the phone screen just like the edges and program work, even if its activity is not visible. I do not know where it starts, because I do not even know about it Any help would be greatly appreciated! A similar question has been answered here: No , sorry. Your activities can give information about a service to a touch event, but a service can not directly receive touch events , but you get touch events only with running activity can do. Here's how you will get a touch listener in the activity: ImageView playLayout = (ImageView) findViewById (; PlayLayout.setKeepScreenOn (right); PlayLayout.setOnTouchListener (see new OnTouchListener) {@ Override Public Boolean On Touch (View View, Motion Event Me) {Float New Y = Me.Gateway (); Float NewX = I.T.T.X (Int.) Action = Me. Gate Action (if;); (Action == 0) {Log V (Tag, "New Touch"); Log I...

sql - Computed Column Check Performance With Large Table Paging Query -

I have to retrieve this query (see below, simplified for simplicity) Search for jobs Data We are working with almost one million records. Select Select ID from ID (Select ID, createDate, SearchKeyMatchRank, Row_Number (), by ordering (order by createDate) jobs by applying barley as rowNumber application (SelectKeyMatchRank = case when @ search = '' '' Then '' (Inn Knoll ([rank], 0) from freightable label (jobs, title, @ search) where [key] = * 4 + (ianal (select ray)], 0 ) FREETEXTTABLE (Job, Description, @ Search), where [key] = J.ID) * 4 + (choose SIM (JS 2. [Rank], 0)) Fructitable (Job Skills, Skill, @ Searchkey) ESSE 2 where JS2 (where JobId = J.Id) Select ID from JobSkills * 2 END) SMR where search match match & gt; 0 - Par value here) T2 where the row number & gt; = Case when the @ indicative index; 0 and @andindex and gt; ; 0 then = Startindexx ELSE line number number and line number & lt; = Case when @ Startindexx 0 and @ and in...

web services - wsimport problem with Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException -

I am creating a web service customer using wsimport, but I get an error like this java on "main" at ( Exception in lang.NullPointerException HttpURLConnection.plainConnect ( ( on (on 1172) ( on (on 139) ( on (on 130) sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl sun on ( on sun.reflect....

c# - Outlook ContactItem: get containing folder? -

I'm adding an Outlook that manages Outlook contacts. I have a function that receives all the contacts in a folder and its subfolders. Now, I need to determine which folder where a given contact was recovered from. Is it scanning each folder or is it possible to return the path with each contact item? This works for me: public string GetFolderFullName ( Outlook.ContactItem ci) {Outlook.MAPIFolder mf = ci.Parent; String path = mf.folderpath; return path; }

c++ - Assigning values to a null char * -

निम्न कोड में: const char * my_func1 (char const * str) { Const char * a = func (); // एक चार * लौटता है, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि इसके लिए गैर-कॉन्स्ट को कॉन्स्ट करने के लिए ठीक है अगर (a == NULL) {MY_String b = str; // MY_String स्ट्रिंग फ़ंक्शंस के साथ एक इनहाउस क्लास है b.replace ("\" "," \ '"); //" के साथ "को बदलता है a = (const char *) b; // MY_string के एक ऑपरेटर (const char *)} एक वापसी; } मुझे जो समस्या है वह है, जब a है null , और यह में प्रवेश करती है ब्लॉक, a को असाइनमेंट ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहा है, और मुझे कचरा मिलता है। क्या ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि a है null है कि मैं इसके लिए एक मान निर्दिष्ट नहीं कर सकता? मैं इसे कैसे ठीक करूं? मुझे नहीं पता है कि MY_String है लेकिन जो भी हो, यह एक स्थानीय चर है तो यह if ब्लॉक के अंत में गुंजाइश से बाहर हो जाता है तो जो कुछ भी इसकी ऑपरेटर कंसेचर * * / कोड करता है, वह शायद आपको अंतर्निहित वस्तु नष्ट हो जाने के बाद समझदार परिणाम नहीं दे रहा है। यह संभवतः काम कर सकता है, अगर ...

c# - Slow, sweeping turns instead of instantly facing the target -

I have a code to face a goal and move on to it: var X: number = _targetPosition.value.x - _position.value.x; Var y: number = _targetPosition.value.y - _position.value.y; Var Target Angel: Number = Mathematics.Tan 2 (Y, X); _angle.value = targetAngle; _velocity.valuestxe (mathematics (target angle) * 90, math sin (target angle) * 90); I would rather say a frame instead of a two degree (or quarter radian or whatever you want to use, I can convert it anyway)? Its goal may be increasing, so I can not use the formula that takes time to meditate ... instead of snaping it should be changed to a frame of X degree. In addition to this, if you can show me how to apply this rotation takes into account a delta time which would be great, but I can try to understand it. Thank you! Unless you are compelled to run your program at a fixed time, Even the algorithm which fails to pass the time, is likely to be wrong. Depending on the hardware, framerates may vary wildly; A solution tha...

In macruby what does Module's method "__type__" do? -

module macruby has several ways that are not usually. One of these is __ type __ and I can not understand what it does. What does it do? Thank you! z __ type __ is defined in object.c: static VALUE rb_obj_type (VALUE obj) {return LONG2FIX (TYPE (obj)); } which in turn depends on the rb_type function: static inline Inc. rb_type (VALUE obj) {if ( IMMEDIATE_P (Obj)) {if (FIXNUM_P (obj)) {return T_FIXNUM; } If (FIXFLOAT_P (obj)) {return T_FLOAT; } If (obj == Qtrue) {return T_TRUE; } If (obj == Qundef) {return T_UNDEF; }} And if (! RTEST (obj)) {if (obj == Qnil) {return T_NIL; } If (obj == Qfalse) {return T_FALSE; }} Return rb_objc_type (obj); } Of course, it only returns a number that matches a type identifier, as defined by the pre-compiler constant T_FIXNUM, T_FLOAT, etc. I would say that this is really some of limited use for standard users, however, when you write a C extension, it can check your code more efficient type.

php - Accessing object variable via double dollar sign -

I am creating a square to create variables so that another php file can be easily created. The problem is that I get $ variable_name = & gt; I'm using double dollars to make. $$ varible_real_value Style hashp and I want all the Iterator features to be square variables __Constructor defining a new variable in the scope can overwrite the variable from the files. The problematic piece of code is foreach ($ this-> Args AS $ this-> iterator) {$ this-> Data-> $ The-> iterator = $$ this-> Iterator; } But when I call it foreach ($ this-> args as $ var) {$ this-> Data-> $ Var = $$ var; } The variable '$ var' will be overwritten. class DataFile {private $ data = zero, $ iterator = null, $ args = null; Public function __ conversion ($ file) {requirement ($ file); Not set ($ file); $ This- & gt; Args = funny_gate_argain (); ($ This-> args) array_shift; $ This- & gt; Data = new ArrayObject (); Forex Currency ($ this-> Arg...

how to select data-id and data-action in jQuery -

This is the follow-up to this question: How do I choose this piece? & lt; Div data-id = "54" data-action = "follow-global-id" class = "add-to-list" & gt; This is my answer & lt; / Div & gt; I have an ID value below and tried it $ ('.add-to-list [data-action | global-id "] [Data-id | id = '']). Text ('There is jettison here in IT value'); But there is no dice Help Thx for It should be tested, but should work: var id = 54; $ ('.adding list [data action = follow-global global]] [data-id =' + + id + ']' text ('some') .

internet explorer - How to fix CSS float issues in IE6 and IE7? -

I'm talking about "Previous" and "Next" post navigation links below the articles on my website, which Looks like this (below) in all the modern browsers (IE> 7) but in IE6 and IE7, it seems Yes, all the other websites also look good in these browsers, and And it has to work, and without breaking anything. I see that float issues can occur in IE6 and IE7, and it's also fine (one is working, I can not get it). This is the HTML code associated with the post navigation (mentioned above): & lt; Div class = "post-entries" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "nav-prev fl" & gt; & Lt; A href = "" rel = "back" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "meta-navigation" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; LG's A530 3D Notebook Shoot and Place in 3D [PICS] & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "neo-next fr" &...

c# - Determining from which View/UserControl a Command was called -

What is the definitive way to determine which scene (user control) was called? For example, if I have two views, then each single view is tied to the modal, how can I decide how a specific command was called? Having a separate order for each scene will not make any difference in this scenario, because it is an external service that should be informed about the particular active view. I assume that you call the command from userstrop, so if you say the method, example For some method, then as a method, a UserControl object is required to be taken as a parameter. In other words, you should be like something like: some blank posts (User control U, other parameters ...) {if (u have some user controls) {\\ nothing do} And if ....} and call this method on your user control: some mode (this, .....) \\ This keyword will send a UserControl object if you say that method within a UserControl class, in other words it crosses itself as a parameter The will

.htaccess - Config version check in Apache -

I am reviving an Apache-PHP application. The main goal is to make it easily portable among hosts. I have moved every path-based setting from .htaccess files to virtualhost specification, but to match the version of the config file in the site's version It would be nice to be able. What I have thought is the two constants defined in the vhost config (such as environment variables) such as: less warsense in which this configuration file Compatible with is the lowest version of the application. highVersion containing then the central .htaccess file of the application can check whether: If the lower version is not bigger than the version of the application and if the high quality app is less than the minimum config version required by I know that know about SetEnv, SetEnvIf and Rewrite, but they do not support the least number of fonts as compared to the numbers. Of course, I can use a special number system: 3 = iii 4 = iiii etc. ... and us...

artificial intelligence - What is the best way to perform vector crossover in genetic algorithm? -

I used a genetic algorithm to learn the best parameters for a draft / checker A " Vector is stored in. Actually I crossover using two surmals. Methods: A point crossover. And two-point crossover, unfortunately, in my opinion, these methods are not enough. For example: If I have a genetic pool: [10 20 1] [30 10 9] [100 1 10] If the theoretical The optimum x1 value is 50, so I can never find it by a crossover. > It seems that you have an encoding problem - no crossover. If you want more variability in the chromosome - then encode the data as a sequence of bytes (or bits). Suppose you have 3 integer parameters - you can show them as 3 * 4 = 12 byte vector: {114,2,0,214, // first 32-bit Int 14,184,220,7, // second 32-bit int 145,2,32,12, // etc ...} then develops with large variability in your intersections after crossover Will happen. Apart from this, you can not use 1/2 point crossover, but - when at each chromosomal point you will randomly decide ...

opengl es - opengles 2.0 2D scene graph implementation -

I want to create a 2D open engine to use for my apps. This engine should support a visible graph. Each node in the graph can have its own shader, texture, content and conversion matrix, according to which its parent node. But I am new to open 2.0 and so I have some questions: How does the Matrix Multiplication 2.0 work in the open? Is this a good way to attract first parents, then this is the child's nodes (this model will give some optimization while multiplying matrices) Where is matrix multiplication? Should I do it on a CPU or a GPU Is it a better way to attract nodes according to the shader's use, then for texture and content? How do I apply visual graph changes in this case (CPU or GPU and how)? How does the Matrix Multiplication 2.0 work in the open? Is this a good way to attract first parents, then this is the child's nodes (this model will give some optimization while multiplying matrices) Where is matrix multiplication? Should I do it on a CPU or G...

feedback - Don't erase background for visual trace in Quartz Composer -

I do not possible to clean the background in the quartz composer? Post "itemprop =" text "> Present in a image within your patch, and add its output to a addition patch Connect the culture to the container patch output, and connect to the "Background Image" port with the output of Accumulator patch> > Patch, then to create a feedback loop, then add to patch Connect to Billboard .

python QT underlying object deleted when import code -

मेरे पास एक साधारण प्रोग्राम है जो QGraphicsScene / देखें बनाते हैं मेरा उद्देश्य केवल कुछ फाइलों में दृश्य के कोड को परिभाषित करना है, कुछ सहायक फ़ुर्स के साथ, किसी फाइल को निष्पादित करना ( exec python के स्टेटमेंट के माध्यम से) पहले से ही परिभाषित किया। मैं भी एक धागा जो कॉलबैक देने अपने मुख्य कार्यक्रम में है, और मैं कॉलबैक पर qgraphicsitems पर कुछ सामान करना चाहते हैं। उदाहरण यहाँ से अदृश्य होने की एक एनीमेशन को परिभाषित अदर्शन वर्ग AnimInvisible की एक एनीमेशन के PySide आयात QtGui # परिभाषा से : एक कॉलबैक से जुड़ा हुआ डीईएफ़ __init __ (स्वयं, आइटम): self.item = आइटम डीईएफ़ on_callback (स्वयं, टैग): self.item.setVisible (tag.getProperty ()! = 0) एक सरल QGraphicsRectItem mon_rect = QtGui.QGraphicsRectItem (400, 300, 100, 50) mon_rect.setBrush (QtGui.QBrush (QtGui.QColor ( 'लाल' की # सृजन ))) # यह फ़ाइल में परिभाषित दृश्य को रीसेट जोड़ देगा # जहां exec कथन किया जाता है (exec द्वारा निर्यात किया जाता है) addItem (mon_rect) a = AnimInvisible (mon_rect) # यह धा...

php - The str_ireplace and preg_replace attemt? -

I am trying to replace a string with one original text. ( zinc -> gt; zn ) Example: 'zinc zinc zinc zinc 3! Zinc Zodiac # Zinc Zinc 9 Zinc @ zinc @ want to: 'zn zn zn zinc3! Zn zincmatic #zinc zinc9 zn @zinc @ stack_replayed attempts: $ text = 'zinc zinc zinc zinc 3 ! Zinc zodiac # zinc zinc 9 zinc @ zinc @ '; $ Word = 'zinc'; $ Attr = 'zn'; // cnt as str_ireplace will now be converted to zinc znmatic and # zinc #zn $ text = ''. $ Text will change in ''; $ Word = ''. $ Zinc ''; // will now try $ result = str_ireplace ($ word, $ attr, $ word); Echo trim ($ result); Print zn zinc zn zinc3! Zinc zinc # zinc zinc 9 zn @ zinc @ . Preg_replace attempts: P> $ text = 'zinc zinc Zinc zinc 3! Zinc zodiac # zinc zinc 9 zinc '; $ Word = 'zinc'; $ Attr = 'zn'; $ Result = preg_replace ("/ \ b ($ word) \ b / i", $ attr, $ text); $ Return result; Print zn zn zn zinc3! ...

iPhone: Core Plot, pie charts -

I have a pie chart that I am creating using a core plot. Apart from this I use labels in every slice using - (CPTLyar *) datablelefloreplot: (CPTPLot *) plot record index: (nsuentenger) index Have to do. What do I want to do, add a piece of text and make it clickable, because the piece can be very small, and it will be difficult for the user to click on that piece. Does any body have any ideas? Thanks in advance ... This is not currently supported in core plot by requesting a new feature on you You can.

Difference in path xxxx/./xxxx and xxxx/xxxx -

क्या निम्न दो मार्गों में कोई अंतर है? पथ = "/ apps / WebLogicPPT / user_projects / wlsPPTDomain /./ अनुप्रयोग / एसएससी / sscoc_web_sos_11.1ps_v0.1.ear "पथ =" / apps / WebLogicPPT / user_projects / wlsPPTDomain / applications / ssc / sscoc_web_sos_11.1ps_v0.1.ear " अधिकतर ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम में, । वर्तमान वर्तमान निर्देशिका को प्रदर्शित करता है और .. मूल निर्देशिका को प्रदर्शित करता है। इस तरह से एक फ़ाइल संरचना को देखते हुए: सी:। Â â? Â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â आप कई तरह से बार की सामग्री की सूची बना सकते हैं: dir c: \ foo \ bar dir c: \ foo \। \। \। \। । \। \ Bar dir c: \ foo \ .. \ foo \ .. \ foo \ bar \। ...

javascript - What does function(i) mean in this jQuery code? -

This is a sample code from a jQuery book that rotates through images, I understand the majority of it except the part The function is called (i). Is the value (i) being passed as an argument and when (i) numberoffofoto is being reduced, then the same value is being reduced? $ (document) .ready (function () {RotatePics (1);}); Function Rotate Pics (current photo) {var numberOfPhotos = $ ('# photos img'). Length; CurrentPhoto = Current photo% numberofFoto; $ ('# Photos img'). Eq (current photo). Fade (function () {$ ('# photos img'). (Function (i) {$ (this) .Css ('zIndex', ((numberOf photo - i) + current photo)% numberOfPhotos;}; $ (This). Show Timeout (function () {rotatePics (++ current photo);}, 4000);})}} "post-text" itemprop = "text"> The function that passes the function ( function (i) {} {/ code> ... here) and instead of the two variables The second value is Then, i here index Is because this is the fir...

linux - Audio file conversion -

I'm trying to replace with MP3, but Socks does not help. Six FAIL format: There is no handler for file extension Do I forget something? Any suggestions? The SOX file does not recognize the extension. Alla It supports A-encoded encoded files, however, the files you just need to check is in exactly what format your audio is in. If it is only raw (i.e. no headers) audio, this is a simple law If your audio was in a separate "container format" (either the opposite bit order) , Depending on how your bits are rounded, depending on the extension either. Or change it. Ie .au, .gsrt, .maud, .prc or .voc example), then the file extension should already be one of these, and I'm not sure why this will not happen! If you know that the audio is definitely one of them then try to make changes in the appropriate extension and give it a shot. Look for more information :)

caching - How to Remove Duplicated Codes in This Design? -

I have 30 data access classes and some of them have a GetAll method with parameters. All of these appear below my code: public IEnumerable & lt; IHierarchyDivisionDailyResult & gt; GetAll (Small Master ID, DateTime startup, Short GBIID) {var cacheKey = this.Cache.CreateCacheKey (this, Master ID, StartDate, GBID); Var result = this.Cache.GetList & lt; IHararchyDivisionDailyResult & gt; (Cache); If (result! = Null) return result; Lock (object) {result = it. Cache.getlight & lt; Iheirkki Division Daily Result & gt; (Cache); If (result! = Null) return result; (Var dataContext = OscaDataContext.CreateWithCustomTimeOut ()) using {result = datacentext. Hieraki DivisionDaily (MasterID, StartDate, GBID) .Oolist (); This.Cache.Add (cacheKey, results); }} Return result; } I want to refocus the code so that duplicated codes are removed. How would it be possible? What are common / different in each implementation: CreateCacheKey always receives all the input...

deployment - Is there anything like Fabric for Perl? -

I really like personal projects, but I work in my day-to-day job in a Pearl-oriented environment I am doing I'd like to stay away from presenting another language in a workflow, so I'm wondering if there is something similar for automatic deployment in Pearl. See though based on its maximum See also this old SE question

mysql - how to implement join operator -

I have 3 tables in my database, as shown below: - (1) Users_registration - Username - Email - Enoded (2) Vendor - Registration - vid - vkey - btype - Email - pass - bussname - regdate - url - ownerfname (3) vorder - ttime - vid - tid - oid - uid - Zodiac - Cardid The user name in the user_register table and the UID in the vorder table is the same. My code is so far: - SELECT vo.ttime, vo Vorder vo INNER job vendor_registration vr ON vo.vid = vr.vid where uid = '' $ Name_array [$ Z] "Sort by TteieEid"; After implementing this code, my page looks like this! [Enter image details here] [1] Actually I want to show your bussname in place of vid e451ffc8-db29-4c08-ac67-0177aec6e2ab as shown in the image vendor, SELECT vo.ttime, Vr.bussname, vo.tid, vo.oid, vo.uid, vo. Join Vorder Vo INNER from the amount, vo.cardid, vendor_registration vr at vo.vid = vr.vid where uid = ''. $ Name_array [$ z]. "'Order by TTME DESC

FBdialog dismisses on Several Android Devices -

I am a developer of 2.2 version and an Android application, it has the implementation of Facebook, which is my device ( LG Optimus ) and with my emulator on all Android versions, but when I run it on Sony Xperia and Motorola Diode X2 , then Facebook FBDialos rejects it Given and did not show up to the login screen. I am using Facebook-SDK from git hub Any solutions ?? Thank you. Is there any Facebook app in Sony Xperia and Motorola Droid X2? Then open and look for this code and comment like this: Public Nulled Authorization (Activity Activity, String [] Permissions, Int Activity Code, Final Dialog Listener Listener) {Boolean Single SignignStarted = false; MAuthDialogListener = Listener; // Prioritize Single Sign-On, where available. / * If (activitycode> = 0) {singleSignOnStarted = startSingleSignOn (activity, mAppId, permissions, activity); } * // // Otherwise come back to the traditional dialogue. If (! Single signon starred) {startDialogAuth (activ...

jquery drag & drop functionality not working sometime -

यह खींचें और ड्रॉप कार्यक्षमता के लिए मेरा कोड है मैं jquery pugins core js 1.5 और jquery ui-1.7.1 $ ('# middle li') का उपयोग करते हैं। Draggable ({सहायक: कार्य () {var चयनित = $ ('# middle माता-पिता ('ली'); यदि (चयनित.लैम्ग == 0) {चयनित = $ (यह);} var कंटेनर = $ ('& lt; div / & gt;')। Attr ('id ',' मध्यम '); कंटेनर.एपेंड (चयनित.क्लोन ()); वापसी कंटेनर;}}); $ ("# Left div")। Droppable ({drop: function (event, ui) {// $ (this) = फ़ोल्डर नाम जहां आइटम को भुनाया जा रहा है foldername = $ (this) .text (); var fileid = $ (Ui.helper.children ())। पाठ ();}}); अब मध्य मेरा div है जहां मैं ली तत्व ड्रग कर रहा हूं और उस डिवेल का उपयोग करके छोड़ दिया डिवेल में ड्रॉप हूं और मैं दोनों खींचें वस्तु और ड्रॉप आइटम का टेक्स्ट प्राप्त कर रहा हूं ...... समस्या: - 1. यह कार्यक्षमता केवल पृष्ठ को ताज़ा करने पर ही काम करती है? 2. मैं एक से अधिक आइटम का टेक्स्ट कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं जब मैं एक से अधिक आइटम खींचना और छोड़ देता हूं, यह ...

How to update all records in a table at the same time (without updating records one by one) using stored procedure -

I have a table named EMP (Ampainam, description). The table has 4 records, using the stored procedure, one by one, without updating the update, I want to update all the records with the same update statement. UPDATE [tableName] SET [columnName] = [value] WHERE [condition]

facebook - Sharer.php and the SSL Migration on Oct 1 -

How will Facebook SSL migrations be affected on October 1? Will this link continue to work? Will redirect to https or will the link stop functioning after 1 October? Thanks Facebook's new SSL requirement is only for canvas only. Since the link you provided is not a canvas application (but a part of Facebook's website), it is unaffected by this new requirement. Facebook now has more than 9 months if you have Safe Browsing setting enabled in your account and you click on it, you should automatically redirect it. Finally, Facebook has been boycotted using their documentation, instead it is suggested.

javascript - What are the differences among the vendor prefixed 'requestAnimationFrame' implementations? -

Edit: This question is now only of historical interest: It appears That seller vendor and vendor-specific behavior has been removed. If you wish, feel free to ask a question about emulating the old vendor-specific behavior. There may be different functions for requestAnimationFrame in Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera: WebkitRequestAnimationFrame mozRequestAnimationFrame msRequestAnimationFrame oRequestAnimationFrame It is absolutely clear what should be their behavior, but does a person have an official answer in different ways? EDIT: For the time being, I accept my answer. I am still interested in the details of implementation of IE 10, and opera should apply it opera, opera; Any important difference I can make is to update the question. Perhaps the best page for the full explanation.

JQuery UI Datepicker's select Month/Year drop down doesn't work in iPad if the Datepicker is on JQuery Dialog -

मैंने इस तरह एक jQuery UI datepicker बनाया है: $ .datepicker.setDefaults ( {ChangeMonth: true, changeYear: true, defaultDate: null, dateFormat: dateTimeFormat, showOn: 'both', buttonImage केवल: सही, बटन छवि: urlPath + 'सामग्री / शैलियाँ / छवियां / कैलेंडर.gif', बटन पाठ: 'कैलेंडर'}) ; $ ('Input.datetime', controlContext) .डेटाक्कर ({on select: function (dateText, inst) {$ (inst, controlContext) .val (dateText); var dateSelected = $ (inst, controlContext) .Datepicker ("getDate" );}, पहले दिखाओ: फ़ंक्शन (इनपुट, इंस्टॉलेशन) {$ ('हैडेटिककर')। ब्लर ();}}); यह सभी प्रमुख ब्राउज़रों में काम करता है यह आईपैड पर भी ठीक काम करता है यदि यह jQuery संवाद पर नहीं है JQuery डायलॉग पर भी अगर मैं कुछ दिनांक का चयन करने के लिए datepicker का उपयोग करता हूं तो यह ठीक काम कर रहा है। कुछ महीनों या तारीख को चुनने के लिए केवल ड्रॉपडाउन काम नहीं कर रहा है। मैं ड्रॉपडाउन विकल्प देख सकता हूं और यहां तक ​​कि किसी भी विकल्प पर क्लिक कर सकते हैं लेकिन यह वि...

regex - Parsing an URL in JavaScript -

I need to parse the URL in javascript. Here's my code: var myRe = / \? * ([^ =] *) = ([^ & Amp; Amp;] *) /; Var myArray = myRe.exec ("? Page = 3 & name = Alex"); (Var i = 1; i & lt; myArray.length; i ++) {Warning (myArray [i]); } Unfortunately this only works for the first name = value pair. How can I fix my code? exec does not match, or if no match is found. So you need to keep exec ing till it is not empty. var myRe = / \? * ([^ =] *) = ([^ & Amp; *) /; Var myArray; While ((myArray = myRe.exec ("? Page = 3 and name = Alex")! == faucet) {for (var i = 1; i & lt; myArray.length; i ++) {Warning (myArray [I]); }} In addition, you regex incorrect, it definitely requires a g switch, but I had to work using this regex: var regex = / ([^ = & amp;?] +) = ([^ & Amp;] +) / g; See live examples:

How to set Reminder notification on Android? -

I want to show a reminder on the date and time of the notification on Android's notification bar from my application. But it should also have a population without application. Whenever my Android device will boot up and at any time, without the time / selection of my application, the information will be displayed in the specified time as alarm. Please help me do this .. Let me get some links about alarm manager, notification manager, give me ideas and some links otherwise sample snippets. Use it to add an alarm intent to intent = New intent (this, TheServiceYouWantToStart.class); Pending pending pending = pending IT service (this, 0, intent, 0); AlarmManager Alarm = (AlarmManager) this.getSystemService (Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Alarm.set (alarm manager. Rtc_wekup, time-block_avack, pending);

Using a class created in an iOS project in a Mac app -

I have a class created in the iOS app that I want to use in the Mac app, both projects are in the same workspace I simply added the top of the iOS class to the Mac app project in a file. In this way, Mac App knows about Class. When creating the Mac app, I get the following linker error: Symbol not available for architecture (s) x86_64 Any help would be appreciated. =========================================== ======= ======== Well, I resolved my problem immediately after posting it. Hopefully this will be helpful for anyone running on this issue. I only added a link to the iOS class header file in the Mac App Project. When I even got the iOS class I added a link to the file, then it started doing everything. It is understandable that the Mac app also needs to compile the implementation of the class. You must add the source file together with the header (usually a .m, .mm, Or .CPP file) otherwise the class does not compile in the Mac app declares but it does defin...

django - any insight into creating an https request to submit a cart to sagepay -

A link for the tutorial to create a https POST request to park a payment gateway, in this case Sejape Or what might be the best example to be one in the package? Do you need to contact the server directly or redirect your user to there? urlib import urlib, urllib2 url = "https: // server / endpoint" headers = {'agent': 'Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT) '} Data = urllib.urlencode ({' datafield1 ': data1,' datafield2 ': data2}) Request = urllib2.Request (url, data, header) response = urllib2.urlopener (request) .open () For the user there, it is generally thought that the user will click on a button that will post the correct information. This is usually hidden in the form of the "confirm the order" button. This can be achieved either by hiding the right areas and all the fields, with a form of the form: class HiddenForm (form): param1 = TextField (initial_hidden) = True) param2 = textField (initial_...

c# - (400) Bad Request error running site at local host -

I am preparing a website for Facebook data access and when I was delivering it to the local host: 4999 ports but Error occurs whenever the page loads public category FacebookLoginHelper {public dictionary & lt; String, & gt; GetAccessToken (string code, string field, string redirect URL) {dictionary & lt; String, & gt; Tokens = New Dictionary & lt; String, & gt; (); String Client ID = Facebook Application Present. APID; //FacebookContext.Current.AppId; String Client Secret = FacebookApplication.Current.AppSecret; String url = string.format ("{0}&redirect_uri={1}&client_secret={2}&code={3}& Scope = {4} ", customer ID, redirection URL, client secret, code, scope); HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (url) as HttpWebRequest; (HttpWebResponse response = Request.GETResponse () as HttpWebResponse) {StreamReader Reader = New Stream Reader (Response .GetrespensSstream ()); St...

css - Style - to behave like a -

I would like to use drag and drop such as jquery plugins and other effects like unordered list The problem I am facing is that & lt; Li & gt; behaves strangely when stuff is put into it. li> tag & lt; Div & gt; behaves like a tag, but still keeps the vertical sequence style? Here's an easy way: ul, li {display : Block; List style: none; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; }

iphone sdk 4.3 - Grouped UITableView with vertical gridlines -

I am trying to create UITableView with the tissue gridlines, using the method described here: Everything works well, Unless I switch to group table style. The vertical lines just do not show up on the table, although the overridden drawRect: is still called. What am I doing wrong? Is there some big difference between the cells for grouped and plain UITableView? Is it possible to attract antiquities on the cells for grouped tables? Thank you in advance PS: I am using Xcode 4, iOS SDK 4.3 and I am running this project with the iPhone 4.3 simulator. Just looking for one. It looks promising that uses a custom PNG with a grid to complete the effect.

javascript - How to pass a 'constant' parameter in jquery -

I have a div element attached to it, which detects that a user right clicks and calls a function Functionality . $ ('# box_' + i) .bund ('mousudown', function (e) {if (e.which == 3) function, i)}); The code is moved inside a loop (where i variable increases), because there are many divs that require correct click functionality on the page. However when it is called function , it always gets the last value of i instead of that value, when it was tied (). Is there a way to make it continuous, so the i should not be changed to run the loop of the previous divs? You get the value of i in a local area inside your loop To do this: // start your loop (function (i) {$ ('# box_' + i) .bund ('moushudown', function (e) {if (e .hig == 3) function (e, i)});}) (i); // End your loop

c# - How do I assert this method call by AssertWasCalled without testing the method parameters? -

I want to see if the logoninerenz method has been called and what parameter parameters It was said to ignore the test; I'm just interested if the LogNot In Orange was called or not. What is the correct Rhino Max syntax for this (what I gave below was given below)? [TestMethod] Public Zero MyTestMethod () {var logger = MockRepository.GenerateMock & lt; ILogManager & gt; (); Var Teleporter = New Teleporter () {LogEventManager = logger}; Var Message = New Message () {IsDone = false}; Teleporter.Teleport (message); // How should I specify parameter 1 and parameter 2? Logger.AssertWasCalled (t = & gt; t.LogNotInRange (parameter1, parameter2)); } Public Zero LogNotInRange (object parameter1, object parameter2) {// some logging logic} Use Arg & lt; T & gt; Anything : logger.AssertWasCalled (t = & gt; t.LogNotInRange (Arg & lt; Object & gt; .Is.Anything, Arg & lt; Object & gt; ; .Is.Anything));

php - creating span IDs on the fly for later use in jquery -

I have some PHP code that runs a loop, a button and a span exits, every time it Loop is like this: (Loop inside) echo "& lt; span id = \" sendbutton \ "& gt; & lt; input type = \ "Button \" event = '$ eventID' id = \ "sends \" value = \ "send a family member" /> gt; "; Echo "& lt; span id = \" names \ "& gt; & lt; / span & gt;"; Later in my code, I have jquery which catches one of the button clicks and codes, then writes back. What I want to do is, immediately after clicking that button, click on the button that was clicked. $ ('# name'). Enclosed ('hey! This button was that you clicked'); Obviously, in my example, the way I want it does not work much. Each loop creates a span with an ID of names, and so when I click any button, it adds to the highest duration I can easily enter $ eventID as a span id I can use it, but I do not know how it is...

javascript - Problem with jQuery logic. Need to uncheck one checkbox if other is checked, vice versa -

I got the code below If a checkbox is checked, then it should be unchecked, And then show a div if another checkbox is checked, then it should uncheck the second and show it to div. It works in a way, but not the second. I can not work in both ways how to work it. $ ('# ssUseDates, #isearchbydate'). $ ('$ IsSearchByDate') ($ ('' Checked '')), {$ ('# ssUseDates'). Remove Entry ('Check'); $ ('# searchDates') $ ('$ SsUseDates') $ $ (' # ssarbidet '). $ (' # Ssarbidote '). Remove etre (' check '); $ (' #SearchDates '). Show ();} If I check the #SsUseDates box, then #inSearchByDate box, it works perfectly, unselect the #ssUseDates box, then Showing div. If I check the #isSearchByDate box, then #ssUseDates box, this does not work, this box I think if ... and ... Your problem has been shared with click () . Try splitting it: $ (function () {$ ('# AST (' check ...

parsing - Optimal technique to parse a real-time char* data received from a buffer for text content in C++ -

मैंने एक सतत सतत mjpeg स्ट्रीम बनाया है। एक कच्चा चित्रण ऐसा है .... [छवि (jpeg)] - & gt; [टेक्स्ट "सामग्री-लंबाई"] - & gt; [छवि (jpeg)] - & gt; [ जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं कि मैं gstreamer मीडिया पाइप लाइन से डेटा प्राप्त करता है जिसमें छवि और मेरा अपना इंजेक्शन पाठ होता है (नोट: हालांकि मैं Gstreamer का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ, मेरा प्रश्न केवल C ++ सिद्धांतों से संबंधित है।) इस वास्तविक समय के डेटा को पार्स करने के लिए, मैं इसे प्राप्त करने और कतार में पुश करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। इसके बाद मैं कतार के बाद "सामग्री-लंबाई" शब्द के लिए डेटा को पार्स करने की योजना बना रहा हूं जिसमें निश्चित संख्या में पैकेट शामिल हैं। मेरा कोड निम्न की तरह दिखता है: शून्य स्पष्ट (Std :: queue & lt; char & gt; & amp; q) {std :: queue & lt; char & gt; खाली; Std :: swap (q, खाली); } स्थिर GstFlowReturn new_buffer (GstAppSink * app_sink, gpointer user_data) {GstBuffer * बफर = gst_app_sink_pull_buffer (app_sink); // बनाओ कतार std :: queue & lt; ch...

sharepoint - Using the default approval workflow task form in a custom Visual Studio Workflow -

I'm creating a custom approval workflow in VS, but I make a custom Infopa form to create a work edited form I'm unable. Is there any way to use the form which comes with Ootibi approval workflow ?? Thank you Example: & lt; Element xmlns = "http: //" & gt; & Lt; Workflow name = "WorkflowProject1 - Workflow1" Description = "My SharePoint Workflow" id = "1ac59aff-6d65-4e7c-9dc1-e84e7cbc6b3a" CodeBesideClass = "WorkflowProject1.Workflow1.Workflow1" CodeBesideAssembly = "$ AssemblyName $" & gt; & Lt; Categories / & gt; & Lt; Metadata & gt; & Lt; AssociationCategories & gt; List & lt; / AssociationCategories & gt; & Lt ;! - tag to specify InfoPath form for workflow; Delete tags for forms that you do not have - & gt; & Lt ;! - & lt; Association_Formurn & gt; [Urn for association form] & lt; / Association_Form...

php - Getting previous statuses from $facebook->api('/me/feed') -

I am trying to use the previous status posted by the current user (which is logged in). It looks incredible and the number of returning positions may be different I understand that you can use it? Limit =,? = And? Unless = until I use? Limit = 1000 thats enough to get something from the first posts created by the user that is unexpected. Whatever I want to be able to do, it is using some situations before, since I have posted since joining Facebook. What would be the best way to do this? (Using '? Limit = 1000' takes a bit more!) This sets permissions and then catches the feed: Requires 'php-sdk / src / facebook.php'; $ Facebook = New Facebook (array ('appId' =>; 'xxxxxxxx', 'secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'cookie' => true)); $ User = $ facebook-> GetUser (); // Permissions Required $ par = array (); $ Equal ['scope'] = "status_update user_out_out_man user_states"; $ Feed = null; $ ...

python - Can I iterate objects from my Django model over a modified HTMLCalendar()? -

This code will only fetch from one object database, instead it will be repeated in the entire calendar on its applicable date. to www.wednesday.models Import Event Import Calendar Category EventCal (calendar.HTMLCalendar): Def format day (self, day, workday): if Day == 0: Returns & lt; Td class = "noday" & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; & Lt; / Td> Day outside of # day == int ( Return '& lt; Td square = "% s" & gt;% d & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; A href = \ "% s \" target = \ "_blank \" & gt;% s & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; '% (Self.cssclasses [day of the week], day, event.linkURL, Other: Return' & lt; Td class = "% s" & gt;% d & lt; / Td> Events for event occurring in events = Event.objects.all () = (CRC): C = EventCol (calendar. SUNDAY) to import from .whichsdayday.models Django.shortcuts import .pir file from r...

css3 - How to make a background with 45 degree lines with css? -

Using CSS or CSS3, How can I remove the background? If possible, So I can use Javascript based tools to simulate CSS for 6,6,8,8 supported old Java browsers (like css3pie). If possible, I need support 6,6,8,8. Use the background image even if you can use pure CSS3 to create a pattern of this type for the background (I doubt it is possible) It does not have the hassle to use a bunch of JavaScript libraries and to work in those versions of IE.

javascript - jQuery optimize code of multiple hover -

यह मेरा कोड है: $ ('। Tab_map1 क्षेत्र')। होवर (फ़ंक्शन () ($ ('# Nav1')। ('A')। रोकें ()। Toggleclass ('hover', 500); वापसी वापसी;}); $ ('। Tab_map2 क्षेत्र')। होवर (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# nav2')। ('A') को खोजें। रोकें ()। Toggleclass ('hover', 500); वापसी वापसी;}); $ ('। Tab_map3 क्षेत्र')। हॉवर (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# nav3')। ('A') को ढूंढें। रोकें ()। Toggleclass ('hover', 500); वापसी वापसी;}); $ ('। Tab_map4 क्षेत्र')। हॉवर (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# nav4')। ('A')। रोकें ()। Toggleclass ('hover', 500); वापसी वापसी;}); ... (उनमें से 8 हैं) मैं एक ही कोड को कई बार दोहराने नहीं करना चाहता, लेकिन इसे किसी तरह अनुकूलित करना क्या कुछ सूचक मूल्य के साथ .tab_map1-8 और # nav1-8 को बदलने का एक मौका है? मैंने कोशिश की: var n = 8; $ ('Li.tab_map क्षेत्र')। Eq (n) .होवर (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# nav')। Eq (n) .find ('a')। Stop ()। Toggleclass ('hover...

c# - How to determine reference equality of two variables in different scope? -

Assume that you are debugging at one point you are in method A, in which a parameter foo type Foo Later you are in Law B, which also takes a parameter of type Foo . These two variables can be similar to Foo , but how can you tell? Because they are in different areas, you can not call contextExchange . Is there a way that you can get real memory space, point to the variable so that you can tell if they are examples? I believe that you can use the object id feature Are there. More information can be found on this, but in a nutshell: Set up a breakpoint in your code where you can access the object variable which is in the scope. Hold your code and it at break points. In your local or auto window, right-click the object variable (note the value column) and select "Create object ID" from the context menu. You should now see a new ID number (#) in the Value column. After "mark" the object, you will see the assigned ID in the second call for F...

java - Coordinate transformation Dilemma, User coordinate to Device coordinate? -

I am working on a task that includes data like "length" of a road in "millimeter". And according to the specification, how do I change my Jephrah 4 meter * 3 meters (device coordinates ...?). Now, I know at least that this data is real world data and the device does not have pixel information. However after finding some sources you can actually convert these data into pixels by Graphics 2D class. Resources I have received this information, Core Java 2, Section II - Advanced Feature, Author - K.A.C. Horstman & amp; Gary Cornell However, I googled for real examples with no luck. Does anyone know any source, where I can read more about this and if you have any examples where someone has actually done such a thing, then it would be more informative. So far, I know that we need the assumption of Graphics 2D class. The number of pixels in meters is such a method in Graphics 2D that allows you to set this assumption Helps. The method is, g2D.scal...

typo3, tt_news: multiple single view pages -

I have a site that contains news and press releases, both TT_News, I want to be different in these pages, Have a different individual idea As the news page is now posted news on the press release page link in a single scene. Press page url: Press the page link URL: News page URL : I want to see the press page link URL like this: I manage to find a solution. I added this to a template setup for the page that lists this post plugin.tt_news {# view page singlepid = 518 # page list with a single view PID = 517}

ruby on rails - Cucumber: Wait for ajax:success -

मेरे पास Rails 3.1 प्रोजेक्ट में निम्नलिखित विशिष्ट ककड़ी चरण हैं: ... जब मैं "गाड़ी से निकालें" का पालन करता हूं तो मुझे "कार्ट से हटाए गए टेस्ट उत्पाद" देखना चाहिए कठिनाई यह है कि "कार्ट से निकालें" बटन एक एजेक्स है: दूरस्थ कॉल, जो " गाड़ से "टेस्ट उत्पाद को हटा दिया गया" #cart_notice तत्व द्वारा: $ ('# cart_notice')। अनुलग्नक ("& lt;% = @ & gt; कार्ट से हटा दिया गया है") ; यह फ़ंक्शन ब्राउज़र में ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन ककड़ी में "कार्ट से निकाल दिया गया टेस्ट उत्पाद" पाठ नहीं मिलता है मैं यह अनुमान लगा रहा हूं क्योंकि AJAX रिटर्न देने से पहले काकड़ी पाठ की खोज कर रहा है? तो, मैं कैसे यह सुनिश्चित करूँगा कि काकडी एजेक्स के लिए इंतजार कर रहा है जिसके परिणामस्वरूप खोज करने से पहले परिणाम लौटाया जाए वांछित सामग्री? जो डेक्सटर ने कहा था जोड़ने के लिए, आप एक ऐसा कदम लिखना चाह सकते हैं जो JS को कार्यान्वित करता है ब्राउज़र जो एजेक्स अनुरोधों को समाप्त करने के लिए प्रतीक्षा ...

javascript - How to make custom nodes in Infovis Toolkit? -

I am working on an Infosys Toolkit project and although all the functions are completed, I can not complete the views I am here. Infovis Toolkit API documentation is good, but my custom node type does not work. I am using a hypertray and I want to create two different custom node types. The one who is from one image and the other is in the form of the drawn route, all help is greatly appreciated, thanks! Edit: [The one that I was trying to do was not very easy. Instead, I used JIT controllers to customize nodes with HTML on cratabelabel (). Seeing improved performance and more flexibility in optimizing nodes. ] This is what I have done so far: $ jit.Hypertree.Plot.NodeTypes.implement ({'customNode': {'rendere': function (Node, canvas) {var img = new Image (); img.src = "..//onon.png"; var pos = node.pos.getc (true); var ctx = canvas.getCtx (); ctx .drawImage (img, pos.x-15, pos.y-15); / * // ... and this is another one, but path has been prepared as...

marklogic - How to get xdmp:tidy() to tidy up HTML5? -

With new HTML5 elements and elements, how can you get xdmp: tidy ()? Code> to recognize those people in HTML5? If I have an html page in which something happens: And then try something: xdmp: tidy (xdmp: document-get ("home.html")) Errors such as getting: & lt; Section & gt; Not recognized! Unexpected & lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Header & gt; Not recognized! Unexpected & lt; Header & gt; Is there any alternative that I can send to xdmp: tidy () to handle it? The new-blocklevel-tags option specifying the new HTML tags Try to use You can include several elements by separating them with a comma or place. You should get the expected output with errors, but the warnings will still be visible. See it in cq: xdmp: tidy (xdmp: document-get ("home.html"), & lt; option xmlns = "xdmp: clean" & Gt; & lt; new-blocklevel-tag & gt; header section & lt; / new-blocklevel-tags & gt;...

facebook graph api - Limit fields using JavaScript SDK Batch Request -

Is it possible to limit the areas returned by Facebook's Batch Request API using Javascript SDK? For example: FB.api ('/', 'POST', {batte: [[method: 'GET', relative_url: 'me'}, ...]}, Function (feedback) {console.log (response);}); The first method of batch request above gives the full user graph. However, what if I wanted to get only some fields (like first_name and last_name) Something like this will be good, but will not work: Batch: [[method: 'GET', relative_url: 'me', fields: 'first_name, last_name'}, .. With some requests, you can & amp; Fields = added to the end of the url like / me? Fields = first_name, last_name

database - Asp.Net RadioButtonList Selected ListItem Not Recognized on Page Revisit -

There are two radio button list list items (the codes shown below) on my shipping address page, which is correct or false on the database by user. Writes input The first time a user selects the value and transfers to the next step of the checkout process, their address type is stored correctly (true / false) in the database. If they go back to the shipping address page, then select the opposite ListItem and go to the next checkout page, their updated shipping type has not changed in the database. It looks like if the listing does not recognize the user's radiobutton selection while reviewing the page. Can someone please help understand this one? shipping address.cakes & amp; Asp: RadioButtonList ID = "ShipoAddressType" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; Asp: ListItem Value = "0" id = "businessShipping" & gt; My shipping address is a business. & Lt; / Asp: ListItem & gt; & Lt; Asp: ListItem value = "1...

iphone - Cocos2d - how to make individual particles follow the layer, not the emitter? -

I have two children of a CCSprite and CCParticleSystemQuad that CCLayer. My update method, I have come to expect such exits from the bottom of the fairy would set the emitter's position, so it around phantom track the smoke puffs sprite like you and even if you Preth , Then the smoke appears to be part of the background layer. The problem comes when I have their rotation. Now, for example, my Sprite works back and forth in an arc, then the smoke appears swing swing and attached with Sprite. How can I continue with the parent layer in the puff of smoke, not walking with a straight line and sprite? They do not translate with the phantom when I take it, why do they wander with it? Edit: Adding code ... - (id) init {If (! (Self ([(super (init))) return zero; Self.isTouchEnabled = Yes; CGSize screen size = [[CCCceterShare Share Director]]; Phantom = [CCS light spread with file: @ "Icon page"]; // Header declared [Phantom set status: CCP (screen size. 2, screen siz...