c# - Lisp syntax highlighting for ICSharpCode.TextEditor -
Is there a general Lisp syntax highlighting .xshd file for the use of ICSharpCode.TextEditor? I can not find one on Google, and the format of writing specifications files highlighting syntax is so badly documented that I can not do very well myself
- Common Lisp Keyword Highlight, like
list ,
dogist ,
read-line .
Lambda , etc.
defun ,
defmacro ,
defvar after highlighting syntax for words, etc., such as text
( Defun a () ...) ,
a is highlighted. It should not be complete because I can add more, it shows how it is done, just one or two is fine. Like
such as: , ,
@, , Etc.) highlight the quoted lists within the quoted lists "
- Highlighting the name of a function, for example, text
(abc) ,
a needs to be highlighted
- Optional: Anything that is remembered will be useful (i
Do anyone know that ICSHRCPDitech Common lis for Where should the syntax highlighting file be found, in which are these features?
Here is a start for a plan highlighter It is not very fancy, but it shows how the recursive works with the rules.
SyntaxDefinition name = "scheme" extension = ".sls; SPS; SS; SCM "Xmlns =" http: //icsharpcode.net/sharpdevelop/syntaxdefinition/2008 "> gt; Color foreground =" green "name =" comment "/> Land = "Blue" name = "Syntax" / & gt; & Lt; Color foreground = "blue" name = "library syntax" /> & Lt; Color foreground = "blue" name = "assistant syntax" /> & Lt; Color foreground = "dark magenta" name = "process" /> & Lt; Rule-Set & gt; & Lt; Import rule set = "expression" /> & Lt; / Rule-set & gt; & Lt; Ruleset Name = "Expression" & gt; & Lt; Span color = "comment" multiline = "false" & gt; & Lt; Start> & Lt; / Start & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span color = "comment" multiline = "true" & gt; & Lt; Start & gt; \ # \ | & Lt; / Start & gt; & Lt; End & gt; \ | \ # & Lt; / End & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span ruleset = "expression" multiline = "true" & gt; & Lt; Start font = "bold" & gt; \ (& Lt; / Banking & gt; and font androth width = "bold"> <) & lt; / End & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span ruleset = "expression" multiline = "true" & gt; & Lt; Start font = "bold" & gt; \ # \ (& Lt; / Banking & gt; and font androitite = "bold"> <) & lt; / End & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Keyword color = "library syntax" & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Import & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Export & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Library & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; / Keyword & gt; & Lt; Keyword color = "syntax" & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Defined & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Set & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Lambda & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Start & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; If & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Cond & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Let's & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Letrec & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; / Keyword & gt; & Lt; Keyword color = "assistant syntax" & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Someone else & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; / Keyword & gt; & Lt; Keyword color = "process" & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Map & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Cons & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; Word & gt; Car & lt; / Word & gt; & Lt; / Keyword & gt; & Lt; / Rule-set & gt; & Lt; / SyntaxDefinition & gt;
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