c# 4.0 - Accessing Ribbon Controls Programatically in an XML Ribbon -

Using Programming Office Add-Ins C # 4.0, two different ways to create and / or modify the Microsoft Ribbon interface Provides ways: You can use or define the layout of the ribbon

If you create a ribbon using the ribbon designer, then the code generated in the back code is placed on your ribbon Visibility of all controls is visible. So if I put a ribbon dropdown named "Dropdown 1", then I can use the following code to add an item to it:

  ribbon dopdoin item item = factory.createbrubbdowndown item () ; Item.Label = submatrix.Name; Item.Tag = submatrix; This.dropDown1.Items.Add (item);   

However, if you create the same ribbon using the ribbon XML, dropdown 1 or factory ("the name does not exist in the current context").

What is a way to access items added in a ribbon XML-defined ribbon in the code?

It may be a while, but hopefully it helps someone.

I was totally confused about this same issue. Exits, you can access these controls only as string IDs, and models on the event with invalidity are heavy so for example, when you click a button through the action method, you have only The control object is the sender's ID, however, in this event handler, you can invalidate other controls and use your event using it.

  ribbon.InvalidateControl ("MyCtl");   

Check it out, you need to get up and running.


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