
Showing posts from February, 2010

Help with Lua Patterns -

यह क्यों काम नहीं करता स्थानीय filepath = "नाम: जावा डीबी 10.5 3.0 विक्रेता: सन माइक्रोसिस्टम्स, इंक। स्थापित तिथि: 20110429 संस्करणः "स्थानीय नाम, विक्रेता, इंस्टालल्ड, संस्करण = स्ट्रिंग.फंड (फ़ाइलपथ," ^ नाम: (। *?) विक्रेता: (। *?) इंस्टॉल दिनांक : (। *) संस्करण: (। *) $ ") प्रिंट (नाम) प्रिंट (विक्रेता) प्रिंट (installdate) प्रिंट (संस्करण) Regex का उपयोग कर स्ट्रिंग को तोड़ने की आवश्यकता है: - मेरे पास एक स्ट्रिंग है "नाम: जावा डीबी विक्रेता: सन माइक्रोसिस्टम्स, इंक स्थापना दिनांक: 20110429 संस्करण:" मुझे स्थापित तिथि प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है: 20110429 मुझे विक्रेता: सूर्य माइक्रोसिस्टम्स, इंक मुझे संस्करण: रेगएक्स के लिए इनपुट स्ट्रिंग प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है स्थानीय स्ट्रैन्ना = "नाम: जावा डीबी विक्रेता: सन माइक्रोसिस्टम्स, इंक। स्थापित तिथि: 20110429 संस्करण:" बाहर नाम: जावा डीबी विक्रेता: सन माइक्रोसिस्टम्स, इंक स्थापना दिनांक...

sockets - VC++ Winsock2 Error 10049. Trying to build IRC bot -

I am trying to shut down my IRC boat from Python to C ++ and I have some issues with Winsock2 I'm going I am new to Socket in C / C ++ and most of this code was mixed with various tutorials. I'm getting 10049 error and am damn any help would be greatly appreciated! port_ is set to 6667 and host_ is "" WSADATA wsaData; Int starter = WSAStartup (MacWorld (2,2), and Wisadata); If (starter! = 0) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Error:" & lt; & Lt; WSAGetLastError () & lt; & Lt; "Happened!" & Lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; WSACleanup (); Return 1; } Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "WSAS startup successful!" & Lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Socketfd_ = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); If (socketfd_ == INVALID_SOCKET) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Error:" & lt; & Lt; WSAGetLastError () & lt; & Lt; "Happened!" & Lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; WSACleanup (); ...

.net - Handling Graphs of Managed Object Proxies to Unmanaged Objects -

My question is similar: But with a twist. I have essentially an object graph or a hierarchy, where the owner of some references to several instances of class Foo class bar / P> I have a managed representation of Foo in .NET, which places IntPtr on the actual Foo and P / Use ions to call methods on foo (working as a proxy). > Managed implementation of Foo (Proxy) IDisposable . The list for proxy foo in Code> Proxy works the same way (actual bar for IntPtr ). When the original foo is released, it issues all its children (including all the times s). What's the best way to deal with this scenario - as I do not have to capture the Foo proxy's managed client's reference to bar They want to keep it long and in the context of the Foo proxy. Maybe I'm more superficially over this, but your bar (proxy) There should be a disposable method in class which is called by the parent / owner Foo class and like m...

ruby - How to run rspec tests using selenium through cron -

I'm having trouble running RSPEC test through cron I have a page in which to access Firefox and Test logging I am using All my files work properly when executed outside the cron. From what I've read, the problem may be that cron needs a display environment to run programs like Firefox. This is where I am stuck, how can I establish a demonstration environment for Selenium so that Firefox can start from the Kronos. I have tried to set some ways in the cronnet to display. * / 25 * * * * /home/justin/ --display =: 0 & gt; Testlog * / 25 * * * * DISPLAY =: 0; /home/justin/> Testlog; I have also tried to set it in script .. #! / Bin / sh cd / home / justin / widget_ui_testing / DISPLAY =: 0 /home/justin/.rvm/bin/rvm exec /home/justin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/rspec- Fdoc / home / justin / widget_ui_testing / spec / requests / log_in_spec.rb error messages that I keep on selenium :: WebDrive :: error :: WebDriver error: Unable to get stable...

java - Pass current activity to a service so that the service can manipulate the view -

What I want to be able to do is toggle the visibility of an element in my activity of a service. How can I turn my service class back into the message / call function in my activity? What user exits from the app and the service is still going on, but obviously, to call within the work without walking? Thank you. I do not think this is a good idea. This is a good answer to inform activity from the service ..

ABAP Web Dynpro Employee Search Help -

An input field is a scheduler (pastor). I want to give a selection window so that end users can get a first name and a last name by the last name. What I want is similar to InputFire in Transaction Pay 20. See the screenshot below. Can someone give me some hint? I am very new to ABAP and WDA. In WDA you can specify a particular code in a reference attribute without any coding. Find out what is available search help on PA20 (or create your own on SE11), and specify it for reference attribute in your WDA component. In

java - What is the best way to check each link of a website? -

I want to create a crawler that follows every link on a site, and the URL checks to see if it Works or not. Now my code is url.openStream () . , what is the best way to create a crawler? Use an HTML parser. set & lt; String & gt; Valid links = new hashset & lt; String & gt; (); Set up & lt; String & gt; InvalidLinks = NewHashet & lt; String & gt; (); Document Document = Jsoup.connect ("") .get (); Element link = document. Select ("a"); (String link: links) {string url = link.bsr ("href"); If (! Legitimate link link (url) & illegal link link (url)) {iit status code = jsoup.connect (url) .execute (). Statuscode (); If (200 & lt; = statusCode & amp; status code & lt; 400) {validLinks.add (url); } And {invalidLinks.add (url); }} Hold (exception e) {invalidLinks.add (url); }}} You want to send a HEAD instead of that loop to make it more efficient, but then you instead use URLCon...

Performance metrics on SQL Server Profiler and sp_trace commands -

Is any matrix available that indicates various demonstrations of using MS SQL Profiler against SP_trace command on SSL Server 2008 Does. And the authors suggest that using sp_trace commands will be more efficient, but for them there is any empirical evidence under different workloads. I believe you hear this suggestion because the SQL Server profiler is the GUI front end only Brad goes up to McGahai: What could be the surprise for many DBAs and developers that SQL Server Profiler with another feature of a SQL Server named SQL Trace A GUI designed to work. This is a SQL trace that actually works most when it comes to SQL Server capture events and storage for later use. SQL trace is a feature of SQL Server that can be used unaffected by Profiler GUI, systems stored procedures, or programmatically server management objects (SMOs). In short, the SQL trace is a very simple tool. Its job is to capture communication between SQL Server and client only between client and SQL Ser...

How to remove line from the file in python -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मुझे लाइन को हटाने की जरूरत है फ़ाइल में से संख्या '2' शामिल है जब आप कोई फ़ाइल संपादित करना चाहते हैं, तो आप सही डेटा के साथ एक नया फ़ाइल बनाते हैं और फिर नई फ़ाइल का नाम बदलते हैं पुरानी फाइल यह आपके पाठ संपादक की तरह गंभीर कार्यक्रम है जो संभवत: ऐसा करते हैं। (कुछ टेक्स्ट एडिटर वास्तव में भी कमजोर सामान करते हैं, लेकिन इसमें कोई भी उपयोग नहीं होता है।) इसका कारण यह है कि कई फाइल सिस्टम में नाम बदल सकता है परमाणु , ताकि किसी भी परिस्थिति में आप मूल के साथ समाप्त न हों फ़ाइल को दूषित किया जा रहा है। यह कार्य के रूप में खुले (orig_file) के रूप में, open (working_file, "w") के साथ के प्रभाव को कोड की ओर ले जाएगा: # ^^^ 2.7+ फ़ॉर्म, 2.5+ संदर्भ में लिखे के लिए संदर्भित करें: यदि '2' लाइन में नहीं है: # क्या यह बिल्कुल मानदंड है? # क्या होगा यदि कोई पंक्ति "12 5" थी? orig_file + '~' या tempfile का उपयोग करना चाह सकते हैं कोड> मॉड्यूल काम कर रहे फ़ाइल बनाने के लिए।

Are there dictionary comprehensions in Python? (Problem with function returning dict) -

I know about the understanding of the list, which is about understanding the word? Expected Output: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Count Kraahar ('google') {'E': 1, 'G': 2, 'L': 1, 'O': 2}> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Counter Letters ('apple') {'A': 1, 'E': 1, 'L': 1, 'P': 2} & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Code (I'm starting one): def countChar (word): l = [] #get In word A for C: l.append (c) sortedList = sorted ( L) uniqueSet = set (sortedList) returns {item: word.count in item} uniqueSet} What's the problem with this code? Why do I get this SyntaxError ? Return {item: word.count} ^ Syntax Error in UniqueSet in Item: Invalid Sentence edit : As FF noted in comments and other answers, there is an understanding of a dictionary for Python 2.7 or newer. def countChar (word): return word (item, word quote (item)) for item in set (word) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Count Kraaha...

JQuery Redirect to URL after specified time -

Is there a way to use JQuery to redirect to a specific URL after giving a time? You can use the function: // milliseconds Your delay in var delay = 1000; SetTimeout (function () {window.location = URL;}, delay);

Why isn't my perl one liner working? -

I'm trying to get the number of errors from an HTML log file. Here is my code (yes, I know that I'm mixing bash and pearl): for line in path path- txt`; Grep failed $ {line} | Perl -pe 'm / \ d + /'; I just hope to get a list of numbers, for example, 0 0 0 0 6 Total failure: & lt; Strong> 0 & lt; / Strong> But instead I am getting the full line which has an error, e.g. Total failure: & lt; Strong & gt; 1 & lt; / Strong> Total failure: & lt; Strong & gt; 0 & lt; / Strong> Total failure: & lt; Strong & gt; 0 & lt; / Strong> Total failure: & lt; Strong & gt; 0 & lt; / Strong> Total failure: & lt; Strong & gt; 1 & lt; / Strong> Total failure: & lt; Strong & gt; 6 & lt; / Strong> What am I seeing? perl -pe 'm / \ d + /'; Just display a pattern match, the printed line will not be changed. If you only want to print the number, then you ne...

why not display in openGL? -

int main (int argc, char * argv []) {srand (समय (नल)); glutInit (& amp; argc, argv); // सेटअप ग्लूट ग्लुत इनटडिसप्लेमोडा (जीएलयूयूडीयूबीएलई | जीएलयूयूआरजीबी | जीएलयूयूडीईपीटीएच | जीएलयूटीएएनसीआईएल); GlutInitWindowSize (window_width, window_height); ग्लुट क्रेतेवंडो (विंडो_ शीर्षक); ग्राफिक्स_इनिट (); // आरंटाइम वैरिएबल प्रारंभ करना प्रारंभ करें (); // कॉलबैक ग्लुटआरेशैपफंक् (& amp; reshape); glutDisplayFunc (& amp; प्रदर्शन); glutMouseFunc (& amp; माउस); glutMainLoop (); वापसी 0; } शून्य माउस (इंट बटन, इंट स्टेट, इंट एक्स, इंट y) {if (state == GLUT_DOWN) {draw_method_two (); // विधि 2 glFlush () का उपयोग कर यहाँ आरेखित करें; } और {current_point_i = -1; }} शून्य प्रदर्शन () {// स्पष्ट व्यूपोर्ट ग्लास क्लेयरर (0.0 एफ, 0.0 एफ, 0.0 एफ, 1.0 एफ); ग्लक्लियर (जीएल_कॉल्लो_B_BFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity (); draw_method_one (); ///// विधि का उपयोग करने के लिए वस्तुओं glFlush (); glutSwapBuffers (); } वस्तुओं को आकर्षित करने ...

jquery selector on Drupal logo id -

I want to create div id = 'logo' Using the .click function with Jquery. Unfortunately the Logo ID is completely covered by the ID = header. Is a jquery way to separate logo divas from header div? & lt; Div id = 'header' & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'logo' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Useful Drupal will link the front page to the logo, so it's probably a Not the jQuery issue, but a CSS one. There are several things related to CSS: You can transfer the logo to another location inside the HTML structure: $ ('# logo'). AppendTo (' If for some reason some other tags are on top, then you need to return #logo to your position (for example, set up coordinates using CSS). In the logo, you can get success with the z-index property.

Rails 3.1 - rails not resolving (windows) -

setup setup 3.1.0.rc5 on my setup Vista machine last week. Everything is set up and I can run an application we can work on just fine, however, rail order does not resolve. To start the server, I needed the old days: ruby ​​script / rail style Their Ruby Bin is on their way, because Ruby-4 has done fine. Any ideas on what to check? Note that I have downloaded 1.9.2 installer from, setting up dev pack, and installing rail via bundler. It seems that your path is not pointing to your rail gem bin My first suggestion was to use rvm but RVM has been suggested for users of Windows since you will not have an option on windows, and if it works like the RVM If you do, then you will save yourself a ton of headache.

php - Pulling data from MySQL only if a certain field is not empty -

I am trying to use the WHERE statement to draw that information where the field t.twittername is not empty. The code below does not work. What type of WHERE statement can I use? Edit: I tried WHERE t.twittername is not empty but that still does not work Edit: I'm now showing the full SQL statement Here's the SQL Tweets : Do not create 'tweets' (`tattid` not big (11) no zero AUTO_INCREMENT,` city` varchar (100) character set zero not latin1, `submissionid` varchar (11) character set zero not latin1,` shorturl` varchar 1000) Character set zero zero latin1, `loginid` varch (11) character set zero; latin1; `twittername` varchar (1000) character set not NULL,` time` not timestamp NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, primary key (`tweetid`) latin1 Code: $ sqlStr3 = "l.username, l.loginid, t.tweetid, t.shorturl, t.twittername, t.time, s.submissionid, s.title, s Select url, s. DisplayURL, s.datesubmitted, s.points, COUNT (t.tweetid) Tweets t as count...

.htaccess - Why use RewriteCond and RewriteRule to test a url condition? -

To rewrite the rules of several rules, when url is tested for a certain condition, then I A mix of Rewight Condoles is used with REQUEST_URI, and rewrite rule. Is this just a personal preference, or is there any performance reason, or clarity of rules? These are all valid reasons, in my opinion; I'm just wondering if there is any special reason. I know that there are situations where revrovined is the only option. I am interested in the cases where rearctarial will also work. Generally these are simple rules. Here are some examples: Example 1 This answer has a similar pattern, like some folders- # always these folders allow RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / display_me_always [or] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / another_folder [or] RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI} ^ / even_more_folders RewriteRule + -. [L] It can only be done with a rewrite as follows: RewriteRule ^ / (?: Display_me_always | another_folder | Even_more_folders) - [L] (For non-capturing? Has been added...

Entry already exists - SVN commit error -

org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: प्रविष्टि पहले से मौजूद है svn: 'url' पहले से ही संस्करण नियंत्रण में है जब मैंने अपनी परियोजना को कम करने की कोशिश की तो यह त्रुटि दी गई है। मैं इसे कैसे हल करूं? P> 3, निर्देश वापस ले जाएँ 4, फिर से प्रतिबद्ध

android - what is the difference between /system/app and /data/app? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: / सिस्टम / ऐप और / डेटा / एप के बीच अंतर क्या है? क्या दो निर्देशिका में कुछ अलग अनुमति है? हां, अनुमति की अवधि में अलग है सिस्टम ऐप को अधिक अनुमति के उपयोगकर्ता एप की तुलना करें उदाहरण के लिए: सिस्टम ऐप जीपीएस चालू / बंद टॉगल कर सकता है, लेकिन उपयोगकर्ता ऐप नहीं कर सकता है। सिस्टम ऐप = ऐप इंस्टॉल किया गया है / सिस्टम / ऐप उपयोगकर्ता एप = एप स्थापित / डाटा / एप में

python - Making Gradient Images Quickly with C++ -

I am currently working with Python to create images of gradient, however, I am scared for my use That Python can be very slow I know that Python can be extended with C ++ with relative ease So what are some quick ways to create gradients in C ++? Manually writing bitmap is quite easy. For Windows bitmap, you need 54 byte headers and then an array of color values. () So, create a file, write header, supply the pixel array .pgm / .ppm files are much easier because they have very easy headers.

customization - How to add a new App in an Android build? -

I have implemented a small application in Android and I want to add it to my own customized build. I included it under / packages / apps However, when I create the image, I can not get the package in my system even though this fact, while others like the camera and Other apps are present Android The mi file is fine, but it seems that I am missing in a make file or a script where my own app compiles and copies it into the system application. > Can someone provide me a hint? You must add the folder path to the application to any one of .mk files. I do not even remember the name of the MK file. But you can search in the source of "* .mk". Find the Core as well under the frameworks. Check MK.

.net - Monotouch: Automating the bindings? -

I have a purpose-assembly, "SomeThing.a" The way Mono Tout Binding C # and the other for this assembly. Generate Dll? I do not have source code for "something.a" If you have a related header file for this, you can try to use the monomaker parser, which raises a heavy load for you and makes the starting point for your binding. Parser is in Monomac / src / parser.cs Run it like this: GMCC Parser CC Mono Parser.XAderHardH This file will generate "gen.cs" which contains a preset header file. If you do not have any source code for .a file and you still want to bind some APIs, you might get an idea of ​​what's in this class using ClassDump Is:

select - MySQL multiple left join group by -

There is something wrong with this MySQL code. If this is returning more stocks, then it should be. The table positions are available in stock (a product at multiple positions) The table ordering order holds the ordering product (1 order holder for many orders) SELECT PRO .ProductID, PRO.ProductCode, SUM (POS.Qty) AS instock, SUM (OB.Qty) AS P.P.I.I. Order ob ob ProductID = Pro. Productive WEEER POS ProductID = OB Producted Group by Prof. Product ID, POS Product ID, OB Number of Posts = 2 (max.) 20 each) onorder = 16 volume serial number = 8 rows Actually order = 8 ( Qty = 1) with each This is one of the products I know that this is something to do with the group, but I can not work it . Appreciate any help. A few days ago I had the same problem. Try this by choosing from a different query: SELECT ..., from products (SELECT ...) ... "where you have two tables left. Try to test the first sub-query, and try After doing OT work, keep it together. (On...

conventions - C++: What is the difference between identifier, keyword, name and entity? -

निम्नलिखित में, " एक चर का नाम" पहचानकर्ता "है? int एक "कीवर्ड" है? int main () {int i; } मैं कीवर्ड, पहचानकर्ता, नाम, इकाई के बीच के अंतर को समझने में असमर्थ हूं। चर के लिए int i , int प्रकार और i नाम है चर के लिए, i पहचानकर्ता होगा; हालांकि, int प्रकार के लिए पहचानकर्ता है। प्रकार हो सकता है, लेकिन हमेशा नहीं, कीवर्ड होते हैं। पहचानकर्ता एक निश्चित वस्तु, प्रकार, आदि का संदर्भ देते हैं। नाम किसी ऑब्जेक्ट के एक उदाहरण का संदर्भ देते हैं। संस्थाएं किसी भी तरह के ऑब्जेक्ट को देखें, जिनमें बुनियादी प्रकार (इंट, चार, इत्यादि) शामिल हैं। - Log current page url with NLog -

I am trying to log the current page URL as part of our NLog layout. I suppressed NLog layout variables and nothing has come. Do anyone know how to get the current page URL as a variable for layout? In addition, it is possible to remove domain names only, so that it can be used in EventLog source attribute? & lt; Target xsi: type = "trace" name = "trace" layout = "$ {message} $ {aspnet-request: serverVariable = url}" /> You have full access.

amazon ec2 - How to stop EC2 instance using Tag name in java? -

I know how to stop an example with your ID, but it is difficult to give EC 2 example ID every time. I can stop the example with tag name AmazonEC2 ec2 = new AmazonEC2Client; & Lt; String & gt; InstancesToStop = New ArrayList & lt; String & gt; (); InstancesToStop.add ("INSTANCE_ID"); StopInstancesRequest stoptr = New StopInstancesRequest (); Stoptr.setInstanceIds (instancesToStop); Ec2.stopInstances (stoptr); I tag name To run an example with a matching tag, you can create a help method: public list & lt; String & gt; GetRunningInstancesByTags (string tagname, string value) {list & lt; String & gt; Example = New Arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); For (Reservation reservation: ec2client.describeInstances (). GetReservations (for example): reservation.getInstances ()) {if (! Instance.getState (). GetName (). Equal (InstanceStateName.Running.toString () )) { to continue; } (Tags: instance.getTags ()) {if (tag.getKey (.)...

caching - hash tables' application in cache -

I have read the wiki page about the hash table. So I saw something like this: The hash table can be used to implement the cache, the assistive data tables that primarily to accelerate access to the data stored in the slow media Is used. I wonder how does the hash speed up the cache? Can anyone tell me about it? Each access in the cache will need the hash code of the lookup key, and in the cache Each extra will also need to know the hash code. A smart cache that combines two functions ("Find by the key if it does not exist, get the right value and cache it") Potentially can not compute the hash twice Usually the hashs are relatively cheap to calculate - and accessing the underlying resources is cheaper too is cached ... and it all is not like In some cases it can be cached for itself - in Java, for example, the string class cache hashodes when it first counts Whether it is really beneficial or not depends on your situation.

Change Git Repository for pull code -

I have a repository, call abc / myprject.git . I have a repository on one server from where I pull my code. Now I have closed this report, named it as chirag / myproject git . I have two questions, regarding this: I now want to use the chirag / myproject.git repo instead of the original , Then how do I change it from the abc / myproject.git to the FORCADE on the server Chirag / MyProject GIT ? And if I've changed the repo on the server, then if I delete abc / mypro.get , then the cause will be chirag / myproject git thanks original remote Use > git remote set-url to change the URL of (if you have not changed anything, the name of the remote repository original .) git remote set-url original git: //someserver/chirag/myproject.git If there is no "physical" relationship between the two repositories on abc / myproject.git and if you delete any of the first chirag / myproject.git Will not run in. Git is a distributed version co...

creating Rdoc for a rails app -

I want to generate a document for my Rail (2.3.8) project When I tried Rack Doctor: Rail Rack Doctor: Reill This creates documentation for all classes including standard Ruby classes and all ruby ​​files in the vendor The directory (plugins etc ..) App folder (all models, controllers, and views) How can I create only rdoc documents for Ruby classes, Config folder Lib Folder I call it my address Added to L; RDoc :: Task.New: rdoc do | Rdoc | Rdoc.main = "README.rdoc" rdoc.rdoc_files.include ("README.rdoc", "Doctor / * .rdoc", "App / ** / * .rb", "Lib / * .rb", "Config /**/*.rb ") to meet the needs of #change, rdoc.title =" app documentation "rdoc.options & lt; & Lt; "--all" end then run; , But I think it does the same thing.

iphone - How to include tabbar and navigation controller in single app? -

How to create a tabbar controller and navigation bar controller in a window-based app? I am trying to include both controllers. You can do this as follows ... Create a project of navigation Create Controller. Then in AppDelegate Create a Tabbranch Controller. One of the array viewcontrollers is as follows ... mTabBar = [[UITabBarController alloc] init]; NSMutableArray * Local ViewControllersArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 3]; TSDetailTaskController * m SSLetailTaskController = [[TSDetailTaskController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "TSDetailTaskController" bundle: zero]; UINavigationController * mTaskNavBar = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: m SSLetailTaskController]; MTaskNavBar.tabBarItem.title = @ "Job List"; MTaskNavBar.tabBarItem.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "glyphicons_114_list.png"]; [MTSTTT Controller Release]; MTSSearchController = [[TSSearchController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "TSSearchCo...

Deploying the MULE in LifeRay -

I have configured a MULE application I want this app to be a portable port in a liefera. How can I achieve this. Can I export the war of MULE application and deploy it in the lipher or is there any plug-in available to integrate the MUL with envelopes A plug-in lifter is available in the CMIS Cloud Connector, which is the blood ESB

Getting HTTP response of a URL in PHP - XML -

I am trying to retrieve the status of the URL. I am writing PHP code to retrieve it, but I do not get the output, nothing is being displayed I am reading the URL from the XML file and stored it in the variable I am I am file_get_contents ($ url); Echo $ http_respone_header [0]; $ url contains the URL that I read from the XML file. What you're doing is not getting the URL status, but the contents of the site. File_get_contents () gives false returns in case of incorrect / invalid url because it is described in the documentation If you are trying to get the position, then you can easily find the solutions described in other topics on this site Can be used. & lt ;? Php $ url = ''; $ Handle = curl_init ($ url); Curl_setopt ($ handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); / * Get HTML or linked to $ url * / $ response = curl_xac ($ handle); Check for / * 404 (file not found). * / $ HttpCode = curl_getinfo ($ handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); Echo ...

Changing the label of a JQuery Mobile checkbox -

मेरे पास निम्न चेकबॉक्स है: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "चेकबॉक्स" आईडी = "UI-5" / & gt; & lt; लेबल = "ui-5" & gt; चेक किया गया & lt; / label & gt; मैं इसकी मान को अनचेक करने के लिए बदलना चाहूंगा अगर उसकी जाँच नहीं की गई और जाँच की गई है कि यह चेक किया गया है। मैंने इस कोड की कोशिश की है: $ ("# ui-5")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("लेबल [for = 'ui-5']")। पाठ ("अनचेक");}); यह लेबल बदलता है, लेकिन मेरे चेकबॉक्स का डिज़ाइन अजीब हो जाता है। मैं कैसे इसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? JQuery मोबाइल पृष्ठ का मूल HTML बदलता है, यह काम करने लगता है: $ ("# ui-5")। परिवर्तन (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("लेबल [for = 'ui-5'] span.ui-btn-text")। पाठ ("अनचेक");});

Perforce Integrate command to remove local files/directories which are not present in repository -

I'm looking for a perforce integrated / get-latest command that will bring the latest / updated-code and files / folders That the users have been deleted / deleted from the server repository. Is there any way by which I can get a clean copy of the Subbara repository without making a new workplace / local directory? The order that you are seeing is the command to get the latest files , And it will remove any deleted files. I'm pretty sure this will not delete the directory, however, at least not on Windows. To obtain a clean copy, you can delete local files, and '-f' flag.

ruby on rails 3 - MySql2 and bundler on windows -

I know that before this question has been asked, ive has tried all the solutions and can not get anywhere . Ive spent the better half of the day on this and im at the end of my wits. I'm trying to set up my app on a windows machine Ive used a rail installer that comes with devkeyt. This works fine: install gem mysql2 - --with-mysql-include = & lt; PATH_TO_XAMPP & gt; \ Mysql \ contains --with-mysql-lib = & lt; PATH_TO_XAMPP & gt; \ Mysql \ lib \ opt -with-mysql-config = & lt; PATH_TO_XAMPP & gt; \ Mysql \ bin \ mysql_config but bundle installed fails with default extension error Ive tried: bundle config build.mysql --with-mysql-include = e: \ xampp \ xampp \ mysql \ include --with-mysql-lib = e: \ xampp \ xampp \ mysql \ lib \ opt --with-mysql-config = E:. XAMPP \ xAMPP \ mysql \ bin \ mysql_config But, no dice bundle config build.mysql2 --with-mysql-include = e: \ xampp \ xampp \ mysql \ Include --with-mysql-lib = E: \ X...

How to script or copy event notification objects in SQL Server? -

I need to move some server events from one SQL2K8 example to another. I want to use the scene I could not even find them in SSMS. Any thoughts? Thank you very much Damien_A_Anivellive thanks You told me in the right direction, Need was SELECT DISTINCT - different because I do not need all child incidents. *, Syty.server_event_notifications from C.type_name, an INNER JOIN sys.server_events b on a.object_id = B.object_id INNER joins sys.event_notification_event_types c.event_group_type = c.type only By joining sys.server_events , I get the events of all children, then to get the name of the event group again sys .event_notification_event_types .

php - Problem while using xampp 1.7.4 -

In my older system I was using XMPP 1.7.1 with Windows XP and developed a PHP project. It worked well. Now I install Axamp 1.7.4. Run the same project in another system and in this xampp. But it is not working properly. There is no error seeing the undefined variable in PHP 5.2.9 (I was using it before). But the same code (reaching undefined variables) does not work in PHP 5.3.4 (now used). "itemprop =" text "> In Php 5.3 you should declare / start all the variables used in coding.

gcc - mips compilation LSB MSB -

मैं ओपन सोर्स लाइब्रेरी ओआरपीटीएम को एमआईपी प्रोसेसर (छोटे-एंडियन आर्क) के लिए संकलित कर रहा हूं। मेरा विकास तंत्र i386 लिनक्स है I मैं कॉन्फ़िगर स्क्रिप्ट को ./ configure --host = mips-linux के रूप में चलाने के लिए कॉन्फ़िगर स्क्रिप्ट mips-linux-gnu-gcc compiler का उपयोग करता है और पुस्तकालय बनाता है हालांकि जब मैं एक निष्पादन योग्य के साथ पुस्तकालय को लिंक करने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो मुझे यह कहते हुए अनिर्धारित प्रतींक मिलते हैं कि ओआरपी लिब बड़ी एंडियन के लिए बनाया गया है और यह लक्ष्य बहुत कम है। चल रहा है फ़ाइल कमांड अज्ञात क्षमता 0xf41 = 0x756e6700, अज्ञात क्षमता 0x70100 = 0x1040000 साथ साथ, छीन नहीं और चल फ़ाइल ortp वस्तु फ़ाइल शो पर ELF 32-बिट MSB पुनर्निधारणीय, MIPS, MIPS32 rel2 संस्करण 1 (SysV), अज्ञात क्षमता 0x41000000 = 0xf676e75, अज्ञात क्षमता 0x10000 = 0x70401 साथ साथ, छीन नहीं हालांकि यहां तक ​​कि दोनों को एमआईपीएस के लिए बनाया गया है, मौजूदा एक्जीक्यूटेबल एलएसबी है जहां ओटीपी संकलित ऑब्जेक्ट फ़ाइल MSB है। मैं एमआईपीएस और एलएसबी के लिए कैसे स...

Ruby on Rails and Javascript - Guideline help -

I am making a beginning in Ruby on Rails and I used JavaScript (and many bells and whistles using jQuery UI I want to develop an app with it)). Bells and seals such as drag and drop are highlighted when things are selected and running portals are important. This can motivate me to make most of the site in JavaScript, the best thing I have read. is not. My question is, what guide do I use so that I can know when to use the server-side code (ROR) and when javascript can be used (those things) Except that which can not help) I can ensure that Javascript is always enabled (or the app will not work), but this is a good idea? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Property plumbing guides will tell you how to include your static assets in your code as far as Javascript vs. Server Side Using code, you should also look at these posts on chaotic javascript. The data is generated Server side and Javascript are used for interactivity.

javascript - Detecting the visiblity of status bar in internet explorer -

There are two frames in my page The upper frame is a JSP that takes the parameters entered by the user, the lower frame one Crystal Reports viewer, which once clicks on the Reports report button, clicks on the button (located in the upper frame). I get a status bar at the bottom of the window (IE property) crystal reports in the report to process and populate the data. This is a back-end process. I need a loading image or message that keeps up until the report loads. However, there is no indication where the process is stuck on my JSP that I can monitor the start or end of the process. So, my idea is to monitor the status bar of Internet Explorer. This moment starts when I want to load my image in the center of the screen and once the status bar is complete, the image should go. I will use something like set internal (checkstats bar (500), which will check every 500 milliseconds for the existence of the status bar. My question is, which code will be in check status? I need a javasc...

symfony - Using IvoryGoogleMap bundle in symfony2 -

I really have a simple and lame question (I hope this is easy). I'm quite new to Symphony 2 and I'm not sure how to use bundles I'm trying to use the IvoryGoogleMapBundle () and I have to say this That documentation is really good but I can not understand one thing. I will write what I have done and what I want to do: I have uploaded all the bundle files to the src / Ivory / GoogleMapBundle directory. Added appropriate lines to app / autoload.php and app / autoload.php (as per the documentation). Now I am trying to demonstrate the simplest map possible and there are so many examples in the documentation, but I do not know how the new map object has been defined in my controller (assuming all the examples That the $ map variable is allready present and it holds the object). Can you just write the most simple controller for me, this will be the $ map variable definition? Do I need to create all those unit files outlined in the doctors? If something is ...

MySQL Left join (I think) help -

I've been working out how the said table relational made trouble for the line to go back to the table I have been Two tables are shown below the web_quote_models table id. | Model | Product_id | Cpu_id | RAM_ID | HDDID | Os_id | Opt_id ================================================= ======================== 1 | 000001 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 2 | 000002 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 3 | 000003 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 4 | Custom | 0 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 web_quote_component_cpu table id | Name ================================================= ======================== 1 | Intel & amp; Reg; Core & amp; business; I3 2100 3.1GHz Dual Core 2 | Intel & amp; Reg; Core & amp; business; I5 2500 2.7GHz Quad-Core 3 | Intel & amp; Reg; Core% business; I7 2600 3.4GHz 8MB cache dual core So I need to find that he is a query that will appear within web_quote_models table and $ _SESSION [ 'models'] with model field Corresponds to Then match the web_quote_model...

ios - How to get real frame size of detailed view when using UISplitViewController -

I am a boy shocked with this one. I am trying to program the program for some UI size ... The size of the elements is based on the size of the footage (detailed view here). (I do not want to use automatic shape-mask only because I should not be getting the results I want) When moving in landscape mode, the frame size of my current view is UIViewDidAppear , the size that I get is always 1024 pixels wide, which is not clearly made after everything is displayed (this route will be 1024 (320 pixels) of decreased = 704 pixels At what time, And why should I expect this scene to be re-shaped, so I can read the frame size correctly. Obviously I want to do this as soon as possible to see life cycle. If possible, before any possible possible, the user will not see that I am resizing the object. Ideally, I wonder if there is a special function ( UIViewWillAppear ) Thanks You can - Looking for (Zero) Layouts SUBViews E-question:

oop - Unknow php error in sql INSERT INTO -

मेरे पंजीकरण में समस्या है मेरे कोड को देखें: // player.php & lt;? Php session_start (); क्लास प्लेयर {var $ name; फ़ंक्शन _ रचना ($ नाम) {$ this- & gt; $ name = $ name; } फ़ंक्शन ($ नाम, $ पास, $ मेल, $ दिनांक, $ प्रकार) {if ($ _ POST ['submit']) {$ link = mysql_connect ("लोकलहोस्ट", "वीव्वे", "वीवेई"); अगर (! $ Con) {मर ($ वापसी = mysql_error ()); } Mysql_select_db ("wewewe", $ कॉन); मूल्य ('$ नाम', '$ पास', '$ मेल', '$ दिनांक', '$ प्रकार')) "" ("नाम, पास, मेल, दिनांक, प्रकार) INSERT INSERT"); mysql_close (लिंक); } वापसी $ वापसी; } फ़ंक्शन लॉगप्लेयर ($ नाम, $ पास) {$ link = mysql_connect ("स्थानीयहोस्ट", "उपयोगकर्ता नाम", "पास"); Mysql_select_db ("चुनाव", $ कॉन); $ परिणाम = mysql_query ("उन उपयोगकर्ताओं से चुनें जहां पास = '$ pass' और name = '$ name'"); $ Count = mysql_num_rows ($ परिणाम); यदि ($ c...

Grouping cities, states and countries in MYSQL PHP -

I am new to PHP and have seen many sites for it but are not able to understand properly. I have this question: $ result = mysql_query ("country, state, city select country by country, state, city, state Select ") or die (mysql_error ()); This sample data is given below: Canada - State 1 - City Apple Canada - State 2 - City Grape Canada - State 1 - City Apple Canada - State 2 - City Coffee USA - State 1 - City Zebra USA - State 2 - City Cat USA - State 2 - City Lion USA - State 3 - City Bird USA - State 1 - City Zebra My goal is to create a group of cities under the respective state and count city, Nbndit group of states and groups within the State; Group (1), City Grapes (1)} United States - {State 1 - City Zebra (2) State 2 - City Cat (1), City Sher (1) State 3 - City Bird (1)} From another site, I found this: $ combined result = array (); ($ Rec = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {$ United Result [$ rec ['country']] [] = array (...

Java Jasper Reports iReport -

I'm having trouble using an iReport I have a general master report and a master There are 3 sub-reports in the report and also that every sub-report contains subreport, although I have no problem in printing those three sub-reports individually and printing their sub-reports in IEPort's preview mode They are in the preview mode Sector report together, so I can not print them. I have included all parameters and fields (I mean sub-reports and their master report) to execute the query in every report. However, no way! It does not work ... Any help would be greatly appreciated ... I have seen this a few times, the preview will not work, but when I tried to run the report from my application in my local area, everything was fine. I think that this issue may be that there is no data in sub-data and problems arise from it so that you can add print when the expressions are sent to the subportport so that they do not go until the data is there.

web scripting - HTTP Request from WebScript in Alfresco -

I am writing webscript in Alfresco using JS controller and I want to make local HTTP resource an HTTP request. This resource is a Java-based app and gives me my own API. My webserver is not a shared component: so I do not have a remote object to call another webscript. How do I request an HTTP request from a web site to local resources (something like '/ sdo / documents / getName? Type = fl')? Edit: Alfresco Spring Surf webscripts.container Bean to Removing remote in Web-script-application-context.xml in Remote-API ): Lt; Bean id = "webscripts.container" class = "org.alfresco.repo.web.scripts.RepositoryContainer" parent = "Websites. Ablate Container" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Name" & gt; & Lt; Value & gt; Repository & lt; / Value & gt; & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Script Object" & gt; & Lt; Map merge = "true" & gt; & Lt...

uinavigationcontroller - iOS - [UIColor clearColor] and UIToolbars -

मैं [UIColor clearColor] के साथ UIToolbar कस्टम नियंत्रण इंटरफ़ेस को "मैकेनिकल" एप्लिकेशन के अधिक उपयुक्त बनाने की कोशिश में (सोचें बटन जिन्हें आप 70 के दशक में मूवी में देखेंगे)। क्या हो रहा है यह है कि जब मैं उपकरण पट्टी को साफ़ करने के लिए सेट करता हूं तो यह इसे मट काले रंग बदल रहा है इसके पीछे की छवि लाल, तन और काली है इसलिए मुझे यकीन है कि यह उद्देश्य से काम नहीं कर रहा है। मुझे लगता है कि मैं एक अंतर नियंत्रक पर टूलबार का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और अकेले खड़े नहीं हूँ UIToolbar । कोड की पंक्तियाँ हैं self.navigationController.toolbar.translucent = हाँ; Self.navigationController.toolbar.backgroundColor = [UIColor स्पष्ट कॉलर]; और मेरी ऊपरी नेविगेशन बार (जो कि दूसरे दृश्य में सेटअप है) UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent है, क्या इसे फेंक दिया जा सकता है? कोई भी मदद यह नीचे ट्रैक करना महान होगा। आप अपने नेविगेशन नियंत्रक के उपकरण पट्टी के लिए एक पारदर्शी पृष्ठभूमि सेट कर सकते हैं निम्न कोड: // UIToolbar.h @ इंटरफेस UIToolbar (पारदर्शिता) - (शून्य) drawRec...

php, mysql server has gone away -

What is, when you connect to DB on line before line, and you still have "MySQL server gone" Away "? Check this example code: mysql_connect (" localhost "," xxx "," xxx ") or die (mysql_error ()); mysql_select_db ("Xxx") or die (mysql_error ()); $ Sql ​​= mysql_query ("db from select id"); while ($ data = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ sql)) {$ id [] = $ data [id] ;} Foreach ($ id $ as ID) {$ content = file_get_contents ("$id"); if (stristr ($ content, "id is ok man" )) {Mysql_connect ("localhost", "xxx", "xxx") or die (mysql_er Mysql_select_db ("xxx") or die (mysql_error ()); Mysql_query ("UPDATE db set status = 'OK' where id = '$ id'");}} MySQL server has gone away, I think BTW I need to connect in foreachloop in foreach loop because it finds some time ago (like 1-2 minutes) to update, and After that I can be sur...

php - A strange question about echo output -

नीचे दिए गए कोड को देखें "$ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']" गूंज; यह 'पार्स त्रुटि' दिखाता है, जबकि अगले शो ठीक $ str = $ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']; "$ Str" गूंज; यह मेरे लिए बहुत अजीब था। एक संदर्भ एक स्ट्रिंग के अंदर एसोसिएटिव सरणी, आपको या तो घुंघराले ब्रेसिज़ जोड़ना होगा या उद्धरणों को निकालना होगा: दोनों "{$ _SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']}"; गूंज "$ _SERVER [HTTP_HOST]"; काम करेगा & lt; - अत्यंत उपयोगी रीडिंग

c++ - What does #pragma hdrstop without parameter do when used in multiple files? -

Practical value of entering #pragma hdrstop ("what it does") (no filename Parameters) in some sources (CPP) files? Note that these (once again) are clear to me as mud. Edit / Note: I am asking this because, and links to this article suggest this but I do not understand that different for each compilation unit What is the advantage of a pch file? More SARS ... Notes on MSDN say that "HDRPS Progo gives you additional control over precompilation file names and the location at which the compilation status has been saved." That is true, but this particular It is not clear how helpful can actually be ... In short. Put #pragma hdrstop in a source file that is' / Yc is not compiled with / u. If you have a file / u To set up the HDROP compiler, you need to throw the compiler first before the line on which the HDRPS appears and click on the top that is already inserted. If the file has been set / yank, then the HDRPP means that to protect all t...

java - Handle attachment in response with RequestBuilder in GWT -

I am making an HTTP post request from the GWT client in an HTTPServlet. This certificate is making a PDF file from the request content and writing it in the feedback stream. The feedback streams are as follows: Content-Dispute: Attachments; File name = report.pdf I want to open this PDF in a new window in the user's browser or want to indicate it to download it. import .gwt.http.client *. ... string url = ""; RequestBuilder Builder = New RequestBuilder (RequestBuilder.POST, URL.encode (url)); {Request request = builder.resendRequest (data, new request callback (error) {error on public void (request request, throbbing exception) {// server could not be connected (timeout, SOP violation, etc.)} Received liability on Public Zero (Request Request, Response Feedback) {If (200 == response.getStatusCode ()) // // Response process in response.getText () // // (url, "_blank "," ");} And...

C# 3D wpf black meshes -

C # 3W WPF Visual Studio 2010 I have a view, which is made up of a number A circle triangle that I have added in both the sides and the front. Triangel appears in my thoughts, but this side is dark and both inside and outside. I add Materia Lynn to this way Content content = new diffuscure (new solid collar brush (; But if I change the contents into content content = new immisivemetry (new solid collarbrush (color. Red)); The side starts to flash in this color. I have three lights & lt; Ambient light color = "white" /> & Lt; Directional Light X: Name = "myDirectLight1" color = "white" /> & Lt; PointLight x: name = "myPointLight1" color = "white" position = "0,0,0" /> Where I myCamera LookDirection = - myCamera.Position (Vector 3D); // Always see (0,0,0) myDirectLight1. Direction = myCamera.LookDirection; // comes from the light camera but the sides are still b...

c# - Load Excel process and close the entire process when closing a document -

In my C # application, I can open a new Excel procedure by clicking on a button again, wait for this input useless Does and loads a new Excel file. I have to fulfill it because I need all the macros and loads of equipment before loading my documents (otherwise, there is a rendering bug). The process ID is saved in a var, and when I click again on that button, with PID, if the process already exists, then there is a focus in the process, otherwise, A new process is created: Process processXcel = faucet; If (pId_m.HasValue) {try {processExcel = Process.GetProcessById (pId_m.Value); } Hold (exception before) {Log.MonitoringLogger.Error ("unable to find PID:" + pId_m, ex); }} If (ProcessEXell! = Null & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; Processes Xcel. HasExited == Wrong)) {Automation Element Element = Automation Element. Froghandle (processExcel.MainWindowHandle); If (element! = Zero) {element.SetFocus (); }} And {ProcessStartInfo info = new ProcessStartInfo (); Info.Fil... - Inserting is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless InsertCommand is specified -

I'm having a problem, The problem is that I have created website I I am using the details view to insert records. I am using an Access Data Source to connect to the database file. I'm having an error error server error in the 'WEBSITE3' application The insert is not supported by the data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless InsertCommand is specified. Description: An uncontrolled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where the code has originated from it. Exception Details: System.NotSupportedException: inserting data source 'SqlDataSource1' is not supported by the InsertCommand is assigned Source Error :. The exception to an unstable action was to generate during the execution of the current web request. The information about the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack trac...

objective c - NSString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex -

I have seen many uses of this method: stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex on NSString SO Any thoughts? The method provided an extension.

perl - How to filter a lot of data with IPC::Open2? -

My job is to filter some data with Perl scripts with external usability (ADR2 line). The size of the data is quite large. I need to print many data to the program stdin and read a lot of data back (from the stdout program in my script). Now I do it with IPC :: Open2 , but I do not like to read and write. Is it legal? open2 will buffer data of any size in the pipe? My code: My $ cmd = "addr2line -e $ prog_name"; Use IPC :: OpenOffice; Local (* Reader, * Writer); My $ pid = open2 (* * Reader, * author, $ CMD); (@requests) {# This array is large, more than 100 print author "$ _ \ n" of thousands of entries; } Close authors; (@requests) {$ function_name = & lt; Reader & gt; $ Filesource = & lt; Reader & gt; # ... store ..} close reader; Waitpid ($ PID, 0); Yes, you will write your program in the barrier of buffer capability. Your input buffer ( Reader ) will fill and block the execution of your external program. The reading and...

CakePHP: showing fail/success message under Ajax login form -

I use the AUTH component. I have a login form and I want to show a success / failure message without a page refreshes. But when I submit a form ( jquery.form.js ): $ ('# login form'). Ajaxform (data) {alerts (data);}); It returns home.ctp content in case of success and returns the HTML code of the login form in case of failure! I have $ this-> AUTH- & gt; I want to get alert (data) in the login error . These are some of the app_transfer beforeFilter settings: before the function filter () {$ this-> AUTH- & gt; LoginRedirect = false; $ This- & gt; AUTH- & gt; Logout redirect = false; $ This- & gt; AUTH- & gt; LoginError = __ ('Invalid e-mail or password.', True); $ This- & gt; AUTH- & gt; Auto redirect = false; $ This- & gt; Autorander = False; $ This- & gt; Presenting ('Login', 'Ajax'); } I used LogOnRed to render some arguments and to create an object for the jQuery process. ...

php - Can you batch search queries like -

There are no instances of using a search query for the relative url for the requests of the batch API. It should work like other API calls, but I'm getting an error and I wonder if Facebook gives you batch search queries. So I am batching some API calls like php using sdk $ queries = array (array ('method' = & gt; 'gET', 'relative_url' = & gt; '/ 67226614422'), array ('method' = & gt; 'GET', 'relative_url' => '/ 140959058191');); $ This- & gt; Test (json_encode ($ questions)); $ Objs = $ fb- & gt; API ('/? Batch =' .json_encode ($ queries), 'post'); That works great but if I try to use the search = q = QUERY and type = page as the relative URL like below $ queries = array (array ('method' = & gt; 'post', 'relative_url' = & gt; '/ search? Q = connell & type = page'), array ('method' = ' & Gt; GET ',' r...

.htaccess files not working and how to rename files using htaccess -

I am using the script below to hide the file extension in my website. I got this script from Net RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} at RewriteEngine! -d RecoveryCound% {REQUEST_FILENAME} Php -f rewrite rule ^ (. *) $ $ 1.php but this script is not working, no error is seen, but its file extension is not hidden Can you tell me what is happening in this..I am new to this script .. And can you tell me how to rename my PHP and show HTACAC in the URL Use (to prevent hacking) (like www. If you are in If you type, the provided code should work, you can access .php? To rename your PHP, you must make .htaccess very specific: Rewrite rules Maybe it is better to do some other things in these lines: Rewrite rules ^ (. *) $ Loader.php? P = $ 1 and then loader.php is something like this code: $ pages = array (); $ Pages ['macantact'] = 'contact.php'; If $ ($...