
Showing posts from September, 2012

Unable to Select in LINQ to XML, error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object -

I'm new to using Linq for XML and I have to go through a troublesome error. When trying to drag in my XML file, I get an error that "object reference is not set to an instance of an object." And it is saying that this error is because I am trying to choose a new statement. I've attached my code below: using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.UI; Using System.Web.UI.WebControls; Using System.Xml.Linq; Public Partial Class _Default: System.Web.UI.Page {Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {XDocument feed = XDocument.Load (Server.MapPath ("VEHICLES.XML")); Var query = c to feed.Descendants ("vehicle") where (string) c.Element ("VehicleType"). Select value == "0" new {Vin = c.Element ("Vin"). Value, condition = c. Element ("vehicle type"). Value, year = c. Element ("year"). Values}; CarLister.DataSource = Query; CarLis...

c++ - invalid memory when using classes from a dll -

This is the first time that I have tried to export a class from Dell. What I have done: - Creating an interface (pure virtual methods only) - This interface has been implemented in DLL with a class which is being exported - the class is the method released which is deleted on this pointer - Factory class is created with a static method which gives an indicator in the solid square but as the interface. This class is exported - The problem is that when I use this DLL in any other project, everything is destroyed. Okay as long as I call the release function on the object. Then it shows a failure window with an "error message" _ASSERTE (_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID (pHead- & gt; nBlockUse); " Has this happened to someone else? I know that this CD It is as simple to forget to use when you start C ++, but as I said I started it. Thanks Is your factory function defined in the header? If it is, and the object is hidden For example, in the new header, and by calling ...

iphone - creating a bar with core animation -

So I'm trying to use Apple Core animation to an animated bar graph. The bar is basically a rectangular shape, which is 0-100%. When it first appears, I wanted to show it the animation going from 0 to x%. How can I create a rectangular form like this? Update: Most likely I will have an image once, so I need to enliven this image at a certain height ... It should do exactly what you want: - (UIImageView *) Create New Bar with Float ) Percentage: Location (CP point) Location {UIImageView * newBar = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (location.x, location.y, 50, 200)] autorelease]; NewBar.image = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Bar Page"]; Kyabsiknimsn * Skletvlua = [Kyabsiknimsn Animsnvithkeypth: @ "Tronsformkskelky"]; ScaleToValue.toValue = [NSNumber Number explosion: percent]; ScaleToValue.fromValue = [NSNumber Number explosion: 0]; ScaleToValue.duration = 1.0f; ScaleToValue.delegate = self; NewBar.layer.anchorPoint = CPPointmake (0.5, 1); [Nvb...

jquery - Jcarousel - display last image first in the infinite loop -

I am thinking that any person using the Jacquel to cloning or displaying the last image of the carousel The suggestion will be the first image. An example of 5 photos where Carousel 3 shows the picture, it currently looks like this: 1 - 2 - 3 (4 and 5 are waiting to be shown) Instead, I am trying to load it: 5 - 1 - 2 (3 and 4 are waiting to be shown) Am I currently using the following settings: Wrap: 'circular', scroll: 1, auto: 1, I have tried an offset: -1 But this one shows empty And it does not work. I have also tried offset to start the carousel with the last image - though, with wrapping the set on 'circular' it does not even work and unless you manually do other pictures Make them load. I have tried my best to see my own answer but your help would be appreciated, thanks in advance. EDIT: I am also open to suggesting a different encrypted script which can do it - thanks! # Edit: First of all thanks for all those people. Further research:...

ios - ld: warning: section __DATA/__objc_imageinfo__DATA has unexpectedly large size -

Do anyone know what this warning is? Then there is an error: Command / Developer / Playfomes / iPhone Simulator. Platamate / Developer / / / / / 4vm-gcc-4.2 Exit code 1 failed This is an Xcode project for iPad. I only see it when I compile for simulator, not device I have linked a static library (* .a) to this project and this is where I think it has failed. In addition, it was used to run on no issue simulator and I'm not sure what has changed. All compiler output: LD / user / Cduckering / Library / Developer / Akskod / Derivetdeta / Aikyu- Blald / Products / debug -ifon emulator / Aikyuep / IQ general i386 CD / users / Seediking / desktop / Laitpoint / Apus / app / IQ Setenv Maksosaks_depoyimtimtiartiti 10.6 Setenv path "/ developer / platforms / IPhoneSimulatorkplatform / developer / usr / bin: / developer / usr / bin: / usr / bin: / Bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platf orm / Developer / usr / bin / LLVM- GCC -4.2 -arch i...

opengl es - AlphaFunctions in WebGL? -

Is it possible to achieve the effect of transparency, where less than 0.5 alpha fragments are discarded and more than 0.5 Are alpha pieces provided provided opaque? From what I have read, Glennable (GL_ALPHAT); Glaffank (GL_Greatr, 0.5); What I see but unfortunately, alfafine is not defined in WebGL, is there any way? My problem is that transparent pieces write in deep buffer and thus block the distance from the desert: The trim is not an option because there too There is no way more points Use your bedrock to do this. Below your piece, after setting the output color: if you leave (gl_FragColor.a

python - smartest way to join two lists into a formatted string -

Let me say that I have two lists of the same length: a = ['A1', 'A2', 'a3'] b = ['b1', 'b2', 'b3'] and I want to create the following string: / P> c = 'a1 = b1, a2 = b2, a3 = b3' What is the best way to get it? Declination (500)] B = [F (F) Category for F (500)] DEF func1 (): Return ',' (AA + 'A' in B in B in A for B in a.index (AA) == B.index (BB)] DEF func2 (): List = [] In the range I (Lane (A)) : List.append ('% s =% s'% (a [i], b [i]) returns ',' .join (list) t = timeit.Timer (setup = '__main__ import func1', stmt = 'Func1 ()') print 'func1 =' + t.timeit (10) t = timeit.Timer (setup = 'to __main__ import func2', stmt = 'func2 ()') Print 'Func2 =' + t Timeit (10) and output is: func1 = 32.4704790115 func2 = 0.00529003143311 Do you have anything Is trade-off? a = ['a1', 'a2', 'a3 '] B = [' B1...

How can I hide my data folder in Android? -

Is there a way to hide the data folder of my application in Android? I'm storing some stuff in sdcard / data / {package name} and I would like to be private Thank you. Update Sorry, I mean internal storage. I'll use it to cache some images. If the Android security model is intact, the files will be stored in your application's private storage area only for your application and any other Is visible to the application that you have signed and assigned it to share the UserAd, unless you set them with the world's readable permission. However, you can not trust it because there are a significant number of devices out there, where the original security model is not intact: without the development tools and emulators turned on, such devices where Models worm, or devices owned by end users have been optimized (i.e., "vests") devices. In these cases, the application's personal files will be delivered to the end user, and there may be some add-on to...

How do you completely delete projects in Xcode? -

So if I go to my selected saved folder for my projects and delete my project then it appears in Xcode Does not give However, if I look below my user name / library / developer / Xcode / DerivedData, I still can get some other files. There are other files that make Xcode and I'm afraid if I create, and delete a group of projects, it's just messing with the mess of my unneeded files, so how do I completely remove a project in Xcode? encode 8 in Finder , Delete the project folder. (If you do not know where it is, open the Xodode on the project name in Project Navigator and right click on the project name. Choose Show in Finder .) In Xcode, remove the deleted project from the menu (Go to File & gt; Open Recent & gt; Clear Menu ) This will clear all your recent projects from this menu and startup menu .)

android - Mobile UI usability - should navigation/aciton bars go at the top or bottom? -

I am preparing a new app for Android and am trying to determine whether my navigation / action bar I have installed most of the apps from which navigation / action bar is installed, it is located at the top of the screen (,,). With today's big screen it means that people with small hands have to use two hands to use it (for example to hold the phone in one hand and the other to touch the screen) If given below, navigation / action can be completed with one hand (for example, holding the phone with one hand and using your thumb easily to the bottom of your phone You can use the AOL Content are) a better user experience for me. This application will also include all the 'tasks' in all fields, including all 'back' buttons, menu buttons, etc. instead of split between content. I think I see the biggest selling point for the top position that users are familiar with this paradigm from desktop computing whether it is the only reason to put it or a legitimate UI reaso...

memory management - How bad is declaring arrays inside a for loop in Java? -

I have come from a background, so I accept that I'm still writing in Java with memory management I'm struggling. Here's an issue that has come some time that I would love to get some detail. There are two ways to write the same routine, only difference when the double [array] is declared : code sample 1 : double [] array; For (int i = 0; i & lt; n; ++ i) {array = calculation and adsorption by (i); If (some functions on array (array)) {// one thing} other {// any other thing}} code sample 2 : for (int i = 0; i & lt; n; ++ i) {double [array] array = calculationSomethingAndReturnAnArray (i); If there are some functions (arrays) {// one thing} other {// any other thing}} here, personal double [] calculate some other endorse I) Always give an array of the same length; I have a strong dislike for code sample 2 because it creates a new array for each walk, when it is going to present the current array Could have overwritten. However, I think it can ...

jquery - inconsistency between `.live()` and `.autocomplete()` -

निम्न कोड में, .live () काम नहीं करते, लेकिन । स्वतः पूर्ण () करता है क्यूं कर? (देखें) var इनपुट = []; input.push ($ ( 'इनपुट')); $ (इनपुट) .live ('keydown', फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट) {console.log ('आपने एक कुंजी दबाई है!');}); $ (इनपुट)। Autocomplete ({source: ['test1', 'test2']}); .live () क्वेरी ऑब्जेक्ट विधि संचालित मौलिक चयनकर्ताओं के प्रश्नों पर $ ([$ ('input')]) एक चयनकर्ता क्वेरी नहीं है, यह एक चयनकर्ता क्वेरी युक्त एक सरणी पर एक क्वेरी है। से: ... .live () विधि को हमेशा एक चयनकर्ता के बाद सीधे कहा जाना चाहिए ... से कॉपी किया गया मेरी टिप्पणी नीचे दी गई है: .autocomplete () काम करता है क्योंकि यह अन्य jQuery फ़ंक्शंस के साथ अधिक कार्य करता है, जो क्वेरी द्वारा दिए गए ऑब्जेक्ट की गणना करता है और उन पर कार्य करता है हाथोंहाथ। .live () नहीं गणना , लेकिन बाद में क्वेरी का निरीक्षण करता है - जब भी कोई ईवेंट निकाल दिया जाता है चूंकि क्वेरी उस रूप में नहीं है जिसकी अपेक्षा की जाती है, यह केवल इसे अनदेखा क...

javascript - Assigning DOM style to var -

अगर मैं टाइप करता हूं तो किसी कारण से: var i = document.getElementById (' । नकली ') style.backgroundPosition; मुझे अपरिभाषित मिलता है। हालांकि, document.getElementById ('नकली')। Style.backgroundPosition; = "Text"> जब मैं किसी ऐसे तत्व पर कोड की उस पंक्ति का उपयोग करता हूं जो वास्तव में क्रोम में मौजूद है, तो मुझे एक खाली स्ट्रिंग के बराबर i मिलता है। आप यहां इस जेएसएफडल में देख सकते हैं:। अतः, यदि आप अपरिभाषित हो रहे हैं, तो संभवतः आपका ऑब्जेक्ट "नकली" मौजूद नहीं है जब आप कोड चलाते हैं। केवल उस वास्तविक ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए सीधे एक वास्तविक इनलाइन शैली सेटिंग्स या प्रोग्रामेंटल मान सेट करेंगे यह स्टाइलशीट से गणना की गई शैलियों की वापसी नहीं करेगा। यदि आप उस विशेषता के लिए मौजूदा शैली सेटिंग प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको इस तरह से कुछ का उपयोग करना होगा: var i = window.getComputedStyle (document.getElementById ('fake'), रिक्त) .getPropertyValue ( 'पृष्ठभूमि स्थिति'); ...

Screen record using VLC - command line - windows xp -

My purpose is to start and stop the screen record using VLC from the command line. To start recording the screen, I used the following code: vlc screen: // -i rc --screen-follow-mouse --screen- Fps 5: Sout = # transcode {vcodec = wmv2, vb = 1800, scale = 1}: std {access = file, mux = asf, dst = output.wmv} and stop For the record I learned from the VLC forum that I have to use the ncat for windows and the content of my stop-bit file leaving echo. "C: \ Users \ jk \ desktop \ download \ nc111nt \ nc.exe" localhost 8088 but still the stop does not work. I also tried the following, but it makes the recorded video contaminated: Taskkill / im vlc.exe Also tried P> left Vlc: //, but it does not work because it did not start in an instance mode. To stop, just run: vlc vlc: /

Creating an "Extended Bio" Field in the Wordpress Admin -

I have been able to create additional fields in the User Profile page in the admin for Twitter and LinkedIn. However, I want to reveal an "expanded bio" field and an "intro" field on the same page, but if someone can point me in the right direction (a tutorial) in the "About Us" section, then I I appreciate it. Thx! Try the plugin You may need to zoom it in order to properly describe it but You should get a way out of it about 80%.

Formatting string in Java using return string.format(...) -

I want to return something like this: "The title book title , author book writer : $ cost " There are bold variables I can not understand how this string is used to use the string. Format ("% s .., blah blah") string title = "book title "; String author = "book author"; Double cost = 100; String text = string Format ("title% s, author% s: $% .2f", title, author, cost); Println (text); // print "title book title, author book author: $ 100.00" // or System.out.pritnf ("title% s, author% s: $% .2f", title, author, cost);

callback - Jquery deferred call back oddness -

I was playing with call back and deferred work in jQuery and wondering if someone could tell me why this Works get_each_total = function (callback) {var request; Request = []; Var url; Url = ""; Return request. Push ($ .getJSON (URL, function (data) {})); Refund $. Then ($ (requests). Then (function () {callback ();}, function () (return warning ("There was an error in communicating with a remote library, try again in some");}); }; Get_each_total_broken = function (callback) {var request: request = []; Var url; url = " Justin + bieber & window = d "; return request.push ($ .getJSON (url, function (data) {})) return $ then again ($ (requests). Then (function () {callback ();} , Function () (return warning ("a remote ...

Bash git alias tab completion error -

I know that the Git aliens can be used with logic. But today I had an error. Take a easy example , which is not suitable for real use . If I make a nickname like this: [alias] lo = "! Sh -c 'git log $ 1' -" then I can use git lo file_a to view the file_A log. But when I used to complete the "tab" path, the following error occurs. git lo [tab] Error msg: sh: Announce: `_git_ {': valid The identifier is not This seems to be a bug in git-completion.bash. But I do not know where `_git_ {'is! In addition to this, I think that around the quote mark _git_ in error msg {looks odd. BTW, My MScGet Version 1.7.6-Preview 20110708 Add: Other Strange Thing This is, I _git _ { . String in a file below All files under the git's dior. I think the installation of a custom completion function for git, and error In that setup, try removing the custom receipt first and see if the error has disappeared: Full-...

How to use Java to create a facebook event with photo(png or jpg) -

How to use Java to create a Facebook event with a picture (png or jpg) Is there any Many Thanks When I read the graph-api document, I still can not understand the scope. Simply use the example given above is taken from the excellent documentation on the website: // It's easy to publish an image on the photo album! // Simply specify the image you want to upload and restfie will handle it from there. FacebookClient facebookClient = New DefaultFacebookClient (MY_ACCESS_TOKEN); Publish FacebookTypeFooterspons = FacebookClitPobilish ("I" / "Photo", Facebook Type, Class, Binary Attitudes. ("Cat Page", getClass (). GetResourceAsstream ("/ cat.png"), with parameter ("Message" Test cat ")); Out.println ("Publish Photo ID:" + Publish Photorepression.giid ());

c# - how to refresh wpf data trigger ? -

I have the grid down with the storyboard & Lt; DiscreteObjectKeyFrame Keytime = "0: 0: 2" value = "{x: Static Visibility. Collapsed}" /> & Lt; / ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames & gt; & Lt; / Storyboard & gt; & Lt; /Grid.Resources> & Lt; Grid.Style & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Data Trigger Value = "True" Binding = "{Binding Path = Blink Order Alert, Mode = Two}" & gt; & Lt; DataTrigger.EnterActions & gt; & Lt; StartStoreboard x: name = "Stree_ BlinkOrdAlert" Storyboard = "{Static Resources Stree_order Monjshoehide}" /> & Lt; /DataTrigger.EnterActions> & Lt; / DataTrigger & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / Style & gt; and in my ViewModel.cs, private bool blinkOrderAlert; Public Bull BlinkOrderAlert {get {return blinkOrderAlert; } Set {if (blinkOrderAlert == value) returns;

Eclipse not showing package which is already there -

I'm having trouble creating a package in my application, now I want to create a folder inside the source good But when I copy some pictures in that folder, one of my packages is not showing in eclipse and my work flow is like this Explorer, if I want to give the same package name then this package already exists is showing, but I can not see the package in eclipse .... Why is this happening, what should I do ... Any help would be appreciated? / P> UPDATE It was a mistake to structure my package like this ... src "itemprop =" text "> The reason you can not see src / package1 is probably the package presentation setting It is set on flat, it will display only those packages which Be with Il. To change the presentation, left click on the arrow icon on your project explorer, package presentation and hierarchical .

SSIS 2008 best way to run sequential packages -

At this point, I created several packages which are now necessary to run in the end sequentially. How to do it Thank you for Alternatively you can use a batch file and can call the dtexec utility more often. For example: dtexec / f "First Package Path" / Rep. EWP dtexec / f "Second Package Path" / Rep. EWP ^ / Set "\ Package. Vessels [user :: variable name]. Value "; "Current Value" In the second order you can set a package variable. VariableName , and CurrentValue should be replaced. Go to More Information

assembly - "Safety net" utilities (or tricks) for developing ASM under DOS? -

In Windows, when programming in assembly - says, one in Visual Studio. Inline assembly in CPP file - Development environment prevents my own mistakes If a substrate is released, then I stop the ESP register, it lets me know that something special happened, but it otherwise remains in the sun. When I'm not paying attention and writing my code in an invalid memory location, the only thing that gets crashed is my own program, which I can immediately return to editing in seconds. In DOS, these errors always require a reboot. I understand that due to windows of different memory models, compared to the dose of windows (vs real-mode vs. virtual / protected mode) crashes- for the most part, windows cells prone , Rarely do damage outside the field of their own execution. But I was still wondering whether there existed, past or present, a DOS utility which is a type of executor-in-progress security deterrent which reduces the possibility of complete DOS environment (Read: at least de...

wpf - How to implement Command with Tooltip in MVVM? -

Most MVVM frameworks implement basic command patterns (for example, Delicate Commands in Prism), which uses Execute and Can Exact methods from View model. However, I often have to add tooltips to the command. For example, I want to describe the purpose of an order or explain why this has been disabled. Currently my tooltips are free, but this result is in code duplication of style definitions. Is there a way to integrate tooltips with MVVM command pattern? Should I make my own command class, or is it considered bad behavior? ToolTip property? public class delayed commmax: Delayed Commands {public string tooltip {get; Set; }} I believe that the default WPF commands do not have that property because a ToolTip should not have a string in the WPF - this is the one Object, a control, a group of controls, etc.

A Link Inside an iFrame That Pops Up "Photo Theater" -

I have an IFrame tab with an external web page that loads ... I link to the hyperlink inside that web page One of my photo albums in the "theater" mode is so that you do not leave the page. However, I bring any link inside that web page into the photo album (the pop is not popped up in the theater mode and if I am not in the URL & amp; theater). Can I get some help on how to do this? Thanks! This is a limit of iframes in general. A border and at least one security problem like you said .. Iframe load and external page - A page that can essentially come from anywhere to protect the integrity of the site that displays this external page, iframe Can not reach that page in which it is. You will want to try opening a new window using Javascript: ("{path_to_image}", "title", "menubar = 1, Resizable = 1, width = 350, height = 250 "); As you can see, there are several options that you can set to customize the popup wind...

entity framework - SQLite.NET to EF, 'property' but is used like a 'type' -

मैं 'SQLite-' से उपयोग करता हूं मेरे पास 3 टेबल शहर , देश , देशभाषा के साथ 'world.db3' का एक डीबी है। मैं उस डीबी से एक demo.edmx जेनरेट करने के लिए VS2008 का उपयोग करता हूं। लेकिन प्रोग्रामिंग में: विश्वइन्टीटीज़ हम = नई विश्वइन्टीटीज़ (); सही है। विश्वईंटिटी। सिटी शहर = नई विश्वइन्टीटी। सीटी (); त्रुटि है। यह कहते हैं: 'WorldEntities.City' एक 'संपत्ति' है लेकिन इसे 'प्रकार' के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है । लेकिन मैं शहर में देख सकता हूँ demo.Designer.cs । सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग WorldEntities: वैश्विक :: System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग शहर: वैश्विक :: सिस्टम.डेटा.ऑब्जेक्ट। डेटा क्लास। एंटीटीओबैक्ट विश्वइन्टीटीज आपका संदर्भ है, शहर उस ऑब्जेक्ट पर एक प्रॉपर्टी है। उपसर्ग "वर्ल्डएन्टीटीज़" को निकालें। और टाइप सिटी के लिए उपयुक्त नामस्थान जोड़ें। उदाहरण के लिए। ModelNamespace.City शहर = नया ModelNamespace.City ();

c# - Create an Image or PdfTemplate from a PDF file -

When using the itextsharp library for PDF generation, I came to this method: - ITextSharp.text.Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance (Itextsharp.text.pdf.PdfTemplate); Where, we can get an example of the image from a PDF template. But, I do not know how to create a PDF template and no manufacturer is taking a PDF file name or stream. Why do I want to: I want to create an image from a PDF file and then use this image in any other PDF file. How can any PDF template create an object? PDF template is unfortunately not okay which you think it is. IText and iTextSharp are PDF generators, but there are no PDF renderers, which will require you to convert a PDF to an image. He said, you can still fulfill your goal, on which you are seeing one of the more common uses of PdfTemplate The subclass is pdfImportedPage . If you create from a image to a PDF-designated page , then you do not make a JPG or PNG or anything, then you will actually have the full version ...

node.js - juggernaut file serving -

I'm developing real time notifier As you know, when Customer Connect, Jarjournut serves files in its public directory, so processing is like this: (1) Connect browser 8080 port (juggernaut listening port) (2) Get JunkNet connection request, And the socket connection is complete. (3) Send Joggerot Client HTML file which is its public directory, (4) The browser receives HTML and JS files from Jargonot, and starts communicating with Jargonot. It works well in my server, it's Linux console. [Jinbom @ localhost gojug] # juggernaut 2 Sep 17:38:53 - Ready - Accepting Connections 2 Sep 17:38:57 - Service / - OK 2 September 17:38:57 - Servicing / Jason.JS - OK 2 Sep. 17:38:57 - Servicing / JunkNote.JS - OK 2 September 17:38:57 - Servicing / Socket_Oeges - OK 2 September 17:38: 57 - Service / WebShotman .swf - OK In the browser you can see the connected result. But, I do not want html and js files from juggernaut That's the web server I have, and integrat...

asp classic - embed google qrcode in email -

I have a code that sends an email with images embedded using the apple. & lt; Img & gt; - Therefore, I get a qrcode in the email If the client does not automate the images, then the image will not be visible If I get an image from Google: ; Chl = http: // and has been saved as a unique name under this specific folder function SaveBinaryData (FileName, ByteArray) Const adTypeBinary = 1 const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2 BinaryStream = CreateO Set bject ("ADODB.Stream") BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary BinaryStream.Open BinaryStream.Write Byte BinaryStream.SaveToFileFilename, set the adSaveCreateOverWrite termination function objHTTP = Server.CreateObject ("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") 'grant access permissions Point to an image file with D "GET", "

ios - How to send In-App SMS in iphone -

Working as M Messenger app I want to send an SMS to its customers as a verification code; and users of the code Can be used as verification code .. can someone send me SMS automatically on my client? Ex. If the user clicks on the register at that time, he will automatically receive the confirmation SMS from the iPhone client. This extension is I do encoding / decoding related questions: #import & Lt; Foundation / Foundation. H & gt; @ Interface base 64: NSBackstation {} + (zero) initialize; + (NSString *) encode: (const uint8_t *) Input Length: (NSInteger) Length; + (NSString *) Indicator: (NSDT *) Rawbeauts; + (NSDT *) Decode: (Const four *) String length: (NSINTEGAR) Input language; + (NSDT *) Decode: (NSString *) string; @end #import "Base64.h" @implementation Base64 #define ArrayLength (X) (sizeof (x) / sizeof (* (x))) stable four encodingTable [] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 + /"; Fixed four decoding t...

android - OSMdroid: Markers above each other - how to click -

I have a big problem with OSMdroid: I have a map of one marker, some of them are close to each other That the marker droplets are above each other. Now, when a user clicks on a marker, clicking on the code "stack" for each marker from onClickListener . How can I stop execution and instead show a list of markers "clicked"? using touch > event Public Boolean On-Touch Event (Motion Event Event) {Switch (event.getAction ()) {case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {// Add this item to break the array; } MotionEvent.ACTION_UP case: {// show list breaks; }}}

c++ - Accessing public members of base class fails -

A coward can be a little bit of a question: I have two classes, and all the variables are declared public. Why can not I use the variable from the derived class ?? G ++ tells me: vec3d.h: 76: 3: error: a "val" has not been declared in this area template & lt; Typename TYPE & gt; Square vec {public: TYPE * val; Int dimensions; Public: vec (); Vec (TYPE right); Vec (TYPE correct, int _dimension); [Etc] Template & lt; Typename TYPE & gt; Square vec3d: public vec & lt; TYPE & gt; {Public: vec3d (): vec & lt; TYPE & gt; (0, 3) {}; Vec3d (TYPE rights): vec & lt; TYPE & gt; (Right, 3) {}; Vec3d (TYPE X_val, TYPE Y_val, TYPE Z_val): vec & lt; TYPE & gt; (0, 3) {val [0] = X_val; //// & lt; ---------- This one failed! Val [1] = Y_val; Val [2] = Z_val; }; [Etc] This is purely a lookup issue and there is nothing to do with access control. Because vec3d is a template and its base class depends on the template parameter, me...

iphone - What's the difference between "version number" in itunes connect, "bundle version", "bundle version string" in xcode? -

Apple doctors could have been more specific about submitting an updated version. > Bundle version string, short Are they related in any way? Yes, they are related. They all see the version of your application. Connect iTunes This is the version number shown in the app store; It should be a pure version number like 1.2.3 Bundle version (CFBundleVersion) This' t Requires a pure version number. It could be something like 12345 or 1.2.3 (create 12345AB) . This is shown in the window for Mac OS X apps, for example and is often "build number" more than "version number". Bundle version string (CFBundleShortVersionString) This value is used as the "real" version number iTunes Connect should be in the update / strong> @Snlehton As told by, CFBundleVersion should be a pure version number such as 1.2.3 when you want to upload your application (iOS) App Store.

html - Is it better to use same or an alternative description meta tag for pages on the same domain? -

Say I have a site for a product. The site has three menus: Main, Products, Contacts It is a good idea that everyone has their own & lt; Meta name = "description" tag? Actually this is an SEO question, does SEO have any effect? Or is it better to use a static description for all the sites? For example: Main: & lt; Meta name = "description" content = "this is my product site, you can check your product or contact me" /> Products: & lt; Meta name = "description" content = "This is the product I sell. Get information about your abilities." /> Contact: & lt; Meta name = "description" content = "Find my product on Facebook, Twitter." -Mail "/> Yes, this is a good idea, therefore SEO, for just meaningful reasons It is good to reference each page with content and context. In addition to this, search on Google will show details directly beneath the link, referring to ...

c++ - const_string lib issue -

I am trying to Lib which is not feeling bad, but it violates access (atomic_account, operator ++ ( )) At runtime. Test code: #include & lt; Boost / const_string / const_string.hpp & gt; #include & lt; Boost / const_string / concatenation.hpp & gt; Typedef boost :: const_string & lt; Wchar_t & gt; Wcstring; Class Test {Private: Constwcstring & S 1; Const wcstring & s2; Public: Test (): S1 (L ""), S2 (L "") {} Conak wcstring and GetS1 () {Returns S1; } Const wcstring and GetS2 () {Return s2; }}; Test t; Int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {// test t; Wcstring t1 = t.GetS1 (); // crashes here wcstring t2 = t.GetS2 (); Return 0; } It crashes only when T is global, if I take the announcement in main (), then it is okay. System: VS 2010, Promotion v. 1.47.0 Question: Am I doing something wrong or is there a problem with the library / compiler? Can someone recommend a more stable implementation of unchanging strings for C ++?...

Elegantly call C++ from C -

We develop some projects in plain C (C99). But, we have a library such as the source code (Mathematical Library) in C ++ . We need this library so I would like to ask, what is the best way to integrate this source code? The ratio between C and C ++ is this 20: 1 , hence the C + Going to + is not an option. Should we use a stable library? DLL? (It's all on Windows). Comment on the basis of discussion in edit: , I should say that Separating things in a consistent struct duck and a derivative class.Duck is probably unnecessary. You can possibly remove the implementation in struct duck and eliminate class duck , thus real (â ?? |) | There is no reason why you can not just link all your C and C ++ codes together in a binary. The interface for the C ++ code requires that you wrap the C + + API in the C API. When compiling C ++ code, by declaring a bunch of functions within extern "C" {...} and compiling the C client code, you can do this witho...

monitoring - Best alternative to zabbix to monitor website, http server, web service, simulate get, post -

Anyone can monitor zabbix's open source options to monitor the website, display, simulate, support certification posts , Https ... Frontend uptime for other tools Nagyes / Nagyas, Kakati, etc. are perfect for monitoring page load speed, but monitoring the results of the http command Fails (like log in with post, load results page and Check the presence of a word ...) a device or php / bash script? Nagios, Munin, and Xenos all run arbitrary scripts for more results, or script Use aspects of the results, which monitor the results. There may be anything from the script Bash Script to the full program, and you can find a system that supports or concentrates your language on the preference of your language.

css - Unable to get dotLess to work -

I'm using. I followed all his instructions (which seems quite simple). This is only 4 steps :) My minimum web. Config looks like this: & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; ConfigSections & gt; & Lt; Section name = "dotless" type = "dotless@core.configation.dotales configuration designhandler, dotless .core" /> & Lt; / ConfigSections & gt; & Lt; Dotless minifyCss = "false" cache = "true" /> & Lt; System.web & gt; & Lt; HttpHandlers & gt; & Lt; Add type = "dotless.Core.LessCssHttpHandler, dotless.Core" validate = "wrong" path = "*. Short" verb = "*" /> & Lt; / HttpHandlers & gt; & Lt; /system.web> & Lt; System.webServer & gt; & Lt; Operators & gt; & Lt; Add name = "LessHttpHandler" type = "dotless.Core.LessCssHttpHandler, dotless.Core" preCondition = "integrated mode" path = ...

objective c - Using object declared in a method in another implementation in another file? -

मेरे पास एक टेबलव्यूव विधि है: - (UITableViewCell *) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView * ) ATableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) इंडेक्सपैथ जो घोषित करता है: NSInteger row = [indexPath पंक्ति]; फ़ाइल तालिका में उपरोक्त विधि के साथ TableView.m और I दूसरी पंक्ति में 'पंक्ति' के मूल्य को दूसरे दृश्य में इस्तेमाल करना चाहते हैं और मुझे नहीं पता कि पंक्ति के मूल्य को अन्य फाइल में कैसे इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है और पूरी परियोजना के लिए इसे जनता बनाओ - मैं चाहता हूं बहुत सारे धन्यवाद! यदि आप उपयोग करना चाहते हैं वे चर का दायरा आपके तरीकों में से एक के भीतर सीमित है, तो आप इसे बाहर का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते। आपको इसे एक सदस्य वैरिएबल बनाना होगा और इसे क्लास के एक उदाहरण से पूछें। @ इंटरफेस माइटेबल {NSInteger पंक्ति; // सदस्य चर} @ प्रॉपर्टी (नॉनैटोमिक, असाइन करें) एनएसआईएनटेगर पंक्ति; // इसे एक संपत्ति बनाने से इसे अन्य कक्षाओं से पहुँचा जा सकता है @end ... @ कार्यान्वयन @ सिंथेसाइज़ पंक्ति; // @ प्रॉपर्टी के साथ संयोजन में उपयोग किया जाता है .... - (UITableViewC...

internet explorer - HTML 5 Boilerplate - Issues with IE? -

I usually code all website projects from scratch but after checking the source code etc. I have a new project Decided to use boilerplate for ..set up is great and this code is solid, but I have trouble with IE that I can only ignore but I can not solve this issue. Actually, the site looks perfect on every browser and phone etc. but nothing will be displayed for IE ... The only thing that displays IE is the background of the body ?? Basically because I can not post the website because of the client (they are quite high profile from where I am) I'm just checking that this is a common problem? Is there a quick fix ?? I know that I am not giving much information, I just want to see if this is a common fix or if it is something then I have to see ... Thanks for any help! Edit - This is my doctor major: On Google's site: (dead link) says that problem with url is . A gentleman named Richard Blind indicated an improvement: ! - [If LT IE 9] & gt; & Lt; Sc...

gwt - Accessing non-static objects from anonymous objects in Java -

Working with Google Web Toolkit I wrote an application based on the model-view-controller concept, now my Client controller Two types of class ClientModel and ClientView have been declared as private and non-static I have some remote with the object for asynchronous calls Procedure calls are written which work, however AsyncCallback client modell and client view objects to some bad last variable Without my function can write like: package com; / ** * represents the representatives of the main handlers and controls the content of the {@link client modules} and sends notifications and messages to both the {@link clientmodel} and {@link ClientView}. * / Local Client Controller Displays Asynchronous Tasks for Calling Server Component by RPC * / Public Fixed Last MyServiceAsync mySvc = GWT.create (myService.class); / ** * {@link ClientController} represents the model associated with the object * / Private client modemModel = Faucet; / ** * {@link ClientController} r...

c# - How to check the missing element in the sequence -

I am doing a project related to payroll where for each I will have some payperiodnumbers Has been run. Let's say that when I bind to a grid Now if I select 1 from the grid and click when I delete, I'll tell you an error message, you must first delete the maximum payment period. Similarly, if my maximum salary is in the form of the period number 7 and if the user chooses 1,2,3,4, 5,6 And try to delete I would like to display the same error. I am saving the selected id of in an એરલલિસ્ટ so that someone can help me how I can check my status as I can get the maximum paydaydays using the query But I want to do the rest of the code. I am using 2.0 , so there is no point in using LINQ here. Anyone can help me As Azodious told me that I am showing a situation that should work and nothing if max Number and I would like to display an error message if I select 1,5,7 . If I select 5,6,7 it should be deleted. something like this: selectedNumbers....

CUDA and Direct3D interoperability in WPF applications -

I try to understand WPF applications using CUDA calculations and Direct 3D 9 graphics. Therefore, I use the following approach: I am creating a WPF application using then I Make DLL, it sees a rotating triangle. / Li> Then I try to understand Direct 3D 9 Interpop according to section of "NVIDIA CUDA C Programming Guide". But the cudaGraphicsD3D9RegisterResource function returns the error I declare the CUDA graphics processing variable in the classroom. once square CTriangleRenderer #pragma: public CRenderer {public: Create static HRESULT (IDirect3D9 * pD3D, IDirect3D9Ex * pD3DEx, Acdblyuenac Acdbludi, Uaianti Yuedaptr, Kraderr ** PP renderer); ~ CTriangleRenderer (); HRESULT render (); Protected: HRESULT Init (IDirect3D9 * pD3D, IDirect3D9Ex * pD3DEx, HwnHhwd, UINT UADApplatform); Private: CTRiangleRenderer (); IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 * m_pd3dVB; Structure cudaGraphicsResource * posts VB_CUDA; }; cudaGraphicsD3D9RegisterResource function call...

python stdout carriage return -

I am running a loop on a given file..and writes it on that output for the purpose of monitoring The file on which the file is currently being processed. sys.stdout.write ("\ rProcessing ...." + j) sys.stdout.flush () While the J file name is the script's output ... processing .... /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources0.examplewn -slepcsbals-ipv6f The problem is that the carriage return "\ r" does not already clarify the file name and Number previous file name. Any ideas how I can fix it ... and do it more Remember the written string, and write the blank space. Sys.stdout.write ('\ r' + (* '* * len (old_string)) sys.stdout.write (' \ rProcessing ... '+ new_string)

How can I catch a rendering error / missing template in node.js using express.js? -

I have a code that will provide a Z template without the specified route, think of this kind of express.static but Calls with res.render url. app.use (function (req, res, next) {try {res.render (req.url) .substring (1), {title: "no controller", user: req .session.user});} catch (err) {console.log (err) next ();}}}; The problem is that Res.render () is not throwing an error. Instead it is providing an error page. Is there a way to detect missing templates or any rendering errors? There is a better way to do this, instead of requiring fs and If there is another callback, the render callback will be used: res.render (my_page_im_not_sure_it_exists, {}, function (error, html) {if (mistake) {res.redirect ('/ 404 '); // file does not exist} and {res.send (html);}});

javascript - put a value Inside name in input? -

How can I add a value (like: 5 or etc.) inside INPUT => Name on the checkbox (... name = "checkbox [hare] []" ... ...) after clicking on the jQuery button? HTML: & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "checkbox [/ * here] /] []" & gt; Please give me an example Usage .prop Because the node name is a property. ('Input: Checkbox'). ('Name', 'checkbox [' + 10 + '] [/ p> $ (' input: button ').]');});

c# - Debugging through an extension method -

I have created a method in C # that spreads the strat datatype, making the split function an additional overload so that the text qualifier The string data can be defined as "field 1", "field2", "filed3" string [] splitData = data.Split (' , '', '' '') The extension works fine. Once I can use the method after using context and namespace. Although there is an issue in the method that I am trying to debug, but the debugger will not take action in the extension method. Extension code namespace extensions {public static class string extension {public static string [] split (this string s, four delimiter, four qualifiers ) {// method works}}} code in NIIT test string testString = "\" field 1 \ ", \" field2 \ ", \" field3 \ "" integer expected count = 3; // test string [] results = testString.Split (',', '' '); reciprocated (expected count, result; le...

python - Getting Memory Error when trying to plot large array with matplotlib -

I would like to plot an array of 20 million objects, I have 8 GB RAM and even when I run I get the following error: The following lines: import matlotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy np d = np.arange (200000000) plt.plot (d) () error: traceback (most recent call final): ... file "C: \ Python 27 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib \ ", line 317, in self _grab_next_args for segment (remaining, queue C): File "C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib \", line 292, _plot_args x = np.arange (y.shape [0], DEPIP = float) MemoryArror You can reduce your array by sampling it or using a slice: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Me = 20000000 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = np.arange (m)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; N = 100 # & lt; - Reduce to 100 points & gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = m / n # & lt; - To compress the size of the slides, click & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Less = []> & Gt; & Gt; I am in the xr...

Get Wifi signal strength with OpenNetCf in VB.Net -

As the title, I want to get the power of wireless signal from the adapter on Windows CE, VB.Net, Visual Studio 2008 I am I believe the library is to be used. I'm not going to write any code for you, but maybe I'll send you the right direction I can tell less. In the Beta documentation, you will see a class which is an asset that gives the object.

android - Google Licensing Service - Understanding the concept -

I do not understand the concept of Google's licensing service Scenario: User buys an app on A Device X. A user then installs the Android Market through his other device to install the app and does not pay the other device because he uses the same account on both devices. The app requests a license check that is stored on random data or device generated during installation on specific data or device of the device. As far as I understand that the additional data will vary on device X and Y, the request for licensing check is different for the same user and app but it is still valid. During the download from the Android Market, additional request data is also collected on the user / app / device per licensing server? User A can not copy from Device X to Device Y, License test may fail because the device or installation specific data is stored only on the server when installing app from Android Market? Some information is saved locally for example: ServerManagedPoli...

jquery change onclick -

Hello I'm trying to create an on-line photoblog So for this idea a picture and two elements have to load the next and previous image in the album with an onclined event. I have created a function for this, but it only works once. If you click on the previous or next button, the onclick is executed, but the onclick properties are not changed and a simple warning box tells me that the code has not been executed for a second time. I'm sorry to have a Dutch language photo in my code photos! My HTML looks like this & lt; Div id = "fotolarge" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "arrow right" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "arrow arrowleft" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span id = "fotoloading" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Img id = "foto" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; My JavaScript looks like this function load photo (source) {$ ("#bootrolling"...

Project new objects from jQuery selector -

Is there a way to project an object with jQuery selection? As a simplified example, suppose I want an array of objects that correspond to the anchor of my page; In each object, TNT refers to anchor text, and the value is related to that data-id etter. var results = []; $ ("A") (Function (i, o) {result.push ({txt: $ (o) .text (), val: $ (o) .data ("id")}}}); DoSomething (result); It is possible to do something like C # selection: doSomething ($ ("a"). Select (function (i, o) {( {ID} "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You can use the method to project a set: doSomething ($ ("a") Map (function (o, i) {note: that code> index and element parameter in unknown callback Do not ask why :-) If you do not keep an eye on the index that you can leave them and do this: doSomething ($ ("a"). Map (function () {return {txt: $ (this) .text (), Val: $ (this) .data ("id")}}});

javascript - Hide a div based on the URL -

Whenever a specific url goes on, I am trying to hide a div. Something like this: var url = document.location.href; If (url.indexOf ('http: //nonorperfect.local/asp/loginfull.asp')> = 0) {$ ('# hidebox'). Hide (); } And {$ ('# Hide'). Show (); } Write ("& lt; div id = \" hidebox \ "& gt; \ n"); Write ("& lt; p & gt; test ; \ n"); Write ("& lt; / div> \ n"); Run your code after page load and element is available for jQuery to hide is . Convert the URL to lower case and compare the user type in the missile case. $ (function () {var url = document.location.href; if (url.toLowerCase) IndexOf ('http: //onorperfect.local/asp/loginfull.asp') & Gt; = 0) {$ ('# hidebox') Hide ();} and {$ ('# Hide'). Show () ;}});

javascript - remove value from the list -

I have a list of checkboxes When I click on each checkbox I am adding value to the hidden variable. But the question is whether I want to remove the value from the list when I uncheck the checkbox. How this slice cab is done There is a hidden form variable and jquery $ (". MyCheckboxClass"). Change (function () {var output = 0; $ (". MyCheckboxClass") (Outlook = "," + $ (this) .val ();} and {output = $ .grep (output, function (value) { Return value! = $ (This) .val ();})}} $ ("# idlist"). Val (output);});}); Something like this: (demo) We use it To store the object, add and remove the vals objects as check / uncheck. var vals = {}; $ ('Input [type = checkbox]'). Click (function () {var that = $ (this); if ( (': checked')) {console.log (; vals [] = "in your object"; } And {delete vals [];} console.log (vals);});

ASP.NET MVC3 app - HTTP Error 404.7 for route with double dot -

रूटिंग: context.MapRoute ("डैशबोर्ड_डेफ़ॉल्ट", "डैशबोर्ड / {नियंत्रक} / {Action} / {jobName} ", नया {action =" index ", नियंत्रक =" डैशबोर्ड ", जॉबनाम = UrlParameter.Optional}); लेकिन रूट के लिए मुझे प्राप्त होता है: HTTP त्रुटि 404.7 - नहीं मिला अनुरोध फ़िल्टरिंग मॉड्यूल कॉन्फ़िगर किया गया है फाइल एक्सटेंशन को अस्वीकार करने के लिए। उसी समय, मार्ग सही प्रतिक्रिया देता है। मुझे आईआईएस , क्या आपके वेब। कॉन्फ़िग में उस विशिष्ट यूआरएल की अनुमति देने के लिए, आप जो जोड़ सकते हैं? यह: & lt; system.webServer & gt; & LT; सुरक्षा & gt; & LT; requestFiltering & gt; & LT; fileExtensions & gt; & Lt; फ़ाइल निकालें एक्सटेंशन = "। Dd" / & gt; & Lt; / fileExtensions & gt; & Lt; / requestFiltering & gt; & Lt; / सुरक्षा & gt; & LT; /system.webServer> अन्यथा, आप किसी फ़ाइल को रूट किए जाने की अनुमति देने के लिए फ़ाइल एक्सटेंशन के अंदर & lt; clear /...

objective c - ObjectiveC modal dialog. There is something I am missing with the class interaction -

निम्न कोड में (एपल उदाहरण पृष्ठों से) - (शून्य) showCustomDialog: (NSWindow *) विंडो // उपयोगकर्ता ने संवाद देखने को कहा है। इसे प्रदर्शित करें {If (! MyCustomDialog) [NSBundle loadNib नामांकित: @ "MyCustomDialog" स्वामी: स्वयं]; [एनएसएपीपी शुरूआती है: myCustomDialog modalForWindow: खिड़की मोडलडिलाएटेट: शून्य नहीं किया गया चुने हुए: शून्य संदर्भइन्फ़ो: शून्य]; [एनएसएपी रनमॉडलफॉरवॉन्डो: मायकस्टमडिलाओग]; // संवाद यहाँ ऊपर है [एनएसएपी अंत शेट: मैकस्टमडायलोग]; [MyCustomDialog आदेशऑटोः स्व]; } मेरे कस्टडीडियोलॉग वैरिएबल कभी भी कुछ भी कैसे सेट है, और कब? यह आपकी कक्षा में एक आउटलेट होगा, संवाद के निबन्ध में, फ़ाइल के मालिक को यह कहते हुए निर्धारित किया जाता है कि आप इसे किससे फोन कर रहे हैं, और आउटलेट इसके साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। मालिक के साथ निब को लोड करते समय, आउटलेट आबादी है।

In MATLAB, how to create diagonal with integers and zeros everywhere else using nxn matrix -

मुझे एक nxn मैट्रिक्स को 199, 40 9, 619, .... 210n के साथ बनाना होगा। फ़ंक्शन ए = मायडिअग मेटट्रिक्स (एन) ए = शून्य (एन, एन): -11 नीचे विकर्ण और शून्य में कहीं भी। ; के लिए I = 199: 210: 210 एन -11 आई (आई); अंत की समाप्ति मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत? कोई भी मदद महान हो जाएगी! सबसे पहले आपका फ़ंक्शन मैट्रिक्स आरंभ करता है, ए , लेकिन उसके बाद इसके साथ कुछ नहीं करता आप अपने कार्य के लिए ए की प्रविष्टि को संशोधित करने की ज़रूरत है, शून्य मैट्रिक्स से अधिक कुछ भी वापस करने के लिए। आप MATLAB के फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग diag कर सकते हैं जो एक वेक्टर से विकर्ण मैट्रिक्स उदाहरण के लिए d = 1: n; % # वेक्टर 1, 2, ..., एन ए = डायग (डी)% # बनाओ ए (ए, आई) = i के साथ विकर्ण मैट्रिक्स बनाओ I = 1,2, ..., n; अपनी ज़रूरतों के लिए इनपुट वेक्टर d को संशोधित करें

PHP Delete Directory that is not empty -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मुझे पता है कि आप rmdir के साथ रिक्त फ़ोल्डर को निकाल सकते हैं और मुझे पता है कि आप निम्न तीन पंक्तियों के साथ एक फ़ोल्डर को साफ़ कर सकते हैं। foreach ($ directory_path $ फ़ाइल के रूप में) {अनलिंक ($ फ़ाइल); } लेकिन क्या अगर वास्तव में फाइलों में से कोई एक उप निर्देशिका है यह कैसे से छुटकारा पायेगा लेकिन दोहरी दर्पण प्रभाव की तरह एक अनंत राशि में। क्या पीएचपी में कोई बल हटाना निर्देशिका है? धन्यवाद यह फ़ंक्शन हटा देगा एक डायरेक्टरी रिकर्सिव: फ़ंक्शन rmdir_recursive ($ dir) {foreach (स्कैनर ($ dir) $ फ़ाइल के रूप में) {if ('।' === $ file || '..' = == $ फ़ाइल) जारी रखें; यदि (is_dir ("$ dir / $ file")) rmdir_recursive ("$ dir / $ file"); और अनलिंक ("$ dir / $ file"); } आरएमडीआईआर ($ dir); } यह भी एक: फ़ंक्शन rmdir_recursive ($ dir) {$ it = नया पुनरावर्ती डायरेक्टरी इटरेटर ($ dir, FilesystemIterator :: SKIP_DOTS); $ It = नया पुनरावर्ती इटरेटर इटरेटर ($ यह, रिकर्सिव इटरेटर इटरेटर :: CHILD_FIRST);...