
Showing posts from April, 2012

java - Eclipse Maven project to Dynamic Web Project layout -

I am used to the layout given in eclipse, in which all your Java code inside eclipse, your JSP files, Web-INF has the rights under the WebContent folder and within the web-conferencing folder. Also, the output folder is hidden from the project tree. Maven has its own format that makes me feel confusing, because it creates some test folders under its target folder and source / main / Java folder and target ... Is there a way to create a Maven project? And is it using the dynamic web project project tree layout? I tried to replace the deployment assembly entries to match the dynamic web project and updated Java build path SRC and updates to match the dynamic web project one, but when I run / Installing, I get a weird, secret unpleasant error. Can you provide me with detailed descriptions about how to do it properly? The concept of archetypes to use is in Maven's concept for you The project is like a template that you consider yourself by Maven. mvn archetype: generat...

TFS2010 build - how to run debug with unit tests before release build -

We are working to fix the automated build process using TFS 2010. During the development, we use a special configuration to run our unit test. During the construction, it makes sense to do the following: compile the application in Unitatest configuration and run the unit test. If all is there, then run and deploy the build in the Release configuration. The reason behind the above suggestion is that we are using the config file change for some settings. However, I can match them with Build Server without the need for a separate set. I also wonder whether the above approach is supported in TFS Build or not. I.E: How do you run two combinations in different configurations. Or the following approach is better: compile the app in the Release configuration and run the unit test. If all pass, deploy. Thank you! If you edit your build definition, navigate to Team Explorer and on the process page, you must In "Item to build" parameter will appear. If you expand th...

php - How do I run directory-structured tests in phpunit? -

PHPUnit Docs says that I can move all my tests into a folder and phpunit To execute all of these folders in the same folder: But when I link my link to slim ( If you try on copy then it is not work! . I have installed PHPUnit through pears so I do not think anything is weird about it Here's the output: mark @ ubuntu: / project / submodules / Slim $ Phpunit Test PHP Fatal error: 'Exception' PHPUnit_Framework_Exception 'Message' neither can be opened "tests.php" nor "test.php". # 0 /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/TextUI/Command.php(157) ::; __ Construction ('test PHPUnit_Util_Skeleton_Test- & gt; /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Util/Skeleton/Test.php:102' in stack trace ',' ') # 1 / usr / share / php / PHPUnit / TextUI / Command Php (129): PHPUnit_TextUI_Command-> Run (array, true) # 2 / usr / bin / PHPUnit (49): PHPUnit_TextUI_Command :: main () # 3 {main} throw at /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Util/Ske...

Compiler error - iOS "expected ")" before "Question -

What's wrong with the following code? Xcode 4 is not compiling because of the "question" with two method declarations a "hope") question "" first ", message, as indicated in the code below given the code in the query question compiled And this code is already working. I have made some changes to the question but behind them try to figure out the error in this compile time #import & Lt; Foundation / Foundation.h & gt; #import "Question H" @interface AppState: NSObject {selectedAnsw er int i; int correctAnswers; integer currentQuestionNumber; // this question will be included in the hash table objects NSMutableDictionary * questionHash;} @property (nonatomic) integer chosenAnswer; @property (nonatomic) correctAnswers int i; @property (nonatomic) integer currentQuestionNumber ; maintaining @property (nonatomic,) NSDictionary * questionHash; - (void) PrintQuestions; - (void) PrintDescription; - (void) addQuestion: (question) Q...

r - Make a repeating alpha-numeric list -

I want to create a list like this: "A001: A048", " B001: B048 ", ...," Z001: Z048 "," AA 001: AA 048 "," BB1001: BB486 ", ... ... I saw, but did not understand Found c (sprintf ("% S001:% s048", letter, letter) Sprintf ("% s% S001:% s% s048", letter, letter, letter, letter)) with "indexed replacement" (with my period) An example is sprintf : external (letter, 1:26, fun = sprintf, fmt = "% 1 $ s% 1 $ s% 2 $ 03d: % 1 $ s% 1 $ s% 2 $ 03d) # [, 1] [, 2] [, 3] [, 4] [, 5] [1,] "AA001: AA001" "AA002: AA002" "AA003 : AA003 "" AA004: AA004 "" AA005: AA005 "[2,]" BB001: BB001 "" BB002: BB002 "" BB003: BB003 "" BB004: BB004 "" BB005: BB005 "[3,]" CC001: CC001 "" CC2003: CC002 "" CC003: CC003 "" CC004: CC004 "" CC005: CC005 "[4,]" DD001: ...

sql server - Full outer join on one criteria, inner join on another -

Let me include the header and extension rows in a result set Required: (sample DDL and insert ): Order : OrderID Order Date Buy Currency IDsMount BuyRacket ===================================== ====== ========== 1 2011-09-01 15: 57: 00.000 7 12173.60 1.243893 1 2011-09-01 15: 57: 00.000 9 69.48 1 ORDERDETAILS : OrderID CurrencyID SellAmount SellRate ======= ========== ===== ===== ==================================================================== I Hen OrderID and CurrencyID would like to add to / would like: OrderID CurrencyID BuyAmount BuyRate SellAmount SellRate ======= = =============================================================== , 243893 10000 1 1 8 Zero zero 12,384 .9638 1 9 69.48 1 Zero zero sample script - Use scratch - a temporary `command 'And' Order Ls` tables: IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb. # Order') & gt; 0 drop table #orders table #orders Create (OrderID zero not int, OrderDate datetime NULL, CurrencyID not int, BuyAmo...

java - How to get thread debug information from running production Tomcat web application? -

We have a production web application that looks like keeping a thread in a bunch of tasks, and the CPU Running and average weight. I know what the problem is - our DWR service is very large for some Javascript object responses. The problem is that I do not know which service call is producing data in this large quantity, because thread is out of any of my codes (this is in DWR servlet which changes my return value to outbound javascript object Does ... otherwise I see my service method in the thread dump). Although I do not have to know about DWR to help, because my question is: Is this a way for me to have a posted web application (Tomcat 6 ) To look at and see what kind of situation is in a thread, like variable values ​​etc? This would be true if I originally take a "debug snapshot" of threads, as if I had a breakpoint in debug mode during local development, but with any solution I should see or print that something would be useful. . UPDATE It is best to res...

javascript - jQuery UI dialog title area gets stretched out -

Here in Bela: If you click on any link (like View Upload ) But When you see the same page on a regular basis and then click on a link, the dialog box looks normal (if the browser is maximized, if the browser Not maximum, so you have the same problem). How can I fix this so that the dialog box appears normal? this float: left; is on your #content

css3 - Is it redundant using jQuery Mobile and a responsive layout /CSS media queries? -

I was checking today and found out that the website is a great fit for mobile devices so I wonder If using jQuery mobile and feedback with media queries / adaptive layouts are simultaneously redundant, because using only media queries takes a good view. Is it really redundant or is I walking on caffeine? Example: I do not know how to use jQuery mobile, as it is done very well using media queries. And to be fair, I do not see jQuery being being without mobile, hehe. Without JQuery it will be very difficult to look and feel as "the original app", is that right? Personally, I think jQuery's mobile media does not obfuscate the queries. One of the great benefits of jQuery Mobile in my opinion is that it makes things like form elements more favorable by making them bigger. But if you want to change other things depending on the device, such as the size of the images, you still want to use the media queries to load the appropriate CSS file.

c++ - Incorrect watch values in Visual Studio 2010 Professional -

I am having a very strange problem where the clock window values ​​for some variables do not match their "real world" "The value debugger appears to be just off in space here, the smallest snippet is shown here: printf ("% d ", pNodes [nNode] .nColumn); // clock "4" indicates printf ("% d", nColumn); // clock shows "1" if (pNodes [nNode] .nColumn! = NColumn) Continue; // It is not called So here's the behavior: If I add a clock to pNodes [nNode] NColumn , it shows the value of 4 . If I add a clock to nColumn , then it shows the value of 1 . If I type expression pNodes [nNode] .nColumn! = NColumn in the viewing window, it evaluates for the true . Continue statement is omitted! I asked to see printf () what was happening, and printf () values ​​to 1 And 1 , which calls the code "flow" (i.e. no if statement inside continue . and pNodes (NNode) .nColumn , and the memory shows the ...

android - Database global instance -

So I have to have a database installation for all app activities. I found the following code: increases the public class MyApplication application {Private Static SQLiteDatabase mDB = null; @ Override Public Empty on Create () {Super. Connet (); Database OpenHelper m_OpenHelper = New Database OpenHelper (this); MDB = m_OpenHelper.getWritableDatabase (); } Public static SQLiteDatabase (getDB) {return MDB; }} I do not understand that when I can close the SQLiteDatabase instance. This was an issue for me when I first started with Android, because many tutorials on the web There are not those who show how to properly enter your databases in the right way (why not ask me). Here are some sample codes that display three potential approaches. Approach # 1: Subclassing `Application` If you know that your application will not be very complicated (i.e. if you know that 'only application' Code> will end with being a sub-class, then you can create subclass of applica...

graphics - UI in JAVA Suggestion -

I need your suggestion on this: Suggestions / Recommendations a The tool and / or Java version is used to develop bar graphs by reading the input from the text file. I am working on a group project and my friend will provide the data (internet usage, time duration and number of applications as the name) I have to show in this form I want the UI to run the Java code in the form of XE, which is stored in the local machine, the file (text preference) is read and the user shows the analysis graph. You must do the following work basically Write a Java program to read the file content in the data model. Depending on the file format, you can get an open source parser. Once you read the data, you can create a bar chart like Jeffrecht and display it to the user. See here for more information. There are so many libraries to make a Java application executable. It is such a library

Apache2 redirect all but some pages back to http using vhosts -

I use some types of pages to redirect the HTTPS to the vhosts to rewrite the rules with Apache 2 I am using It is anything that starts with In other words, all pages to be done with users and their information should be on HTTPS. I want to redirect all other pages to http. What happens now when a user goes to the / user page, then they are redirected to HTTPS properly. But when he goes away from the / user> area, I can not get back to the redirected HTTP I need the terms and conditions to rewrite anything that In that other words, please help me fill in the blank: Rewind Conduit% {SERVER_PORT} ^ $ 443 Rewrite code% {REQUEST_URI} __blank__RewriteRule __blank__ http: // {REQUEST_URI} [R = 301, L] researching this , I am trying a few things that I avoid. I need a wildcard under / user because I'm developing the app and often add pages to users (this is a Rail app) I understand that Matching a knot with regular expressions is no...

actionscript 3 - Is there an generic way to synchronize multiple asynchronous results in Flex? -

I was wondering if we have a native or normal way of synchronizing many results from asynchronous HTTPPSVice calls in Adobe Flex . In other words, I need to recover some data from my server and execute the function, when I retrieve all the data from these different functions. Here's an example: private var mObj01: object = null; Private var mObj02: object = zero; Private var mObj03: object = null; Public Function TryLoadSynchronousFunction (): Zero {if (mObj01! = Null & amp; mObj02! = Faucet & amp; amp; MBBJ 03! = Faucet) DoSynchronizedStuff (); } Public Function GetObj01 (Event: ResultEvent): Object as zero {mObj01 = event.result; TryLoadSynchronousFunction (); } Public Function GetObj02 (Event: ResultEvent): The object as zero {mObj02 = event.result; TryLoadSynchronousFunction (); } Public Function GetObj03 (Event: ResultEvent): Object as zero {mObj03 = event.result; TryLoadSynchronousFunction (); } Public Function StartAsynchronous (): Zero {myCall01.token = httpO...

parsing - Use javascript to parse URL (not querystring) folder structure domain/parseThis/ -

I know how to parse the query string but I'm sending a format of: domainName / variable / somethingElseIDontCareAbout I need to catch that middle part and so I can see what it says ... any help? Thank you! Todd If your original URL is something like Else , you can use it: document.location.href.split ("/") [3] if No, just change the number in the brackets.

Weird Results on MySQL SELECT Statement with ORDER BY -

I get strange results on the MySQL SELECT statement, which is ordered by the My_column ASC. Item B: 25.310854 In order of results, a "computer" will order them according to an order: Item F: 241.565853 Item D: 25.3 9 7155 Item C: 260.252356 Item A: 27.7740 Item E : 271.774058 How do I get it right in the right way? My selection statement is a couple that is included - it is not certain if any difference will arise How to fix this problem? should do something like this: order by my_column ) ASC

c# - Calendar Bolded Dates -

I have a button in every row of my DataGrid view when a button is clicked on it, then display a calendar Should be made in which the selected dates (I am in the list) should be bolded. Dates will vary for different buttons and therefore should also change the date to be bold for each button click. Is it possible to have a tag for each bold date? Is a calendar sufficient or should I announce the month calendar for each button. I am very new to C #, please answer me. You can reuse the same calendar control by specifying different BoldedDates . Date Time [] myDates = {myDate1, myDate2}; Calendar.boulddates = myadays; For more information about bold dates, see.

Allow %20 in web2py requests args -

I am trying to get a request to pass the encoded strings into a URL. For example: / application / controller / function / hello% 20world so that I can use request.args in my function and string I can not get rid of (). I tried to modify to not convert% 20 but something went wrong with this and catching these requests that I have trouble troublesome. I have seen that in the httpserver.log file:, 2011-09-02 00:12:09, receive / app / controller / function / hello world, http / 1.1, 200, 0.169 9 54 Location already moved, perhaps indicating where the URL is being transcribed? Below is the content of my routes: #! / Usr / bin / python # - * - coding: UTF-8 - * - default_application = 'chips' default_controller = 'default' default_function = 'index' routes_range = [(r '* / 404', 'r' / chips / Static / 404.html ''), (R '* / *', 'R' / chips / static / error.html '']] By def...

Logging changes through Entity Framework -

Can someone provide good strategies for implementing conversion tracking in my entity framework model? I I know that there is reference. But to change the changes, there are about 20 institutions (access through functional / functional unit) to track changes and I should be able to demonstrate which UI varies when displaying records . (Or whatever is said), but I probably want to use the changes in questions such as references. MyIntity Change log Should I make a change log unit, connecting associations in all institutions or through better means through savings? Richard PS is a great weekend! The unit structure is responsible for firming and loading with the ORM = API database. Whatever you continue or load depends entirely on you, if you want conversion tracking, you have to code it. The most common method is actually using onsite conversion or overriding save change because you are usually saved by a single user saved.

sql server - Using NHibernate mapping by code: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'DietUser' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF -

I took some time to find an answer for this, thought that I shared love. When I am unable to save an entity using the new mapping of NHibernate by code with SQL Server. When saving a system to a system Data.SqlClient.SqlException is given with the following message (decreased table name): "IDENTITY_INSERT When the table 'DietUser' can not insert explicit values ​​for the identity column in the table Is set. " My table contains an identity id and unit & amp; Mapping looks like this: public class user {public virtual id id (get; set;} public virtual string {get; set;} public virtual string user name {get; set; } Public Virtual String Password {get; set;} Public Virtual Small Daily Points {get} Set;}} Public Class Usermapping: Classmapping & lt; User & gt; {Public Usermapping () {id (x = & gt; x. Id;) Property (X = & gt; x.Name); property (x => x.Username); property (x => x password); property (x => x.ailyPoints);}} I know ...

android - Upload Video to Facebook -

I am trying to upload a video to Facebook using the following code Public empty upload videos (string videopath) {byte [] data = null; String data message = "Your video description is here."; String Notation = "Mobile .wmv"; Bundle ultimate; AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner = New AsyncFacebookRunner (API); InputStream = Faucet; Try {new file inputstream (VideoPath); Data = redoubout (is); Ultimate = new bundle (); Param.putString ("Message", Data Message); Param.putString ("filename", dataName); Param.putByteArray ("Video", Data); MAsyncRunner.request ("me / video", ultimate, "post", new fbRequestListener (), blank); } Hold (FileNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }} Public byte [] readBytes (InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {// It is spread by taking bytes to bytes which you have read the BitReeron OutputStream bytefuffer = new Bytereon Output S...

java - What is the motivation of using Maven? Can I just create a build script instead? -

उद्देश्य के अनुसार हैं: बिल्डिंग प्रक्रिया को आसान बनाना उत्कृष्ट प्रैक्टिस डेवलपमेंट प्रदान करना सर्वोत्तम प्रथाओं के विकास के लिए दिशानिर्देश प्रदान करना नई सुविधाओं के लिए पारदर्शी प्रवास प्रदान करना क्या मैं बस इसके बजाय बाश में एक बिल्ड स्क्रिप्ट बना सकता हूँ? मैवेन प्रोजेक्ट का उपयोग करने की प्रेरणा क्या है? क्या कोई उदाहरण है? मेवेन एक उपकरण है जो बॉयलरप्लेट प्रोजेक्ट सेटअप और कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के लिए बहुत सारे हैंडल करता है आप। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि आप एक जावा प्रोजेक्ट को एक बिल्ड सर्वर से ठीक से एकीकृत करना चाहते हैं, तो कोड कवरेज जानकारी प्रदान करें और एक जार फ़ाइल बनाएं जो आसानी से आपके संगठन के आसपास अन्य प्रोजेक्ट्स में उपयोग हो सकें - आप एएनटी का उपयोग मैन्युअल रूप से निर्धारित सप्ताह तक खर्च कर सकते हैं या आप मेवेन तरीके को 'गले लगा सकते हैं'। इसके अलावा, आप अपने वांछित सेटअप के लिए प्री-कॉन्फ़िगेट किए गए प्रोजेक्ट्स की स्थापना कर सकते हैं (और कई पहले से मौजूद हैं) मानकों को लागू करने और किसी संगठन के भीतर उत्पादकता में वृद्धि करने का यह एक शा... - Add rows in grid view dynamically -

I have a grid view that is used to show product details. Another thing is that there is a table that means ProductMaster Data from Gridview is coming from this table. Now what I want to do is, for the first time when the page loads, only the first column should be filled in, which lists the product name dropdowns. All other rows should be empty. Now when the user selects the item from the dropdown list, then the other column should be filled with trustworthy and the other blank line should appear across the bottom line whenever the page loads, there will be only one blank row (first column dropdown) List will be filled with products) How can I get this work done ?????? Check out this article: dropdown list Add inside TemplateColumn and OnRowDataBound event fill it with product names and instead click click with the button As mentioned in the incident, you have to handle by changing the selected index event dropdownlist , referenced on the line in which it has t...

.net - How to increase the timeout period of web service in -

I created a web service that is of asmx type and I am using my web service in the net web application . Byte from web service obtains byte array conversion of web method object & amp; My class object has different properties in which I am adding an XML file as string. How to extend the web service period? Thanks. You can do this in a variety of ways: Setting the Web A timeout from the code in service caller (100% is not fixed, but I think I did this); Setting expiration in the web service proxy manufacturer in the web context; P> and for details on the last case:

java - multiple fields in HashTable -

I want to make a hashable in the Java program. There must be several fields in the hashtable (I now want to store 3 columns which I have read with DB). How many columns can I store such as hashtable stores key value success? I would like to keep the first column in the form of a key and the third column as value. Please help!! Thanks! First of all, you need a new class that can store values: public class values ​​{public final string foo; Public Finals Long Bar; Public Finale Long Fowar; Public value (final string fu, final long bar, final long furor) { = foo; = bar; This.foobar = foobar; }} You can make your hashtable (Do you really need thread protection?) Like this: Last Maps & lt; String, value & gt; Container = New Hashtable & lt; String, value & gt; (); If you do not need thread protection, you can use hashmap instead.

iphone - Recommended approach to test iOS app against beta iOS releases -

It is good to be able to test the app against the beta release of iOS, but the number of beta releases seems to be out of the apples Large file download for SDK and IOS images To keep things fixed, which may be broken in the next beta Release notes from the apple are not enough to understand enough for me why my app breaks Finding Answers on the Web A. NDA makes it more difficult So, I was surprised that IOS developers how to work with this. Is Apple a recommended approach to test the app with its beta release? When should I submit a fix to the new iOS in the iPad (keeping in mind that it can be broken in the next beta relay)? Can someone please suggest or suggest an easy way to test the app against the beta iOS release? Once a GM version of the OS and SDK has ended, you will be less than public Less than a week ago. It should be sufficient to fix a bug related to any iOS version, submit the update and accept it. If you are afraid that it will not be ready before the... - TextBox Text is empty on postback -

I have a problem that happens from time to time but I can not know why this is happening. I have a txtfilter; I put the value on the asp: button in the text box, which then returns the server back to the form and TCTIFfilter. The text property is empty Control where the size of the taxbox is changed dynamically on the page but it depends on a request parameter, so it is not the case that I'm not loading some controls that are loading first Was there. The most weird part in this situation is however, txtfilter.text is empty, the request [txtFilter.Text.UniqueID] contains the value that I have entered. Any thoughts? If you are dynamically making / adding textbox controls, you need to do this in Page_inte , So it participates in the normal page event lifecycle. The request [Controlled] will always include the price you entered

Cross browser adding row to table- JQuery? -

Does anyone know a good way to add dynamic to the table in jquery? You should have $ ('table tables)' for a cross browser implementation technically. ("Foo") attachment Since IE does not add itself to you, but other browsers

python - Django logging not showing argument -

मेरे पास एक कस्टम django-admin कमांड में यह रेखा है: ( जब मैं कमांड चलाता हूं, लॉग फाइल और कंसोल आउटपुट दिखाता है कि मैं क्या अपेक्षा करता हूं: [2011 -09-02 03: 49: 31,405] जानकारी:: (27041 140698227433576) :: update_records - 5 रिकॉर्ड अपडेट हालांकि, व्यवस्थापक को ईमेल दिखाता है जानकारी:% d रिकॉर्ड्स अपडेट की गईं # यह व्यवस्थापक और प्राप्त ईमेल का विषय और शरीर है यह मेरी लॉगिंग जानकारी फ़ाइल में है: LOGGING = {'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers'): सही, 'फ़ॉर्मेटर्स': {'default': {'format': '[% (asctime) s]% (levelname) s: :( % (प्रक्रिया) डी% (धागा) डी) ::% (मॉड्यूल) एस -% (संदेश) एस '},},' हैंडलर ': {' email_admins ': {' level ':' INFO ',' class ' : 'Django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler', 'include_html': सच है, 'formatter': 'default',}, 'admin_console': {'level': 'INFO', 'class': ...

jquery - lightbox doesn't load Facebook plugin after close -

मेरे पास यह स्क्रिप्ट है: & lt; id = "editprofile" href = " #edit_profile "& gt; 123 & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; div शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं;" & gt; & Lt; div id = "edit_profile" शैली = "चौड़ाई: 640 पीएक्स; ऊंचाई: ऑटो; अतिप्रवाह: ऑटो;" & gt; & Lt; div id = "fb-root" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / script & gt; & lt; fb: टिप्पणियां href = "" num_posts = "2" width = "620" & gt; & lt; / fb: टिप्पणियां & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और js: $ ("# editprofile")। Fancybox ({'titleposition': 'अंदर', 'संक्रमण में': 'कोई नहीं' , 'संक्रमण' ':' कोई नहीं '}); या देखें। क्या होता है कि मेरे अंदर एक सरल फेसबुक प्लग...

javascript - Function.prototype.bind -

I have found a very interesting question about the Encoder-5 function. Prototype Point implementation generally when you use bind, you do this: var myFunction = function () {warnings (this); } .bind (123); // 123 will warn myFunction (); OK, that's good, but what do we think when we do this? // rebind function myfunction = myfunction.bind ('foobar'); // will warn ... 123! Myfunction (); I understand that function. According to Prototype.bind implemented () it is completely logical behavior. But in the real life situation it is not completely useless behavior? The question is: Is this a bug or a feature? If this is a bug, then why is it not anywhere? If this is a feature, then why "chrome" basically treats "bind" implementation exactly the same? To make it even more clear, what would be more understandable in my opinion, here is the code snippet that applies the function.prototype Slightly left: if (! Function.prototype.bind) {functio...

javascript - Elements position changing after setting position to absolute -

I have participated in a very strange problem that I have been able to fix, but in a disgusting way. I have the following working code which captures the element left and up (using MooTools) then it uses setStyles to copy these criteria into the style attribute is. It works all too well. But as soon as I change the condition of the completion of the code in the code above it, it has to be changed. Works but horrible: var Sortable = new class ({initialize: function (element, container)} {// element and Store its settings Element = element; this.size = element.getSize (); This.position = element.getPosition (container); // Set position element.setStyles ({left: this.position.x, top : This.position.y}) setTimeout (this.goAbsolute.bind (this), 0);}, goAbsolute: function () {this.element.setStyle ('position', 'absolute');}}); As you can see, I am using an end time to isolate the left / top settings and status settings. The following code does not work. Sto...

sql server - A generic sql query to archive more than one table -

How can we manage the collection process without writing different stored procedures in SQL Server 2000? For example, There are two tables in the current DB-student and employee. The purpose data is in the archive This table - Student Table - Data older than 1 year employee table - data is 2 years old Date field to be compared in student table Field field built In addition, I have placed a configuration table with column ConfigtableName, ConfigColumnName, ConfigCutoffdate , and the employee's code DOJ A) How do I write a general query that it dynamically takes the name of the table and column from the configuration table and the archive is inserted in the DBS table? Something like this .... INCERT b) How to manage the Field Set Option? c) Is it possible that an error occurs in NT repetition, then can this error be saved in the log? The only way to create such dynamic queries in the stored procedure is by using the stored procedure. I r...

java - How to Generate TouchEvent? -

I have drawn a set of images (balls) on a SurfaceView. Now I'm trying to create an image, I disappear. It does not understand how the pictures are coming up in an archive, how to generate a touch event on a personal image. Can anybody help anything on this? Thanks Yashwanth.B Assume that you have a ImageView , you should implement the onTouchEvent (MotionEvent event) method.

c# - Different results when using WebRequest vs WebClient -

We have a text file that automatically generates and puts into the web server to read the file line by the work line And to record the records in the database. The following code is in C #: WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (url); WebResponse response = Request GetResponse (); Streamerdinder r = new streamerdidder (feedback gatesresponsstream ()); While (r.Peek ()> -1) {string s = r.ReadLine (). Trim (); // Insert a string in a DB} When I do this, I get the whole file 9000 - 10000 lines. On the other hand when I use the following, I get a small file (lower lines) WebClient Client = new webclient (); Streamrider R = New Streamminder (Client.OpenArray (url)); While (r.Peek ()> -1) {string s = r.ReadLine (). Trim (); // Insert a string in a DB} Can anyone explain the difference? Why will the results be different? I was under the assumption that WebClient was the only cover of HTTP WebBurist. Peak method, prepare a complete line for red color Guaranteed. ...

python - Can you tell when i can see a good example of "drag and drop" a cell of wx.Grid? -

Can you tell me that when I can see a good example of "drag and drop a cell of wx.Grid" I am I have two wxs. I want to move content (or other data) from the grid's cell to the grid's cell from the first grid of the grid. Can this help you?

c# - Whats the best way to format this number? -

I have double and I want to format it with the following rules: If there is no decimal place, show only the number (see 100 examples below) Shows 2 decimal places if there is a decimal place Then, as a few examples: 100 - & gt; 100 99.958443534 - & gt; 99.96 99.1 - & gt; 99.10 You can use: Decimal a = 99.9 4 9 99 99 99 M; Mathematics.Round (A, 2); // Returns 99.95

eclipse plugin - SWT TableViewer multiselection without Ctrl -

I am using a tableware and I want to display it while holding the CTRL key. I mean if I If I click on one line, it should be added to the selection and should not replace the current selection. I probably need to do this manually in the selection listener. But maybe there is a better (more solid) way? The table viewer wraps a table, which means multi-select behavior is platform-specific, it means That you can not disable it If you want to implement your own multi-select behavior, then you have to implement your own table widget which does not depend on the table widget from SWT, should be a good starting point ...

Android: How to set onTouch event for activity? -

I have an activity that I want to end when the activity touches, how do I go about doing it? Get a reference at the upper level View and call in your layout .setOnTouchListener () OnTouchListener Pass Finnish (); In these tchach () method.

java - Debugging GWT in Eclipse -

There is a problem here. I have written a GW script to make an alternative between two images, for which 2 names in the URL is needed. It works fine when I compile and run on my PC, but when I try and go into debug mode in eclipse, I can not parse the name. Ie works fine, while I accept that URL, I It complains that the pictures are not defined. Do I add logic to debug? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Why does Eclipse create the hosting page in the form of a FleckBook instead of the skirts? Do you have You can try, Bar.png

scala - What do I need to learn before I can start using Lift? -

I know slag I have used mongodibi, radis, sbt, ... backend content. I have basic HTML, CSS and Javascript but I have never done real web development. I do not know what is AJAX = "text"> If you know Scala, then you're setting too much on the programming side. On the other hand, elevators require HTML / CSS templates. In fact, it is completely different from programming so that a professional web designer can work on them, while the programmer works on the code. If you can modify your HTML / CSS content, then it will help. You do not have to know AJX - the lift of that part takes care of you. So, it seems that you are mostly setting up, from Manning, I strongly recommend Timothy Perett. Although this book has not been released yet, you can get the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) for it and, as it happens, the entire book has been written already.

hudson - Pulling a file from another job before building in Jenkins? -

Hope you can help me on this I have a job called "template" which is a template.xml file Generates. I have many other functions that use this template.xml file. However, before creating, I wanted them to pull the latest template. XM from the "template" job workspace. In your "template" job, under post-build operations Choose to format your XML file using the archive option. Then you set up Jenkins job for Artifact user project Jenkins job set up for Artifact Generator project : >:

nosql vs rdbms hardware specs -

Normally it believes that the RDBMS scale is better vertically while the nosal is specially scaling horizontally Is designed for. how Database for this type of hardware will be better fit which can increase up to several hundred TBs. What should happen if the NOSQL database is usually designed to run on the commodity server and what is the limit of the RDBMS hardware node. Considering that there is adequate RAM indexed (not dataset) available at all times in memory. . While the NOSQL does not have difficulty indexing in RAM (but it is definitely recommended). It would be very interesting to know what is most suitable for the San Equipment? As you can keep several hundred TB in one place. The decision is whether to use or use the NoSQL database, the relational database is your hardware instead of your The use should come from the case / app. Analyze the case of your use, determine whether any NSQL database to use RDBMS or NoSQL database (if NoSQL is another import...

c - Why does the first printf take longer? -

I was playing with high precision timers and one of my first tests was to use rdtsc to measure printf . Below is my test PGMGM after its output. The first thing I've seen is that the first time the printf runs, it takes 25 times more time on the first print, which is on the subsequent impressions. Why is it like this? #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdint.h & gt; // Sample code obtained from Wikipedia __inline__ uint64_t rdtsc (zero) {uint32_t Lo, hi; __asm__ __volatile__ ("xorl %% eax, %% eax \ ncpuid" ::: "% rax", "% rbx", "% rcx", "% rdx"); __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc": "= one" (lo), "= d" (hi)); Return (uint64_t) hi & lt; & Lt; 32 | Take; } Int main (int argc, const char * argv []) {unsigned int i; Uint64_t counter [10]; Uint64_t sum = 0; For (i = 0; i and output: Hello, World Hello, World Hello, World Hello, World Hello, World Hello, World Hello, ...

How do I parse content to replace fake lists with real lists using PHP? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: इसलिए मेरे पास मेरे डेटाबेस में एक टन प्रविष्टियां हैं जहां सूचियां दर्ज की गईं, लेकिन वे वास्तविक सूची नहीं हैं और उन्हें उन्हें वास्तविक सूचियों में बदलने की आवश्यकता है। यहां मेरे पास क्या है: अन्य HTML डेटा यहां। & Lt; p & gt; & amp; ntilde; डेटा की रेखा & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & amp; ntilde; डेटा की एक अन्य पंक्ति & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & amp; ntilde; फिर भी डेटा की एक और पंक्ति & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p & gt; & amp; ntilde; अभी भी और डेटा & lt; / p & gt; अधिक HTML डेटा यहां। इसमें बदलने की आवश्यकता है: यहां अन्य HTML डेटा। & LT; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; डेटा की रेखा & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; डेटा का एक और लाइन & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; फिर भी डेटा की एक और पंक्ति & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; फिर भी अधिक डेटा & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; / ul & gt; अधिक HTML डेटा यहां...

C# .NET multiline TextBox with same-width characters -

How can I create it if you type in a multilingual text box abcde & amp; ABCDE So big E straight under low e I line them up if they are in the same line then should be standing. In addition, using Winforms Can one set on? In the code, keeping the same size as the default font: textbox.font = new font (FontFamily Generic Monospace, TextBox.fonts.); Or simply change the font property in the designer.

C# Theora encoder? -

I want to resurrect the stream images received in HTML5 video from a third party service. It seems that the best option is to encode images in Thoro format. Anyone knows a good layer encoder for C # Why not use H.264 instead? It does not seem that you bend Windows from Linux to do any work to shut down the current Thorough Libs (if you are sorry), then your time is probably better by using an existing solution such as Here is the mention:

user interface - How can I display the output of an array in Ruby Shoes? -

मुझे इसे अपना कोड मिला है openAll = ('n : \ जोश \ ब्लोंडी \ db.txt ') allNumbers = allNumbers = [] openAll.each_line {| रेखा | AllNumbers.push लाइन} सभी अंक जोड़ता है और मैं रूबी शूज के साथ एक नई विंडो में इस कोड के आउटपुट को प्रदर्शित करने में सक्षम होना चाहता / चाहती हूं, मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता हालांकि कुछ भी प्रदर्शित करें फ़ाइल की सामग्री नाम और फ़ोन नंबर हैं। कोई भी विचार? यहां एक जूते विंडो में पाठ को आउटपुट करने का एक उदाहरण है। शूज़ एप के लिए नहीं बल्कि एक puts कथन का उपयोग करके, शेल को आउटपुट देता है। title = & gt; "जीयूआई रॉ फाइल कनवर्टर, सीएलआई के लिए चुनौती दी",: resizable = & gt; पृष्ठभूमि सफेद स्टैक प्रवाह करना सही है {पृष्ठभूमि ग्रे, ऊंचाई = & gt; 30 कैप्शन "कैप्शन",: मार्जिन = & gt; 8,: स्ट्रोक = & gt; सफेद स्टैक {पैरा 'यह एक फैंसी रेखा है जो मैंने खिड़की पर छपी थी' ####### यहां एक उदाहरण रेखा है, जिसका उपयोग आप सरणी को बाहर निकालने के लिए कर सकते हैं ... allNumbers....

api - How do I create a Radar chart in BIRT ? (sample of what I have done in the post) -

I'm trying to make Programmatik a radar chart with BIRT in your app. It seems that there is a lack of BIRT documentation so I (I'm wondering how this can be so popular with so little documentation). I am struggling with it So my problem is that I do not know the API and the sequence of verb, I have to apply it to the fully integrated chart. All I want to do is bring some data from a DB and show them in a radar chart (like researched people :) So for now, made a servlet: public class chart rendering services http Srvilet {private static final long serial Virsian UID = 1 L; Private ChartEngine ChartGen = Faucet; Private chart chart = null; Private IDeviceRenderer iDeviceRenderer = Faucet; Private IDisplayServer iDisplayServer = null; Private IGenerator iGenerator = Faucet; Private string fontname = "aerial"; Private float size = 10; Personal Boolean bBold = false; Private Boolean Bitallic = False; Private color reflection CD = color deflection example. Blac...

sql - Notification about Database Change -

I am trying to make a scenario in which I have to run on my PC with any changes made by any user I want to update the desktop UI. For example: Application1 is installed on PC1, PC2 and PC3. Assume all PCs are running this application. Ask User 1 on PC1 to change the data and commits to the database On PC 2 and PC3 the user can change without dragging data or without data from the database. Should be updated with Can someone suggest a way to inform my middle level service about database changes, after which I can relay it in all registered clients. Is SQL Notification Services or Service Broker informed when the table has been changed (inserted / updated / deleted)? Any suggestion would be useful does the same way. Once the data is changed on the server, you will get a notification, you will have to check the data again to refresh your user. To use a simple implementation and add a handler to the cached exponential object object.

CakePHP Model Relationships without resorting to Recursive -

I am new to cake php and I have problems connecting all my models correctly. This is the layout of your model in cakePHP: class belongsTo location Class isTo ClassType Class isMany ScheduledClass - ScheduledClass belongsTo Trainer My The problem is that when I use it: $ this-> class-> Find me ('all') I only get data from class, location, classotype and scheduled class model I have not got any data from the trainer model. I can set the '2' to be included in one on "ScheduledClass.instructor_id" instead of the recurring value and retrieve data from the trainer model, but this one (one for each line) questions The result in huge zodiac = " Something like what I was hoping to achieve: Select ... ... classes as place on the class interiors from the classes as class.location_id = interiors on ClassType Class.class_type_id Join class_types = Insert ScheduledClass ScheduledClass.class_id = Clas...

python - How do you get the IP address of a given network interface? -

Is there a function to get the IP address of the given network interface in Python? I want to get an IP address of en1. This is the result of ifconfig on my machine. ex> $ ifconfig lo0: flags = 8049 & lt; UP, Loopback, Running, Multicast & gt; MTU 16384 inet6 :: 1 prefixlen 128 inet6 fe80 :: 1% lo0 prefixlen 64 ScopeId 0x1 Cabinet netmask 0xff000000 gif0: flags = 8010 & LT; POINTOPOINT, multicast & gt; Mtu 1280 stf0: Flags = 0 & lt; & Gt; MTU 1280 N: Flag = 8863 & lt; UP, Broadcast, Smart, Running, Simplex, Multicast & gt; MTU 1500 ether 00: 23: 32: Ho: 4e: 90 Media: AutoSelect Status: Inactive en1: Flags = 8863 & LT; Uttar Pradesh, Broadcast, Smart, Race, Simplex, Multicast & gt; MTU 1500 Essential 00: 23: 6C: 7e: 3E: 0C inet6 fe80 :: 223: 6cff: fe7e: 3e0c% en1 prefixlen 64 ScopeId 0x5 Cabinet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast Media: AutoSelect Status: Active vmnet1: Flags = 8863 & LT; Uttar Prad...

convert sql query to Zend DB query -

I have the tow table: articles, subclasses How to change this query Join the DB query $ Sql ​​= " Select Article . *, subclasses . name_rbic AS C_card_name_Archic , sub-classes . name_login AS sub-cnt_name_english , article . sub_category_id as sub_categories_id code> to article LEFT JOIN subcategories ON article . sub_category_id = sub-tags . id WHERE article . active = 1 "; Please help with Thanks This should do the trick: $ db- & gt; Select () - & gt; From ('article', array ('*', 'sub_categories_id' = & gt; 'sub_category_id') - & gt; (& gt; article_active_name '=>' name_arbik ',' sub_category_name_english '= & gt; Name_english ')) - & gt; Where ('article. Active = 1');

PHP how to create a function named "do"? -

मैंने "do" नामक एक विधि के साथ एक पुस्तकालय देखा सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन पार्स पार्स त्रुटि से पूरी तरह से बग: ​​वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि, अप्रत्याशित T_DO, में T_STRING की उम्मीद है ... // कॉल पर $ obj- & gt; पार्स त्रुटि: वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटि, अप्रत्याशित T_DO, T_STRING या T_VARIABLE की अपेक्षा या '$' में गियरमैन मार्ग से एक "डू" फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता है। P> "करो" एक आरक्षित कीवर्ड है: चालू उसी पृष्ठ पर, टिप्पणियों में, आप देख सकते हैं कि यूजर इस चारों ओर एक रास्ता बताता है। ध्यान रखें कि इस पद्धति का उपयोग सावधानी से किया जाना चाहिए: // अब एक __call () विधि को परिभाषित करें (प्रभावी होने के लिए PHP & gt; 5.2.3 की आवश्यकता है) सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन __call ($ func, $ एआरजी) {स्विच ($ फेंक) {केस 'सूची': वापसी $ इस- & gt; एलएस ((isset ($ args [0])) $ $ [0]: शून्य); टूटना; केस 'अनसेट': वापसी- $ $-> आरएम ($ आर्ग्स [0]); टूटना; डिफ़ॉल्ट: ट्रिगर_अरेर ("अपरिभाषित विधि को कॉल" .__ CLASS __। ":: ...

javascript - How to flip a path drawn on HTML canvas -

I am trying to draw a drawing drawn on canvas . Please see the code. Please note that 'L' is coming in code if I code ctx.scale (1, -1); is denied anything, so nothing is provided. When you flip the canvas, the path is pulled out of the canvas area, you can also translate the canvas To do: ctx.translate (0, canvas.height); Like.

Javascript in Wicket 1.5 -

The following is looking for 1.5 ways to do the following: Add an external Move js file from the panel to the top of the page. From a panel, click & lt; Script & gt; ... & lt; / Script & gt; Add tags Add some JavaScript to the onLoad event of the body tag How many examples are there in wickets 1.2 and 1.3, but these APIs have been run. Javascript / Ajax will be great about any good wicket 1.5 article. Habilus found himself to have this: adding (new behavior) () {Personal Final Resource Reference SOME_JS = New JavaScript Resource Reference (ChartTestPage class, "Some.JS"); @ Override Public Wide Reader Head (Component Component, IHD Response Response) {response.renderOnDomReadyJavaScript ("Warning ('Halo') "); // Load Load. RenderJavaScriptReference (SOME_JS); // contains the js file response .Reader Javascript Script ("warning ('world');", "somescript"); //

javascript - Conditionally adding option to jQuery Ajax call -

मेरे पास निम्न काम करने वाले अजाक्स कॉल हैं - $ .ajax ({url: ajax url , प्रकार: sendHttpVerb, डेटा प्रकार: 'जेसन', प्रोसेसडेटा: गलत, कंटेंट टाइप: 'एप्लिकेशन / जेसन; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8', पूर्ण: फ़ंक्शन () {setTimeout ($। UnblockUI, 2000);}, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन प्रतिक्रिया, स्थिति, xml) {clearTimeout (delayLoadingMsg); $ .unblockUI (); callbackFunction (प्रतिक्रिया);}, त्रुटि: समारोह (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {clearTimeout (delayLoadingMsg); $ .unblockUI (); dcfForm.ajaxErrorDisplay (JqXHR, पाठस्टैटस, त्रुटिप्रभाषा)}}); मेरी समस्या यह है कि मैं सशर्त रूप से एक विकल्प जोड़ना चाहता हूं जब मैं अजाक्स कॉल का उपयोग करूँ। उदाहरण के लिए, जोड़ने डेटा के लिए: sendRequest इससे पहले कि मैं Ajax अनुरोध जारी मेरे समस्या मैं कैसे पूरी तरह से पूरे समारोह को डुप्लिकेट के बिना यह करने के लिए पर वाक्य रचना के लिए एक उदाहरण नहीं मिल सकता है।। एक टर्नरी ऑपरेशन के बारे में क्या है: $। Ajax ({ डेटा: स्थिति? प्रेषक: अपरिभाषित, ... बाकी}}; अगर है कि अपने स्वाद नहीं है...

html - Overriding pre-defined CSS style -

I have a situation where CSS has images with predefined style: & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; STYLE TYPE = "text / css" & gt; #image img {-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba (0,0,0,0.2); -WebKit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px RGBA (0,0,0,0.2); -Box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px RGBA (0,0,0,0.2); } & Lt; / STYLE & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body bgcolor = "# dddddd" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "content" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "image.gif" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; This is fine for most images inside the page, but in some cases I would like to display images without pre-defined style. Is it possible in some way? Maybe with an inline style? You can add a class to the images you do not want to style. #content img.noshadow {-moz-box-shadow: 0; -WebKit-Box-Shadow: 0; Box-Shadow: 0; } Then your image will be affected & lt; Img ...

jsp - Submit the form using jquery and use the result as it returns as request atttribute -

Can I submit a request through jquery to $ and use the returned result because it is normal Returns to the server from submission, What I mean here, I want to create a page navigator for all users in the system, I want to show 10 users per page, for the first time when I request a page I am servlet 10 user And I'll show it then like it & lt; C: for each item = "$ {requestScope.AllUsers}" var = "user" varStatus = "loop" & gt; & Lt; Tr class = "userRow" & gt; & Lt; Td class = "numberwidth" & gt; $ {Loop.index + 1} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td class = "nameWidth user" id = "$ {user.userno}" & gt; $ {User.fullName} & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; C: Select & gt; & Lt; C: when test = "$ { == true}" & gt; & Lt; Button name = "disable BTN" id = "idle" class = "passive BTN" & gt; ØªØ¹Ø · Ù ??...

autohotkey - ahk controlclick pokerstars waiting list -

I am writing a script that will automatically click the Waiting List button on the PokerStart lobby. I have tried X, Y click and it works, but with this problem, if the focus is switched from the lobby to the table, the raise / call button is clicked - Disaster. Looking for the solution, I found that ControlClick can work for me, but I can not get the script to work. I read about working on ControlClick, and I'm using all the parameters that I've found using WindowSpy, I can not make the script work. Here are a few lines I've already tried - - a :: SetControlDelay-1 ControlClick PokerStarsButtonClass34, PokerStart Lobby, Waiting List A Return :: SetControlDelay -1 ControlClick x900 y65, pokerstar lobby, waiting list return Can you help me fix it - thank you First of all, I want WinText parameter to remove your ControlClick calls (which means the following is to remove the" wait list " B) because I'm not sure that in the stars lobby is actu...