
Showing posts from January, 2012

jquery mobile - PhoneGap location issues -

I am using PhoneGap 1.0 for iOS to do some coding with Google Maps. The system is also running on jQuery Mobile which I think is half the problem. While trying to grab users, I get the following error in the console: ignoring the differential command with the wrong session; Hopefully: 615717337 received: (zero) I'm assuming that the map page is an 'external' page because the original phonegap call created on the app's home screen is not passing along with the call session, other pages Is there a way to recover this session? It seems that the errors I'm experiencing are normal and do not affect the geographic location There is currently a bug with iOS simulator and PhoneGap, which places the geographical location services on the simulator due to timeout, but all the required work on the actual device.

Javascript simple math error -

I do not understand what this is, though math is never my specialty, so any help would be appreciated. Is performed. My simple equation is in two parts: Answer 1) 226 - [value] multiplied by 9. Answer 2) 226 - By multiplying [value] .55 If you use 40 as the input value, then my calculator says: Answer 1) 226 - 40 = 186 * .9 = 167.4 Answer 2) 226 - 40 = 186 * .55 = 102.3 But my code says: Answer 1) 190 Answer 2) 204 My code: HTML: & lt; Input id = "hr" size = "4" value = "" /> gt; & Lt; Span id = "number" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; Answer 1 & lt; Strong & gt; & Lt; Span id = "answer1" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Strong & gt; & Lt; Br> Answer 2 & lt; Strong & gt; & Lt; Span id = "answer2" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Strong & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" square = ...

php - db2_execute returns "Describe Param Failed" and "Binding Error" -

I run the following query using PHP's db2_prepare and db2_execute (schema name has been changed to protect innocent) I.e. select USR_ID = UC.USR_ID), control selecting different CNTRCT_ID from (FOO.CNTRCT_LOC cL along the line FOO.USR_LOC UL include Where UL.SLS_CTR_CD = CL.SLS_CTR_CD Join U.USR_ID = U UL.USR_ID are?,?, Select?,? CL.SLS_CTR_CD ()) Select C *, COALESCE (P.PGM_ As NM, cast ( '' CHAR (80) CCSID 37)) PGM_NM, COALESCE (from ADT.ACTN_TM, TIMESTAMP (the '2,000,001' 00 '.00.00' as)) U as TIME_ORDER, Fu. Join C Left as CNTRCT FOO.CNTRCT_PGM CP CP.CNTRCT_ID = C.CNTRCT_ID select ENTY_ID as Left FOO.PGM p Join UC.CNTRCT_ID = Join = CP.PGM_ID left on P.PGM_ID UC C.CNTRCT_ID LEFT JOIN (CNTRCT_ID, Max (ACTN_TM) FOO.ADT joining one of ACTN_TM U U.USR_ID = A.USR_ID where ENTY_TP = 'ADT.CNTRCT_ID = C.CNTR CT_ID at ADT as CT group' ENTY_ID) where Siapeepi =? And (((selected from UC COUNT (*) & gt; 0 and UC. Siantiaraiaraidiaidi not null) ...

c# - how to search through unstructured XML? -

मेरे पास ऐसा कुछ है: & lt; समूह का नाम = "नाम 1" .. । & Gt; & Lt; समूह का नाम = "नाम 2" ... & gt; & Lt; छवि का नाम = "टेस्ट 1" ... & gt; & Lt; छवि का नाम = "test2" ... & gt; & lt; / image & gt; & Lt; समूह का नाम = "टेस्ट 9 8" ... & gt; & Lt; छवि का नाम = "test67" ... & gt; & Lt; समूह का नाम = "टेस्ट 987" ... & gt; & Lt; text name = "asddd" ... & gt; & lt; / text & gt; & Lt; / समूह & gt; & Lt; / छवि & gt; & Lt; / समूह & gt; & Lt; समूह का नाम = "नाम 22" ... & gt; & Lt; छवि का नाम = "test3" ... & gt; & lt; / image & gt; & Lt; / समूह & gt; & Lt; / छवि & gt; & Lt; छवि का नाम = "टेस्ट 4" ... & gt; & Lt; text name = "asddd" ... & gt; & lt; / text & gt; & Lt; / छवि & gt; & Lt; / समूह & gt...

django unescape script tag -

# base.html {% autoescape off%} // & lt;! [सीडीएटीए [{% block inline_script% } {% Endblock%} //]] & gt; {% Endautoescape%} # सोमा टेम्पलेट {% block inline_script%} {% autoescape off%} & lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "पाठ / जावास्क्रिप्ट" वर्णसेट = "यूटीएफ -8" & gt; चेतावनी ( 'एक'); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; {% Endautoescape%} {% endblock%} परिणाम: // अलर्ट ('ए'); //]] & gt; ऐसा क्यों होता है? इसे ठीक करने के लिए गरम? मुझे संदेह है कि समस्या यहां शुरू होती है: // & lt;! [CDATA [ टेम्पलेट एचटीएमएल उत्पन्न करता है, और // वैध HTML टिप्पणी नहीं है क्या होता है यह देखने के लिए स्लैश निकालने का प्रयास करें। इसके अलावा, इस टेम्पलेट द्वारा निर्मित HTML स्रोत को देखने पर विचार करें। आप अन्य त्रुटियों को ढूंढ सकते हैं।

PHP MySQL recipe search based on what ingredients are provided -

Say I have a database of recipes, and I want to search based on the content I have. There should be 3 tables: Recipes (free, rname), content (iid, iname), relationship (redemption, id) Next, imagine that I have a recipe for 'toast' and there is a recipe for 'bread and butter pudding' - the toast has 2 ingredients (bread and butter) - in the pudding, bread and butter, plus flour, eggs and There can be water - then 5 overall. My problem is, prepare a SQL query based on the content provided in a search. If I present 3 materials in my search - bread, butter and eggs - then (only discussed with 2 recipes) only one result should be produced - Toast! - Because there is not enough material to make pudding! So what exactly does such SQL queries look like? I have tried everything, everything is gone and now my brain can not handle it anymore. I do not know if this is the best way, but for example you did this job: Select recipes from the selection, do not g...

How to add DOM elements in Jquery array and loop them? -

I'm trying to fix a problem for hours and I'm trying to search & amp; Code & amp; See that it works. It may be better to explain the simple code that I am trying to do; & lt; Script & gt; Test1 = $ ('input: text [name = test1]'); Test2 = $ ('input: text [name = test2]'); Test3 = $ ('input: text [name = test3]'); Var obj = []; Obj.push (test1); Obj.push (test2); Obj.push (test3); $ .each (obj, function (key, value) {console.log ('value:' + value.val ());}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Input name = "test1" type = "text" value = "1" /> & Lt; Input name = "test2" type = "text" value = "2" /> & Lt; Input name = "test3" type = "text" value = "3" /> & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; What I'm trying to do; Define the variable that wi...

keyboard - Can I Customize LinqPad shortcut keys? -

I use ESC for "list members" and F1 There is no way to customize keyboard shortcuts right now in LINQPad "Using Visual Studio Shortcut Keys Do "option (for which the default is TRUE) simply connect LINQPad to VS Tells you to use the shortcut according to the default. Setting this option to false makes it compatible with the earlier versions of LINQPad, which, instead of VS-style chords, single-key combinations for things like comment / aspment.

java - SSH and Tunneling in Android -

I have my machine SSH tunnel in VPN and I can open the browser and be able to access a webpage from that VPN I am Now my question is how can I open the same page using the Android emulator's browser because it shares the same asset as my PC? I hope that if you have any questions then please make me your own clearly. Please tell me Cheers, There are some SSH VPNs with Android support like Open VPN I think it's the easiest way to connect your PC to that VPN. Then use the emulator in general.

objective c - Reading File to Frameworks of Xcode -

I removed a file from the framework of my Xcode application and now I want to add the file back. However, when I try to add the file back, I get the following warning. / users / brian / download / iphone-exif-0-9.1 (1) / release- simulator-Iphonesimulator / libiphone-exif.a to / developer / CS193 / GraffitiMap / libiphone-exif .a. What's going on here? When you add a file to the project, you can either copy it to the project Or just reference files elsewhere on your hard drive When you removed the file from the project, you did not remove it from the project folder. Xcode can not write on that path because there is already a file, and gives you an error. Just remove the file that is already from the explorer in your project folder.

qt - QSemaphore producer consumer problem -

This is an example of more or less Qt with some small changes Output is PCPCPPCC ... e.t.c. I do not understand why i.e., how am I confused about sProducer.acquire (256); Works. I believe I understand how sProducer.acquire (1); Works. I do not understand this to achieve more than 1, because I do not know that receiving more than 1 will make a difference logically. Can anyone explain this? On the surface, reading 1 byte and 1 byte is not very efficient due to the semaphore overhead ... but the acquisition of more resources does not seem to have a performance difference nor the code is understandable. Logically, I think that acquisition and release should be both a single number (which is the number). But how can I modify this code so that I can get more (say 256) and thus reduce the semaphore overhead? I do not understand when I get the code when Receive and release is not 1. #include & lt; QtCore & gt; # Include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; QTex...

GWT HashMap to/from JSON -

I may have a little tired tonight but here it goes: I have to do this How do I get GSM / JSON to / from HSMHSAP? In other words, I want to take a Hashmap , take it representing my Jasmine, store it somewhere and take it back in my original Java presentation. is not optimized, but should be easy for code: JSONObject Change the entries of your map and put to a JSONObject (change each value to JSONValue ) ), Then call toString to get the JSON representation. To parse, get back to JSONObject using a JSONParser , then keyset , Get the values ​​ and enter them in your map (after opening JSONValue s) But beware of the keys you use! You can not use any kind of key in the form of a property name in JS; And JSON processing in the browser is always going through a JS object (or implementing the JSON parser itself, which will not do the same)

java - How do I change the background color in the undecorated frame? -

I have an indefinite frame and I want to change the background color for this. How to do this? myFrame.getContentPane (). SetBackground (;

networking - How to disable loopback interface in Linux (Fedora)? -

That is requested for localhost as coming from a remote host in LAN? Did you try to update your / etc / hosts file , Substituted: localhost from your actual IP address? For example, local host (This does not actually disable loopback address, you still have to , but connecting to localhost should come through your network interface, which I believe is what you are asking for)

Optimizing performance when reading a satellite image file in python -

I have a multiband satellite image stored in a band-embedded pixel (BIP) format with a different header file. The header file provides details such as the number of rows and columns in the image, and the number of bands (standard can be more than 3). The image itself is stored like this 5 band image): [B1] [B2] [B3] [B4] [B5] [B] 1] [B2] [B3] [B4] [B5] ... and so on (basically 5 bytes - one for each band - for each pixel starting from the upper left corner of the image). I have to split these two bands into Python 3.2 as PIL images (on Windows 7 64 bit), and currently I think I am getting this problem wrong, my current The code is as follows: DEF OpenBIPImage (file, width, height, numberoff): Opens a raw image file in "BP format" and returns a list as each band Different PIL Image. "" Band Arrays = [] as an image file in the form of open (file, 'rb'): in the range for the data = () currentPosition = 0 (height * width): J in range ...

jquery - How to show/hide progressbar for PageMethods? -

I am developing web applications using an ASP.NET Framework 4.0. I am using a lot of pagemods in my application. I. My application is fully AJAX enabled. I am not using UpdatePanel to avoid partial postback of the page. In my scenario, I want to show the progress bar when an AJAX request is made by PageMathies. I can not use UpdateProgress because it is connected to UpdatePanel which I am not using. Before I call the function, I can show the progress bar & amp; Onsuccess I can hide it like function callPageMethod () {$ ("# progressDiv"). Show (); PageMethods.GetCurrentDate (onSuccess); } Function Onsuccess (results) {$ ("# progressDiv"). Hide (); Warning (result); } These methods work fine but for me, show & amp; Hide code for each & amp; Every page method, such as my page has so many pagemates, how do I write a general method that will show / hide the progress bar for each AJAX request? If you look for ways to separate and share calls to ...

How to find min() value in MYSQL -

मेरे पास मेरे डीबी में varchar प्रकार का एक कॉलम है। तालिका नाम: ट्रांससीशन कॉलम का नाम: authprocess मुझे varchar स्तंभ पर न्यूनतम () मान ढूंढना है। authprocess A1D1 A1D3 A1D4 ए 1 डी 1 ए 1 बी 1 ए 1 डी 5 ...... मैं कमांड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं / ट्रांस्किकेशन से न्यूनतम (authprocess) चुनें - फिर इसे "0000" मान दे कृपया मुझे कमांड में बताएं MySQL। MIN () एक चरित्र स्ट्रिंग के लिए कोई वास्तविक अर्थ नहीं है, आपका सर्वोत्तम शर्त है तार आरोही मूल्यों के आधार पर क्रमबद्ध करें और सबसे ऊपर का चयन करें ?? तालिका ORDER एएससी से टॉप 1 का चयन करें;

xml - Format for cross language common test data -

I am currently working on the C + + side of the font library in both C ++ and Java. We want to automatically generate test data from many fonts, and we are using Google Test and Zenit for testing. I will write a script to create data in this normal format that will be parsed in the test. The thing is that for C ++ I would also like to use Google Test's value-parametric test and this should mean data in C ++ too. So, I'm thinking of output data in some general way, being generated from the format and the C ++ file. Normally, we will consider XML or JSON, but protocol buffers fit the bill of code that arises very easily, which makes them interesting I've never used them and documents Are browsing through, they really like to define the message, do not store so much real values ​​(so I can define a person's message , But I really want to do, he has a bunch of individual constants) Thanks It seems that protocol buffers are a good match for the case of your...

visual c++ - Problems with nested lambdas in VC++ -

Does anybody know that this code is VC ++ 2010 class C {public : Zero m (string t) {} zero m (function & lt; string ()> fank) {}}; Void TestMethod (function & lt; void ()> func) {} void TestMethod2 () {TestMethod ([] () {} () (CM ([] () -> string {// compiler error C2668 ( 'Function': unclear call on overloaded function) return ("txt");});}); } Update: Example of complete code: #include & lt; Functional & gt; #include & lt; Memory & gt; using namespace std; Square c {public: empty m (string t) {} zero m (function & lt; string ()> fank) {}}; Zero TestMethod (function & lt; void ()> func) {} int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {TestMethod ([] () {cc; cm ([] () -) - & Gt; String {// Compiler Error C2668 ('function': ambiguous call to overloaded function M) returns ("txt");});}); Return 0; } This is a bug of VC ++ compiler.

c# - how do i print HTML table using Header and footer on each page -

I have a htmltable that is dynamically generated. I want to print this table. That includes several pages when I used the window. Print () print it in 7, 8 pages. But my problem is that I need to have header and footer (A4 size) on every page, how can I set the header and footer on each page I am using with c # I place the header and footer on .aspx but the problem is that when I print the data is dynamic, print many pages (i.e. 4 or 5 depends on page data) . The headers come to the first page and the footer on the last page requires the header and footer on each page Please provide me with a suggestion or alternative way to do this. I tried to do this work for him & lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; @ Media print {thead {display: table-header-group; } Patfoot {display: table-footer-group; }} @ Media screen {thead {display: block; } Pat Pipe {Display: Block; }} & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; &...

.net - how to display the records from gridview which is latest record show on first row -

I have a small application that uses gridview. In that, when we insert the record into the database, which is currently the record show in the first line of Gridview, please tell me how? If you have a primary key auto increment or you have a datat time in the table, > ORDER BY ID DESC or ORDER BY INSERTDATE DESC with query at the end of the query can query the database.

swing - Can we insert Unicode Characters using Robot Class in Java? -

मैं जावा में एक वास्तविक समय अंग्रेजी-सिंहली यूनिकोड अनुवादक विकसित कर रहा हूं। मैंने अनुवाद भाग किया था। लेकिन अब मैं जोड़ना चाहता हूं फिलहाल सक्रिय विंडो में अंतिम आउटपुट यूनिकोड वर्ण (जैसे कि एक वेब ब्राउज़र)। रोबोट। कुंजीपॉयर (// कुंजी इनपुट) विधि के साथ जावा रोबोट वर्ग के माध्यम से अक्षर जोड़ने का एक तरीका है। लेकिन जावा यूनिकोड वर्णों के साथ ऐसा करने का कोई तरीका है जैसे यू 0 200 हेक्स वैल्यू.यदि यह इस तरीके से नहीं किया जा सकता है तो मुझे इसका समाधान करने के लिए क्या समाधान होगा.कृपया कोई मेरी सहायता करे? हाँ, आप सुझाए अनुसार, रोबोट का उपयोग करके कुंजी प्रेस का अनुकरण कर सकते हैं। नहीं, रोबोट देख सकता है कि उपयोगकर्ता की प्रमुख कैप पर क्या छपा हुआ है। आप शायद एक को विकसित करने के लिए जा रहे हैं। उपलब्ध होने पर, यूनिकोड ग्लिफ़्स उपयोग करने योग्य बटन लेबल्स बनाते हैं, जैसा कि दिखाया गया है। परिशिष्ट: ध्यान दें कि एक कीस्ट्रोक का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, जबकि ग्लाइफ्स द्वारा प्रस्तुत ग्रीटिंग्स एनकोड करते हैं। मैपिंग पर निर्भर करता है, उदा। ।

git svn - Team using git/git-svn to share work and only occasional svn commits -

I am new to git but read it by Martin Fowler where it describes a setup where a team git / git -Svn works and sometimes only committed to Central SVN Reposing Can anyone describe an article or screen-cast (or how to respond to off-course) workflows, commands and disadvantages? see The summary is that you have a rep with git - Svn. Everyone who wants to work with GIT only clones the clone and works with plain guit. From time to time, git-svn repo is to be subtracted from someone, it is merged into new commands from git and they are rolled back svn (it is not possible to transfer it individually, reduce both methods ) possible.

java - JSF add a commandLink tag or outputText tag depand on a boolean flag -

मेरे पास userBean ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ name , id है , बूलीयन कनेक्ट है । मैंने JSF का उपयोग करके लॉगिन पृष्ठ बनाया है अगर एक लॉगिन सफलतापूर्वक, अगले पृष्ठ सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं (नाम, आईडी) की एक तालिका है मुझे जो चाहिए वह उपयोगकर्ता के कॉलम पर होता है जो उसकी आईडी में लॉग इन किया गया एक h में दिखाया जाएगा : कमांडलिंक , और शेष यूजर आईडी एक h: आउटपुट टेक्स्ट टैग में होगा। जब उपयोगकर्ता ने अपने isConnected में लॉग इन किया हो > ध्वज ( बूलियन ) true है और अन्य सभी उपयोगकर्ता झूठे हैं। क्या कोई भिन्न सम्मिलित करने का कोई तरीका है टैग मेरे जैसे एक निश्चित ध्वज पर निंदा? मेरी managerBean पर एक विधि कॉल करने की तरह कुछ ऐसा है जो पेज पर उपयोगकर्ता फ्लैग init पर निर्भर करता है। सबसे आसान तरीका संभवतः rendered विशेषता को outputText और commandLink tags। उदाहरण के लिए, निम्न की तरह कुछ: ... & lt; h: डेटाटेबल मान = "# {MyBean.users}" var = "उपयोगकर्ता" & gt; ... & lt; h: स्तंभ & gt; & Lt; h: कमांड लिंक्ड गाया गया = # {use...

How rearrange a array in php? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मेरे पास एक सरणी है: $ input = array {0 = & gt; 'ए', 1 = & gt; 'बी', 2 = & gt; 'सी'} तब, अगर मैं सरणी में एक चर को नष्ट कर दिया। इस तरह: अनसेट ($ इनपुट [1]); सरणी इस तरह होगी: $ input = array {0 = & gt; 'ए', 2 = & gt; 'सी'} मैं इसे फिर से व्यवस्थित करना चाहता हूं: $ input = array {0 = & gt; 'ए', 1 = & gt; 'सी'} मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? धन्यवाद ऑनलाइन मैनुअल में त्वरित रूप से array_values ​​(); $ input = array_values ​​($ इनपुट) का उपयोग करने का सुझाव देता है;

loops - How to delete an element from an array, which is in looping ? -

The following is a psuedo-code example of what I'm trying to do: I have a loop on an array and based on a condition: There is a simple solution for this problem, before the last element the loop. i = For the size (myArray): 1 if my array (i) == some value is removed (myArray, i)

Strip out special characters in php -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: & lt;? Php echo $ fields- & gt; प्रश्न; ? & Gt; मैं विशेष रूप से किसी विशेष वर्ण को पट्टी करना चाहता हूं जो php के साथ समस्या पैदा कर सकता है, मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? विशेष रूप से "" मुझे इस समय एक समस्या पैदा हो रही है। & lt; php गूंज htmlentities ($ फ़ील्ड्स- & gt; प्रश्न, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")? & Gt;

configuration - How to create/edit the backend interface of my custom plugin -

I want to create a plugin that gives the user the ability to include an image slideshow. Javascript thing and frontend are working correctly (DB receives images out of the table)! But the backend "plugin form" looks like this: Insert a new plugin: Image slider My desire is an interface that adds a new user Import the images and them into the database and select the user on which page should be displayed. U know? How do I create such a backend config menu? Thank you generally, you can do this with FlexForm.

Cannot connect to SQL Azure master from worker role -

We are currently evolving against SQL Ezur and (unsuccessfully) point to a worker role in the master database in SQL X-ray. Tried to do Unfortunately this does not work. A little bit of background: "Allow other Windows Azure services to access this server" is enabled, and we have a firewall rule to enable it. We suspect that this is not a firewall rule that holds the key to it. Our worker's role works against SQL Azure DBS, is not against the master right now ... If someone can tell me in the right direction, I would be grateful! Cheers, IEGO The problem with the master database has become a red herring The real issue was that I was using the system. Data.SqlClient and Microsoft.SqlServer.Management Objects to run master SQL batch scripts (code in style below) var serverConnection = new server connection (sqlConnection); Var Server = New Server (Server Connection); Server.ConnectionContext.ExecuteNonQuery (SQL); After playing our head bell against a w...

php - checkboxes on sql result -

ए बी सी पी_आईडी | नाम | P_id जोड़ें | टी_आईडी टी_आईडी | पेपर ----------------- -------------- ------------------ 1 एसएएम सीए 1 1 1 एडेक्स 2 2 डीएनए 2 2 2 1 2 डीजीएफ 3 3 जीएम 3 2 3 डीसीजीएफ 4 एसएम बीसी 4 3 4 एर्ग्वाट्र अब मैं आसानी से एक खोज कर सकता हूँ मान लीजिए, यहां मैं नाम 'सैम' दर्ज कर रहा हूं तो यह प्रदर्शित होगा। सॅम सीए - सैम जेके - एसएम बीसी अब मैं प्रत्येक परिणाम पर चेकबॉक्स बनाना चाहता हूं इसलिए कि अगर मैं किसी विशेष चेकबॉक्स पर क्लिक करता हूं तो उसे संबंधित पेपर को तालिका से प्रदर्शित करना चाहिए। Plz मुझे सूचित करता है कि इसे php में कैसे करना है। मैंने पहले से ही MySQL भाग किया है मान लीजिए कि 'सैम जेके' के चेकबॉक्स पर क्लिक करें तो इसे 'डीजीएफवी' दिखाना चाहिए। $ query =" चुनें पेपर से सी WHERE t_id = 3 "; $ Sql ​​= mysql_query ($ क्वेरी); अगर (@ $ _ POST ['चेकबॉक्स'] ['sam_jk']) गूंज $ mysql_result ($ sql, 0);

c# - What's the best way to adding a user's signature to a PDF document online? -

I would add a PDF document online to a user's signature (like your signature on the credit card, for example). How can i What is the best practice for such actions? You can use it to. This will work for you: pdfReader pdfReader = null; Pdfstammer pdfstamp = faucet; // Open the PDF file to sign pdfReader = new PDF Reader (this.signFile.FullName); // To use Stripped PDF to output stream (filestream outstream = new flamestream (target filename, foilmod.creative)) {try {// a signature pdfstammer = PDF with new PDF format (pdf reader, outstream) Stammers to make tickets; // Load signature image iTextSharp.text.Image sigImg = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance (SIGNATURE_IMAGE_PATH); // image scale to fit sigImg.ScaleToFit (MAX_WIDTH, MAX_HEIGHT); // Set the signature status on the page sigImg.SetAbsolutePosition (POS_X, POS_X); // Add signature to the desired page PdfContentByte = pdfStamper.GetOverContent (PAGE_NUM_TO_SIGN); Over.AddImage (sigImg); } Finally {// clean (pdfStampe...

c++ - How to detect circular calls? -

I am looking for reasons to avoid deadlocks and strategies / devices and to detect them. Another possible reason for the deadlock is that the blocking function has to call other blocking functions in a circular, so that in the end a call never returns. Sometimes it is difficult to find out, especially in very large projects. So, is there any device / library / technology which allows to automate the identification of circular calls in a program? Edit: I mostly code in C and C ++, if possible, give any information about the language that applies to those languages. However, it seems that this subject is hardly included in SO, so the answers to other languages ​​are also fine. Although it may be that although they consider a topic subject to themselves, if someone searches for it relevant thanks. Circular (or recursive) calls that try to get the same non-reentrant lock, blocking scenarios Is one of the easiest to debug: Locking is deterministic and can be easily ... - Remove Image in excel header after exporting the gidview -

Please help me on how to extract an image in my Excel header I use the Excel export command as the source data of gridview Using My code is generating here Response.AddHeader ("content-effect", "attachment; file name =" & strfilename & amp; ".xls") Response.Clear () Response.Charset = "" Response.ContentType = "application / vnd.xls" dim sw System.IO.StringWriter = New System.IO.StringWriter () Dim as HTW In System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter = New System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter (SW) grvData.AllowPaging = false grvDa Ta.AllowSorting = False PopulateGrid () grvData.RenderControl (HTW) Response.Write (sw.ToString) Response.End () Everything was set-except that my title There was a blank header name due to the image, which was now shown - the image came from the gridview (I am using the arrow for ARC and desc) - sorry, I can not post any image here now! /p> Give it a shot to the ClearControls method It turns any control ...

Pointers in method params - objective-c -

How to pass the pointer as the ultimate in method? For example: - (zero) dosomething: (NSString *) simpleString: (NSMutableArray *) Pointertoorrere; Where the simple string is the simplest, and the pointeroure is an indicator for an array; In Objective-C, strings and arrays are both classes as you can see, they Only access through pointers, then you only use them as a declaration: - (zero) dosomething: (NSString *) simpleString: (NSMutableArray *) PointeroOurere; And you like it: NSString * s = @ "Hello, World"; NSMutableArray * a = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: @ "hello", @ "idiot", @ "example", zero]; [YourClass dosomething: s: A]; FWIW, your method's name is dosomething :: . This is customary to denote each parameter, so I will call it: - (zero) doSomethingWithString: (NSString *) Greeting array: (NSMutableArray *) string; Then the name is doSomethingWithString: array: which is more readable, IMO invi...

JQuery how to retrieve json result form jqXHR object -

मुझे निम्नलिखित स्थिति मिल गई है: $। जब (jsonCall1 (), JsonCall2 ()) .then (फ़ंक्शन (ए, बी) {var json1 = a [2] .responsetext; var json2 = b [2] .responseText; --- इन जेसन प्रतिक्रियाओं के साथ कुछ सामान ---})। असफल (कार्य () {console.log ('विफल अनुरोध ...');}); } Var jsonCall1 = function () {return $ .getJSON ('http: // myURL / 1'); } Var jsonCall2 = function () {वापसी $ .getJSON ('http: // myURL / 2'); } मैं विधियों का कुछ श्रृंखलन करने के लिए आस्थगित वस्तुओं का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। यह सब एक आकर्षण की तरह काम करता है, लेकिन प्रतिक्रियाप्रतीक मूल्यों को मैं jqXHR ऑब्जेक्ट a [2] और b [2] वापस सादा स्ट्रिंग्स से वापस आ जाता हूं। एक समाधान सिर्फ कॉल करने के लिए है $ parseJSON () स्ट्रिंग पर, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि ऐसा करने का एक बेहतर तरीका होना चाहिए। दूसरे शब्दों में, मैं $। GetJSON () के साथ $ का उपयोग करते समय सीधा JSON ऑब्जेक्ट प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। ()। तब () ? लगता है कि ऐसा करने का कोई बेहतर तरीका नहीं है।

swing - Java: How can I load an external class into a gui -

I am looking for a specific functionality I want to load a square that is for example JPanel and shows the zpnil on a different GUI class. I'm looking for the ability to switch many of these classes on desires I have an idea for an educational game software and classes will be different games. I realize that I can institute an example of each class in my GUI class, but I went to their point of view when I try to switch between them and not properly displayed Re-coloring () works only in the previous class that I had added to my content pane, certainly not why many sections are currently present, this is just pre Rti seems to ignore sections. How to swap components You can either switch all components Or you can use CardLayout to add / remove them container.revalidate (); Container.repaint ();

nservicebus - How to use interface as events in JOlivers CommonDomain and EventStore? -

I am conducting an exam by using CommonDomain and EventStore. I need to raise an event like this in my total: RiseEvent ( (M = & gt; {m.Number = Number;})); And then later I have this handler: Apply Private Zero (changing the iPhone number number changed to the phone number) {this.Number = PhoneNumberChangedEvent.Number; } Unfortunately this does not work. I get an exception: "Commendemain.Core.HandlerForadman Avent Foreign Appearance: Overall, 'Phone' raised an event called 'iPhone noch manzedge' but handler was not handled for handling the message." The problem here is "Object.Creast Instance" because it works with pure concrete sections. But I need the interface of my event. Can it be solved? Edit: Just a note - I do not have to use the "bus" to make the object. It's just the easiest (only) way I'm currently 'IPhoneNumberChanged'. It would be great in any other way - just as long as I ...

php - How to return only JSON string for ajax requests [disable view] -

I'm new to Codeigniter. I'm trying to integrate the integer to the coligniter. So when I request Ajax the server should return only the JSON string, but the server instead lets [default] view with JSON string. Is it possible to disable this view and only return data in the codeinator I have used the Zend Framework before I can disable the view for AJAX requests I like some suggestions like At the end of the function, in your controller, try: $ this -> Output-> Set_header ('content-type: app / jason; charset = UTF-8'); $ This- & gt; Output-> Set_output (json_encode ($ array));

Session variables in -

I have a SSP WebPyclitic which is using session variables. Session session is removed, but when the app is opened in a new window after closing the previous window, the values ​​of the session are retained. Is there any way we can get rid of session values? Thank you in advance ... fani One session does not end Closing a window ends at the end of the session There is no way to know ASP.NET that the user closes the window. Look for more complete information. Above my head, what you can do is find that the user closes the window, for example by using the unload () event in JQuery, and sending requests to a webservice Which then ends the session.

iphone - Authenticate twitter to get json feed -

I have a "rate limit exceeded" issue on my app, I'm getting a feed: But it tells me that the rate limit has exceeded. I understand that This is combined for all users of this app. Itemprop = "Text"> Documents per Twitter: "Unauthorized calls are allowed 150 requests per hour. The unauthorized call server or the requesting device is measured against the public IP." So, for a mobile device, this limit will be per device basis, not the total. If you want an authenticated call, you will have to let the user user go through authentication authentication and store a token on the device for later calls. There are various sample projects on Github & Embedded; The rest of the web which will help you down this road

objective c - manually exclude some symbols from [NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet] invertedSet] -

The code below will remove all the symbols from myString. Is still being able to use this code (by saying) removing some unique symbols? ] ComponentsJoinedByString: @ ""]; You will need to create a temporary copy and then make changes using . NSMutableCharacterSet * mcs = [[NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet] Inverted Set] mutableCopy]; [Remove MCS Scholarly Instruction: @ "& lt; letters you want to exclude & gt;"]; MyString = [[[Behavioral Curriculators Insights from MyString Components: MCS] ComponentsJustifiedBraged: @ ""]; [MCS release];

jquery - How to change transition effect based on android version? -

According to jquerymobile the flip effect is only supported in the last version of Android, how can I create the following button: & lt; A href = "# ngame" data-roll = "button" data-transition = "flip" data-rel = "dialog" & gt; New game & lt; / A & gt; Use the 'flip' effect only in Android 2.3.4+ and use the 'fade' effect on earlier versions? If I help, then I am using PhoneGap in my project. Thank you! Step A phonegap must obtain the device's version of API (). Step two is to parse it into an integer or a float number and decide whether to change the domain: var android_version = ParseFloat (device.version); If (android_version & lt; 2.3) {$ .each ($ ['[data-transition = "flip"]), function (index, value) {$ (value) .attr (' data-transition ',' fade ');}); } You can run it after the deviceready event fire, because device.version will not be ready ...

c++ - Using QtimerEvent in QGraphicsScene -

TimerEvents, which is a member of the QGLWidget class, will be triggered when the mouse-function is called. I thought I could do it like this: zero GLWidget :: timerEvent (QTimerEvent * E) {if (e-> gt; timerId) == 1 & amp; Amp; & Amp; Amp; & Amp; Refresh == true) {refresh =! Refresh; SwapBuffers (); Updates(); }} It looks like: Zero OpenGLCEN :: MouseViewAvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * Event) {int mousex = event- & gt; ScenePos () (X); Int Mason = Event-> Viewpoint () Y (); If ((test-> mode == 2) & amp; amp; amp; and (test-> 1; = 1) =} {p_list [test-> gt1] .x = mousex- (1220) ; P_list [test-> move1] .y = mousey- (610); test-> refresh =! (Test-> refresh); test & gt; timerEvent (???); update ();}} But in some way I do not know where the question marks are. I have tried many things. It is not working. I want to set timerId () = 1 Thanks for the help ... Why do not you call your own incident : Zero OpenGLCN :: MouseV...

php - Retrieve Child Objects -

मुझे इस तरह की टिप्पणियों की एक तालिका चाहिए id | टिप्पणी | Parent_id -------------------------- 1 टेक्स्ट 1 0 2 टेक्स्ट 2 1 3 टेक्स्ट 3 2 4 टेक्स्ट 4 3 5 टेक्स्ट 5 3 6 टेक्स्ट 6 5 मैं माता-पिता और बच्चों के पदानुक्रम को प्रदर्शित करने वाली एक सरणी का निर्माण करना चाहता हूं। पेड़ को पीढ़ियों की एक अनिश्चित संख्या वापस जाना चाहिए। मैं नेस्टिंग फोरछिक लूपों का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता क्योंकि मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह कितना गहरा होता है यही कारण है कि मैं यहां हूं, मुझे इस तरह की समस्या के लिए सबसे अच्छा अभ्यास का यकीन नहीं है। मैं सरणी में गहराई भी प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं। नीचे एक उदाहरण है यह सचमुच उपर्युक्त तालिका से संबंधित नहीं है, लेकिन उम्मीद है कि मुझे इसकी आवश्यकता के बारे में एक विचार मिल जाएगा। array ("depth" = & gt; 4 "parent" = & gt; सरणी ("id "= & Gt; 1," टिप्पणी "= & gt;" sometext1 "" child_count "= & gt; 2," children "= & gt; सरणी (0 = & gt; सरणी (" id "= ...

git - Setting remote to use specified port for ssh -

I have SSY key setup to work on the specified port (like 12345) and set the default to the following git The command has been issued a local repo I try to push the original. ssh: host Join port 22: Connection rejected fatal: Remote and unexpectedly hanged I for STS I am using the proper port, so how can I install the original? To specify a custom port, you must add the ssh: // prefix, otherwise GIT will be sent to your 12345 Explains as part of the project's path. See . Then: Add git remote root to the original ssh: // 12345 / path / to / public_html / files /

java - Log4J dailyrolling appender truncates daily files -

I'm having this strange problem with my log4JAppender. Im using a daily rolling file adapter and the configuration is the same: # ------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ -------------- ---- # Log Config for Web # ------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ ------------ Log4j Appenderkaveb = Orgkapacheklog4jkdalirollingfilippender Log4jkappenderkavebkdtptern = 'K'yyyy-MM-Dd'klog' Log4jkappenderkaveb. File = @ LOG_DIR @ / web.log log4j.appender aWeb.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.aWeb.layout.ConversionPattern = [% d [% T]% c {2}% (M).% L% X {user_name}% x% - 5p]:% m% n Now, my main log file works just fine, the problem is with daily rolled files which are being made. In the daily rolling file, there is no complete log, instead it has been cut. A few observations: 1. The cut is based on D, length, ie vary in different amounts of log data in different files 2. Perha... - Convertig an image to an .ICO file without loosing color depth (and without installing additional utilities)? -

In a form I have no ImageList named MainLogoImageList with a 100x100 Pixel 32-bit colorespeed image This is my app logo. I'm too lazy to set up an icon editor and edit that logo's icon or am transforming the image into a .ICO file. (Ergh, well, I'm not allowed to install custom utilities.) , I Icon = IconFromImage (your forms using MainLogoImageList.Images To set the 'icon (0)) set the window icon to onload in the event handler. In the About Me box, I do not have a picture box no image. The in OnLoad event, I use LogoPictureBox.Image = MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images (0) symbol = IconFromImage (MyMainForm.MainLogoImageList.Images (0) ) To set the icon and content of the box So far, great, the icon looks great to be made from 100x100 pixels bitmap. A simple "no utility required" way :-) Have a saved icon in .ico file that is IconFromImage so get Will it keep color depth when app is loaded as icon? I really want to use ...

Executing URI commands in Java -

In a way, steam allows users to launch games and perform many other actions, for example (from), URI Using protocol: Vapor: // run / & lt; Id & gt; will match the specified ID. Steam: // Validate / & lt; Id & gt; will validate the game files of the specified ID. How do I get Java to run them? I do not even know what you call it, either you run 'URI, or do' execute 'them, or what? Because there is nothing for the return of these URIs and there is no relation to the 'execution' in the URI class in Java, although URL does, but it does not work ! I have tried to: ... try {URI testURI = URI.create ("steam: // run / 240"); URL testURL = joinURI.toURL (); // URL testURL = New URL ("steam: // run / 240") does not work either. Virtual connection (); // does not work // joinURL.openstream () does not work either} hold (malformedlexception e) {system.err.println (e.getMessage ()); } ... returns each combination erro...

jQuery Validate, ASP.NET MVC ModelState Errors (Async POST) -

I am developing a web app with mvc 3 and I have some form that has an async Is the post for (by ajax). This action receives a view modal with some data annotation to verify it. Validity works fine, but when the vendor returns an error, I do not know how I can show it in my scene (because post was done by AJAX). My action is like this: [HTTP post] Public Action Result Service Customer (Customer View Model Input) {if (! ModelState. ISI Walid) {// How can I show these errors with jquery valid in my view? If it is possible to post some code to sample some ... I will like it! Thanks guys! Instead of sending JSON in the case of error, I will put the form inside partial and then the action of the administrator of the error is done. In case the matter is to be partially returned. The problem with JSON is that you can actually get errors from ModelStat using LINQ, but it can show them to see PATA. Like this: & lt; Div id = "myform" & gt; @HTMLPar...

ruby on rails 3 - Problem with the factory girl cucumber step definitions -

I am using coconut step certainty given by the factory girl and I can not find anything to work here . First of all, there are factories involved here: factory. Diffin: user tax | You {| N | "User # {n}"} u.first_name {| N | "First name # {n}"} u.last_name {| N | "Last name # {n}"} u.password 'please' u.password_confirmation 'please' finish the factory. Define: Do lecture | L {| N | | "Lecture # {n}"} l.abreeze {| N | "Lec # {n}"} l.association: admin, factory :: user end I am trying to execute this step: And the following lectures are present: | Name | Brief | | Information A - Algorithm and Datestructuron. Ainf | I am getting this error message and do not know exactly where it comes from: user (# 42819220) expected, user found ( # 43753000) and the following lecture is present in ActiveRecord :: AssociationTypeMismatch / lecture / ui.feature: 11: and here are my model definitions: ...

Is there an API for running Scala REPL programmatically? -

and it appears that it will not be equal def run line ( Line: string): string But has anyone already written this? There are many examples, but it can be hard to find here, the one I wrote last time : The hard part is that the interpreter to load the scala jar. I have manually loaded the jar so that it can work with web-start, but in your case, the simple settings.usejavacp.value = true can be sufficient. You can see the interpreter here:

c++ - Destructor query -

I have this program, where I am passing a vector in the context of the function myFunc and Inside this function, I am adding some element to the vector. I am not releasing the object with the new object, because now ignore the memory leak due to this. After MyFunc () execution is complete I know how many times the constructor and the district was called. Output is: before 5 7 I am creating 5 objects so that Ctor is 5 . But why is dtor 7 ? Where does the additional two counts? Am I missing something? #include #include using namespace std; Stable int CTOR = 0; Fixed int dtor = 0; Classes Myclass {Public: Myclass (Int N) {i = n; Ctor ++; // cout & lt; & Lt; "MyClass CTOR" & lt; & Lt; Ctor & lt; & Lt; Endl; } ~ Myclass () {dtor ++; // cout & lt; & Lt; "Mylcass DTOR" & lt; & Lt; Dtor & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Private: int i; }; Zero myFunc (vector & lt; MyClass & gt; & amp; m); Zero myFunc...

richfaces - How to know which lines were selected from a DataTable -

I have "one page with rich data" for each table row, a checkbox was added so that the user was given an operation First, choose more than one line. How to retrieve the rows that were selected? Just add a boolean, possibly selected , which is POJO to Represents a line for the rich: Datatable . & lt; Rich: column & gt; & Lt; Rich: dataTable & gt; In & lt; H: selectBooleanCheckbox & gt; Bind this bullion in For example, your beans, pozzo and scenes may like it: & lt; Rich: dataTable value = "# {myBean.customerList}" var = "customer" & gt; & Lt; Rich: Columns & gt; & Lt; H: Selection Bioline checkbox value = "# {customer.selected}" /> gt; & Lt; / Rich: Columns & gt; & Lt; Rich: Columns & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "# {}" /> & Lt; / Rich: Columns & gt; & Lt; Rich: Columns & gt; & Lt; H: output text value = "#...

http - Which URL describes the resource the best? -

/ प्रतियोगिताओं / 1 / क्लब / 5 / खिलाड़ियों / खिलाड़ियों / खोज? Club_id = 5 / players? Club_id = 5 मुझे संसाधन के लिए प्रथम श्रेणी के URL का कब उपयोग करना चाहिए, और मुझे नेस्टेड यूआरएल कब का उपयोग करना चाहिए? Update 1 उत्तर के लिए धन्यवाद अभी तक मैं कुछ और चीजों को स्पष्ट करने की कोशिश करता हूं। प्रतियोगिता और क्लब में कई-से-कई रिश्ते हैं क्लब कई प्रतियोगिताओं में भाग ले सकते हैं। मुझे लगता है कि क्लब को एक प्रथम श्रेणी इकाई बनाना होगा, इसलिए एक क्लब का उपयोग करने का तरीका होगा: / clubs / 33 लेकिन मैं भी एक विशिष्ट प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने वाले क्लबों का उपयोग करने में सक्षम होने की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए मुझे इसके लिए कुछ भी चाहिए: / प्रतियोगिताओं / 2 / क्लब लेकिन किसी व्यक्ति ने उल्लेख किया है कि कई यूआरआई के माध्यम से एक संसाधन सुलभ बनाने की सिफारिश नहीं है। / प्रतियोगिताओं / 2 / क्लब / 33 / खिलाड़ी / 5 लेकिन इसका उपयोग करें: / clubs / 33 / players / 5 क्लब में एक-एक प्लेयर के साथ कई रिश्ते। मैं पथ तत्वों का उपयोग करता हूं यदि संबंध ...

php - ZF controllers redirecting to index controller -

I had installed a Zende framework project. My index controller is working fine. But when I try to reach other controllers, I'm getting the contents of the indicator controller. For example, when I use the user / signup, I am getting the same user / signup in the URL, but It only takes action from the index controller. Check your plug-ins Search Set Controller (), set action methods in your project If you use methods, they do not change the URL but show content for

valgrind - Windows Callgrind results browser, alternative to KCacheGrind -

Is there a device, besides KKCgrind, able to see the results of Callgrind? Preferably for Windows platform? and optional fonts can end. Sufficient support for what you want, you can use mingw to compile for Windows native if the SUV does not work out of the box.

hudson - Jenkins and multiple git branches? -

I am working on Jenkins job and I need to create two branches in the same repository. How can I do this? Keeping in mind that Jenkins can not execute a job at two > The version of a repository (which will have to get the contents of two different branches), I suggest doing two separate jobs, one for each branch (together).

qt - QFileInfo::exists() for a shared-drive file path -

Question from a newcomer to Qt: When I supply the existence () method of a QFileInfo object with a shared-drive file path, "post-text" itemprop = "text" > , it always goes wrong, even with a backslash (i.e. \\ \ dir1) with me to avoid every backslash. And of course, the directory exists :) Can there be any other issue at work, such as lack of permission for the directory in question? Thank you in advance for any light on this issue ... It looks like this is correct Works with XP (with QT 4.7.3) either with double backslash or single slash ('// IP / Share / Filepath'). Try to get the file URL from QFileDialog :: getOpenFileName . As it uses an original dialogue, if necessary it should ask for its login / password. If QFileInfo can detect that the file exists, then you should connect to the program to access the original API () network to connect.

python tkinter: displays only a portion of an image -

It only shows the bottom right corner of my image Is I doing the wrong thing? PIL import image, from DTIT __int (___ (self, titel, master = none) from the imagetech class application (frame) to Tkinter import * from : frame .__ init __ (self, master) Self.grid () self.create_widgets () self.master.title (titl) def create_widgets (auto): image_file = 'sample.jpg' image1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage ( (image_file)) w = image1. Width () h = image1.height () self.canvas = canvas (self, width = w + 5, height = H + 5) self.canvas.grid (line = 0, column = 0) self.canvas.create_image ( 0,0, image = image1) self.canvas.image = image1 app = application ('image') app Menloop () You nw Setting is required because it has the value of CENTER by default, as the names are suggested by the name Image on the given coordinate: self.canvas.create_image (0,0, image = image1, anchor = nw) Or you can change if you keep the image ID later: self .idIm age = self.canva...

objective c - How to disable 10.7 window restoration feature? -

I have a large app that crashes continuously at 10.7. It seems that the new window restoration is related to the feature. Can this behavior be disabled through Info.plist or Priority? How can the ObjC code be? When you start your application, you can disable it by modifying it by default. writes the default application identifier NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows-bool false where applicationidentifier is the identifier of your application. For example, for textEdit, com.Apple.TextEdit . Of course, to do this, the real thing is correcting your app to support this feature properly.

vbscript - Rename a text file using batch or VBS -

I need to rename a text file using a batch file or a vbscript. The format of the Txt file is received as A353XXXXXXXX.txt and I need to change its name to just A353.txt. X is never the same, but the A353 is always the same. All the scripts I've tried are not executing properly. I need to rename the file in the first four characters of the filename. It sounds easy, but it fits me for some reason. Rename using just: ren A353 *. Txt A353 Txt

ASHX handler with ASP.NET MVC 3 and Razor -

I would like to use with ASP.NET MVC3. The problem is that I need to use the Ashx handler to upload files (part of the Handler Library) How can I integrate the handler with ASP.NET MVC3 (I am using a Ranger View Engine) ? My guess is that this is easy because this (old?) Is part of the third party library and It's easy to follow those instructions which tells you to set something in web.config . You can enter *. By ignoring the routes for the Ashx files *. Ashx should be able to ignore requests. You should be able to use something like this, but I have not tried to do it myself: route Ignoreroute ("{resource} .shx / {* pathInfo}");

php - Google Contacts Api -> Which contacts were deleted? -

I'm parsing contact with Gmail, and I'm building a sync functionality with my product. But on my script I'm finding it difficult to decide which contacts are 'deleted' from Gmail Example: If I have John Doe , then my application In, with Gmail ... (and they have been synced with Gmail ID). Later, if the user deletes the contact John Do , and I run my sync, How do I determine if the contact was deleted? I currently have information on every contact sent through this $ xml = simplexml_load_string ($ entry-> getXML ()); $ Obj = new stdClass; // edit link $ obj- & gt; GmailUrl = rawurlencode ($ entry-> id); $ Obj- & gt; Delete = (string) $ xml- & gt; Groupmempressify ['deleted']; // First name $ obj- & gt; First name = (string) $ xml- & gt; Name- & gt; given names; Previously in my code I also google query with these extra parameters $ query-> SetParam ('update-min', $ updatedMin); $ ...

Compare one row to all other rows in a file using R -

I have a similar file: P1a, b, cp2b , C, D, FPC3C, D, E, F and I need to compare each line with all other rows to get the count of dividing the following lines : P1 P2 2 P1 P3 1 P2 P3 3 Thanks, S Read example data. txt & lt; - "P1A, B, CP2B, C, D, FPC3C, D, E, F." TC & LT; - Text connection (TSTT) data & lt; Close the read.table (TC, = TRUE) (TC) Convert long format and use the self with the integrated function. dat_split & lt; - strsplit (dat $ V2, ",") dat_long & lt; - (rbind, lapply (seq_along (dat_split), function (x) data .frame (id = x, x = dat_split [[x]], stringsfactor = FALSE) result & lt; - sqldf ("SELECT t1 .id as id1, as id2, count (t1.x) AS N dTialong AS T1 inner join hold_language ATT2 WHERE (T2ID & gt; T.Id) and (T1X = T 2.X) Group by T.ID, T.ID ") Result > Results ID1 ID2N1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 3

swing - Call Method from load class from classForName java -

Firstly I am using IBM Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v 1.2 . Two clayes, My main goal is to dynamically add panel class to a JetBad panel and execute the method from the loaded class. Let's start: > The current menu will catch the bunts that will set fire to connect the classes. The main category. extended to public class WMenu javax.swing.JFrame {JTabbedPane1 = new javax. Swing.JTabbedPane (); JBTnexec = new javax.swing.JButton (); Jebtonundo = new javax.swing.JButton (); ... public static zero major (java.lang.String [] args) {...} / * When user press BTN should execute this method. * / Public Zero exec (java.awt.event.MouseEvent e) {JpnL content = new zpn (); / * The name of my class is unknown on the name of this class, for this case, manually added by variable, * / class qc = Class.forName ("Wcontrol"); Content = (JPN) Instance (); JTabbedPane1.addTab ("Control", Content); } / * When the Undo Press BTN * / Undo Public Zune (ja...

mysql - PHP SQL statement escaping -

I wanted to show each user where they said using this statement: $ Result = Mysql_query ("Select CallerNumber", `CalleeNumber`,` call 'from `servicecast`, where' customer_id` = $ current_using ['customer id']"); $ current_user ['customerID'] is causing the error of part I tried to keep it with a quotation mark / migration, but this does not work. How can this be done? It's been awhile since I did PHP, but I think what you want is this: / P> mysql_query ("select callerNumber", "calleeumber", `call service ',` call_ar`,' customer_id '=' ". Mysql_real_escape_string ($ current_user ['customer id'] ). "'"); (I'm just looking at mysql_real_escape_string , it is apologetic if it is not commonly used.) In addition, Avoid is done with a backslash (\), not a forward slash (/)

android - setting package/path to generated -

मैनिफ़ेस्ट में मेरे पास है: ... package = " " इसके बाद के साथ आवेदन / गतिविधि का नाम: ... गतिविधि एंड्रॉइड: name ="। मल्टीमीडिया " ईक्लिप्स, बदले में, आर बनाता है पैकेज / पथ में .java: ... यह पैकेज / पथ नाम पहले पैकेज के नामों / पुनर्रचना की विरासत हो सकता है - पता नहीं । मुझे लगता है (एक गलती है, या नहीं) कि पीढ़ी मेनिफेस्ट में घोषित पैकेज नाम का पालन करेगा। यह पता लगाने के लिए एक इलाज होगा कि कैसे सामान्य ने पथ / पैकेज नाम का उपयोग किया जो इसका उपयोग करता है। और अधिक बात करने के लिए, मैनिफ़ेस्ट पैकेज नाम का नियम क्या है (विशिष्टता के मानक सावधानी के अलावा, और किसी स्वामित्व वाले डोमेन से संबंधित)। अन्यथा, मैं इसके साथ रह सकता हूं (एक आसान समाधान जहां एक मनमाने इंपोर्ट स्टेटमेंट प्रतीत होता है, वह चलती है जहां तक ​​रनटाइम हो रहा है)। चीयर्स, रिचर्ड आम तौर पर, जब आप अपने एंड्रॉइड मैनिफ़ेस्ट.एक्सएमएम फाइल में पैकेज नाम बदलते हैं, तो आपको एक प्रश्न के साथ संकेत मिलता है अगर आप नए पैकेज को प्रतिब...